
Top Learning Websites for Children in 2023


GoNoodle is an online resource designed to encourage physical activity among children. The website offers a wide selection of videos, games, and activities to get children moving inside or outside the classroom. The videos have a duration of anywhere between five to ten minutes. This is just about the right duration most students need before a lesson. The most outstanding aspect of the software is the variety of activities that children can participate in.

Young Ocean Explorers

Young Ocean Explorers is an online resource that focuses on environmental education and marine conservation. The website provides a wide variety of high-quality videos that teach children about marine life's beauty and diversity. The website also tackles serious environmental issues like marine life endangerment, water pollution, overfishing, and other marine-related issues head-on. There's also plenty of documentation on environmentalists doing what they can to save the environment.


DeltaMath is an online math program designed to help teachers create math problems for exams and practice tests. The website features over 1, 200 different topics. Each topic consists of hundreds of randomly generated problems that are classified further into varying levels of difficulty. Most of the questions generated are multiple-choice or short answer, and the site automatically grades responses. Some questions allow students to move numbers and variables around to solve equations (方程式).


Spatulatta is a cooking website designed to introduce children to the culinary arts. The website aims to teach children basic cooking skills using easy-to-follow recipes with simple ingredients. You can find recipes for every meal of the day. And of course, there's a section on children's all-time favorite desserts and drinks.

(1) What is the striking feature of Go Noodle? A. The variety of physical activities. B. The wide selection of short videos. C. The unique teaching methods of teachers. D. The creative games on different subjects.
(2) Which website is helpful to teachers as well as students? A. DeltaMath. B. Spatulatta. C. GoNoodle. D. Young Ocean Explorers.
(3) Who is eager to learn from Spatulatta? A. A little sports fan. B. A young food lover. C. A little book worm. D. A crazy ocean explorer.
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Anti-corruption could herald soccer renaissance

(文章来源:Global Times

A high-profile anti-corruption documentary that exposed the underbelly of corruption in Chinese soccer came to an end on Tuesday, with the spotlight focused on key Chinese Football Association (CFA) figures Du Zhaocai and Chen Xuyuan as well as former national team head coach Li Tie. The CFA also called for its staff to watch and reflect on the anti-corruption documentary, a move that signifies Chinese soccer's governing body aims to weed out unethical practices within its organization. 

This move is not just about removing corruption but about rebuilding trust and integrity, crucial elements for the long-term success of Chinese soccer. The hope is that the former officials' self-reflections will be a catalyst for change, fostering an environment where ethical conduct is prioritized over personal gain.

The documentary's focus on the misdeeds of former officials like Chen and Du brings to light a systemic issue that had hindered the growth of Chinese soccer. These individuals, entrusted with driving reforms, instead opted for shortcuts and personal gains that were, as Li admitted in the documentary, mostly illegal. The corrosive effect of corruption has not only tainted the sport, but also widened the gap between on-field achievements and the expectations of Chinese fans. 

While the fight against corruption is imperative for the future of Chinese soccer, it is not the sole solution in order to improve the national teams. Eradicating corruption is just one step toward a revival of a respected soccer culture. Corruption within soccer was exacerbated by the influence of wealthy clubs, creating a toxic atmosphere that has hindered the development of the sport, the documentary noted. The pursuit of quick success and financial gains has perpetuated a culture where the ends justify the means. The crackdown on corruption is, therefore, a necessary step to cleanse the sport, ensuring that success is achieved through fair competition and merit rather than backdoor dealings.

As fans anticipate the Asian Cup, which is set to kick off this week, the performance of the Chinese national team has become a beacon of hope. Despite the lackluster track record of the national team in recent years, fans are willing to forgive on-field shortcomings, making the team less pressured than usual. 

The upcoming Asian Cup presents an opportunity for Team China to redefine its narrative and inspire a new generation of soccer enthusiasts. The draw has placed them alongside Qatar, Tajikistan, and Lebanon in Group A. With the top two teams from each group and the four best third-placed teams advancing to the knockout stage, China has a realistic chance of progressing. In terms of FIFA rankings, China faces a formidable opponent in Qatar, ranked 58th globally, while Tajikistan and Lebanon are ranked 106th and 107th, respectively. Although winning the Asian Cup may seem like a distant dream, Team China's competitive edge within the group is evident. The pressure is not just on the players but also on the coaching staff, led by the determined head coach Aleksandar Jankovic.

Jankovic's approach to the game is pragmatic, focusing on one match at a time. He has emphasized the importance of preparing for each game as if it were a final. This mind-set reflects a commitment to excellence and a determination to succeed on the field - an attitude that is crucial in reshaping the perception of Chinese soccer.

The Asian Cup serves as a platform for redemption, not only for the national team but for Chinese soccer as a whole. A successful campaign, marked by spirited performances and, ideally, progression to the latter stages of the tournament, could inject new life into the sport. It has the potential to captivate the nation, drawing in more young talents and enthusiasts, who, inspired by the team's success, may contribute to the growth of soccer at the grassroots level.

The battle against corruption in Chinese soccer is a pivotal step toward rebuilding trust and integrity. As Team China starts their Asian Cup campaign by taking on Tajikistan on Saturday, fans are hopeful that a mini-revival on the pitch, coupled with a clean and transparent soccer ecosystem, will herald a new era for Chinese soccer.

(1) What is the main focus of the anti-corruption documentary in Chinese soccer? A. The personal achievements of key CFA figures. B. The misdeeds of former officials and their illegal practices. C. The financial gains of wealthy clubs. D. The development of Chinese soccer at the grassroots level.
(2) Why does the article emphasize that the fight against corruption is not the sole solution to improve Chinese soccer? A. Corruption within soccer is a minor issue and does not impact its development. B. Eradicating corruption is the only step needed for a revival of a respected soccer culture. C. Wealthy clubs have no influence on the development of the sport. D. Success in soccer should be achieved through fair competition and merit.
(3) What opportunity does the upcoming Asian Cup present for Team China, and how does the coach approach the game? A. The opportunity to showcase financial gains and success off the field; the coach focuses on long-term strategies. B. The opportunity to redefine its narrative and inspire a new generation; the coach emphasizes preparing for each game as if it were a final. C. The opportunity to highlight the influence of wealthy clubs; the coach adopts a defensive approach. D. The opportunity to emphasize corruption within soccer; the coach prioritizes individual achievements.
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Have you ever been told to, "go your own way" when faced with a dilemma? We all roll our eyes and say we will, but if only we meant it…

No matter how often it's repeated, let's all face it — we naturally tend to mirror the behaviour of those in our surroundings. While it's not a good nor a bad habit, I believe we should reflect on how much we let others impact us. Why? Because we're independent people and we can choose for ourselves.

Jim Rohn, a motivational speaker, said, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." This means our close circle of peers can be seen as parts of ourselves. That's why I often find it difficult, even now, to go against my family's or friends' opinions, because they're the people I care for most and don't want to disappoint.

When I was around nine years old, I went to a summer camp where I met lots of other kids. At dinnertime, we'd all gather around in the cafeteria. At some point, my group of friends and I decided to throw a competition of "who could drink the most glasses of water." Little me, very competitive and careless, drank 14 glasses of water in the span of 20 minutes. Obviously, I was encouraged by my friends, who were cheering me on and laughing. As the night went on, my body suffered from loss of minerals, which caused me to collapse and be rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, I didn't experience any long-term effects from that night, but you can imagine how far it can quickly go.

It's the idea of belonging to a group that's tricky, because we can become vulnerable (脆弱的) to the people we open ourselves up to. One universal truth I'm convinced of is real friends will always respect your choices. It doesn't matter what's at risk — if you've thought through the pros/cons and don't want to do something, you shouldn't do it. Your true friends shouldn't force you to do anything. You're the master of your own choices.

I think, most of the time, our friends are the people we think most alike. However, I don't let the "awkward" moment of saying "no" overshadow my power over myself, because I know I'm first and foremost loyal to my values and beliefs. In the end, I realize it's not my peers who raise my hand to drink water or smoke weed. I'm the one who faces the consequences of my actions, not my friends. And that's what I try to remember in my everyday life.

(1) Why do we often let our friends impact us? A. Friends' behaviors can mirror what kind of person we are. B. We are independent to choose friends who can help make right decisions. C. It will let our friends down to go on our way and not follow their opinions. D. Our friends who we care for most can provide us with useful suggestions. 
(2) What did I eventually learn from my experience in a summer camp? A. We need to open ourselves up to our best friends. B. We should never be forced to do anything we dislike. C. True friends can help us analyze the pros and cons of our decisions. D. It's not my friends but I that have to answer for my own behaviour.
(3) What is the best title of the passage? A. The real meaning of friends B. The pursuit of self-identity  C. My story about individual growth D. My fight against blind obedience
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The world becomes a better place when we not only recognize that everyone has bad days, but when we also care enough to act accordingly. No matter what kind of bad experience we experience, we should treat it actively. Fourth grade teacher Rachel Harder recognized this, and she found an amazing way to help out both her students and their families.

A few years ago, the Kansas teacher attended a trauma (心理创伤) conference. She learned that some police stations partner with schools so they can let teachers know when one of their students has a police encounter, something that could cause them to need extra care or attention. A year after the conference, Rachel had a student with autism (自闭症) who frequently had tough days. To support the student, Rachel told his mom to simply text her "handle with care" to let her know when it was going to be one of those days.

The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all her students home with a note for their parents. It explained what the "Handle with Care" system was and how they could take advantage of it. In no time, parents began to show their appreciation for Rachel's incredible act of kindness. But Rachel's sympathy didn't end with her class. Word spread of the amazing system, and teachers across the country began giving it a shot in their own classrooms. Printouts can be found on the Smart School House website, and the feedback has been extremely positive!

Even though teachers can sometimes tell when a student is having a tough day just by the way they're acting, Rachel said these simple texts allow educators to make minor adjustments in advance that, in turn, make the whole day better for everyone. "It's important for me to give kids a few minutes of extra time or space," she said, "and it's easy to give."

(1) What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph I refer to? A. The tough time in life. B. The beauty of nature. C. A positive attitude to hardship. D. An extreme working style.
(2) How did Rachel help the student with autism? A. By getting assistance from some police stations. B. By knowing his state at home from his mother. C. By discussing his trauma in a conference. D. By supporting him to do what he wants.
(3) Why did Rachel send notes to the parents of all her students? A. To prove the behavior is efficient. B. To explain the kindness to the parents. C. To gain the parents' sympathy for herself. D. To show her concern about every student.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Rachel? A. Responsible and considerate, B. Energetic and grateful. C. Curious and courageous. D. Humorous and warm- hearted.
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