
Christmas Trees with Guinness World Records

The Largest Floating Christmas Tree

The largest floating Christmas tree is in the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, Brazil. The tree was awarded a certificate as the world's largest floating Christmas tree in 2007 by the world Guinness book of records. The tree has been an important world attraction feature since 1996 when it was first built. The tree stands at 53 m with a weight of 350 tons. The tree is lit every year with about 2.5 million bulbs(灯 泡) and fireworks making it the third biggest tourist event in Brazil. The metallic tree rests on 11 floats that form a base to support the tree.

The Oldest Christmas Tree

The oldest Christmas tree is in Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. The tree is a 12 inch plant housed in a pot. The tree was purchased from Woolworths in 1886 and is in the possession of Janet Parker, a great grandniece of the first owner. The tree has held the world Guinness records for the oldest Christmas tree in the world. Parker decorates the tree with angels and the Virgin Mary.

Christmas Tree with Most Lights

The Christmas tree at Cologne Cathedral in Germany was awarded by the Guinness world book of records as the Christmas tree with the most lights in 2006. The tree had 150,000 light bulbs which were lit simultaneously(同 时地) in five minutes. The lighting of the tree was aimed at earning money for a charity organization for children who have no parents.

Tallest Christmas Tree

The world's tallest Christmas tree was built in the Northgate shopping center of Seattle, Washington in 1950. The tree received the world Guinness award for the tallest cut Christmas tree that year. It has a height of 221 feet. The tree has more than 3,600 lights.

(1) When was the oldest Christmas tree bought? A. In 1996. B. In 1886. C. In 2006. D. In 1950.
(2) Where was the Christmas tree with the most lights placed in 2006? A. In a pot. B. At Cologne Cathedral. C. In the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon. D. In the Northgate shopping center of Seattle.
(3) Where is the tallest Christmas tree? A. In Brazil. B. In the UK.  C. In Germany. D. In the USA.
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In recent news, it has been reported that Hollywood executives have decided to cancel an $800 million investment in a new studio. This decision comes after the emergence of a groundbreaking technology called Sora, which has sent shockwaves throughout the film industry. 

Sora, developed by OpenAI, has quickly become a focal point of discussion within Hollywood. Unlike previous AI video generators, Sora has the ability to generate one-minute-long videos based on textual prompts (提示) while maintaining visual quality and consistency. It can switch between shots, adjust compositions and accurately combine video content with relevant background themes, resulting in incredibly realistic and virtual videos. 

The introduction of Sora is just the beginning of a shocking shift in the film industry. Its ability to generate high-quality videos based on textual prompts raises questions about the future of traditional movie-making processes. The potential to replace certain job roles and disturb the livelihoods of some individuals is just a small part of the overall impact. 

Looking ahead, the innovation of productivity tools and the potential for smaller teams to create Hollywood-level movies at a lower cost may completely transform the way films are produced. This shift could bring about new production methods, viewing experiences, and even business models within the film and entertainment industry. 

This breakthrough technology has raised concerns within the film industry, as it has the potential to disturb the traditional movie production process and cause certain job roles' losses. However, this technology also presents opportunities for innovation and cost-effective production methods. The film industry is on the edge of a transformative era, and only time will tell how Sora and similar technologies will shape its future. It likely won't be long before audiences get to see film productions made with Sora. It can be stated with certainty that the film industry has entered a new era of rapid development in AI technology. 

(1) What is paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The impact of Sora. B. The concern of Sora. C. The potential of Sora. D. The advantage of Sora.
(2) What will be challenged by Sora in the film industry? A. Textual creation. B. Individual investment. C. Relevant job chances. D. Video content development.
(3) In what aspects does Sora influence the film industry? A. Culture and business models. B. Film production cost and methods. C. Function and viewing experiences. D. Innovation and background themes.
(4) What is the author's attitude towards Sora? A. Objective. B. Dismissive. C. Unclear. D. Doubtful.
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When patients are discharged(出院)from the hospital, effective summaries from doctors' notes are essential to capture their health 'status in the medical record. Whereas, most are filled with technical languages that are hard to understand and increase patients' anxiety. 

To address the problem, researchers from New York University(NYU)Langone Health have been testing the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence(AI). It tries to develop likely options for the next word in any sentence' based on' how most people use words in context on the Internet. 

NYU Langone Health received access to the latest tool from a famous tech company to explore generative AI. One of the studies by the' researchers published in JAMA Network Open, looked at how well the tool could convert(转换)the text in 50 patient discharge notes into patient-friendly language. Specifically, generative AI made the discharge notes drop from 11th-grade reading level on average to a 6th-grade level. 

Two physicians were asked to review the AI discharge summary based on a 6th-grade level. The reviewing physicians awarded 54 percent of the AI-generated discharge notes the best-possible accuracy rating. They also found that 56 percent of notes created by AI were entirely complete. The result signified that even at the current performance level, providers of discharge notes would not have to make a single change in more than half of the AI summaries reviewed. 

"That more than half of the AI reports generated are accurate and complete is an amazing start," said Jonah Zaretsky, associate chief of medicine at NYU Langone Hospital—Brooklyn. "Even at the current level of performance, which we expect to improve shortly, the achievement of the AI tool suggests that it can be taught to recognize subtleties(微妙之处)."

Within the following years, the team expects to launch a pilot program to provide lay language discharge summaries that have been generated by AI and reviewed by physicians to patients on a larger scale. 

(1) What is generative AI used for by the researchers?  A. Submitting discharge summaries. B. Accessing patients' health status. C. Making discharge notes clear to patients. D. Offering technical languages to doctors.
(2) What is generative AI's function based on?  A. Probable predicting. B. Actual thinking. C. Free imagining. D. Strict instructing.
(3) Why were the two physicians asked to review the AI discharge summaries?  A. To correct their mistakes. B. To measure their accuracy. C. To compete with the AI tool. D. To make up the missing parts.
(4) How did Jonah Zaretsky find the performance of AI in dealing with discharge summaries?  A. Misleading. B. Dismissive. C. Challenging. D. Promising.
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55-year-old Michael Smith spotted an injured baby bird lying on the roadside as he cycled home one evening in May. He picked up the tiny bird, now named Patch, and took him home, where he made him a little nest and fed him boiled eggs. Now he has recovered and is about 16 weeks old. Patch has spread his wings but comes back to his rescuer when Michael calls.

Bird and man have such a close relationship that Patch gives his friend little beaky kisses and hitches lifts(搭便车)on his bike rides and walks. Michael loves Patch so much that he even slept in the open air one night when his feathered friend didn't come out of a tree.

Michael, an ex-builder from Malvern in Worcestershire, said,"I love nature and animals, so I couldn't leave him injured in the wild. He's like my best friend now, and I spend as much time with him as possible. He is the talk of the town, and if I am not with him, everyone is asking after him."

Michael thought Patch, who he thinks is a boy, had been attacked by another animal when he found him with a broken wing. After living in an old pigeon box Michael got from a friend, and being fed boiled eggs, bread and milk, Patch took four weeks to recover the use of his wing. Michael still feeds Patch worms, and fruit like cherries and grapes, but the now-recovered bird catches moths for himself.

Patch lives in a nest that Michael built in the garden, but comes in for playmates and occasional sleepovers (在外过夜)in the house Michael shares with his 78-year-old mother Mary.

Michael said,"People call me the bird whisper, or birdman of Malvern. It came quite naturally to me. And I remember all these tales I've heard about people rescuing birds and forming a bond. I was quite well known around here but I am even more so now: it's a lovely thing to be known for it. Having him is such a lovely thing to happen."

(1) How did Michael Smith treat Patch after finding him lying on the road? A. He brought him home and fed him. B. He handed him to a relevant department. C. He did an operation on his wings by himself. D. He had its wings treated in a pet hospital.
(2) Why did Michael sleep in the open air one night? A. Patch was left injured in the nest.    B. He wanted to find Patch and take hold of him. C. Patch sat in a tree and didn't visit him. D. He found Patch had spread his wings and flown away.
(3) What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph? A. How Patch was attacked by another animal.    B. How Michael helped Patch get well again. C. How Patch managed to catch moths for himself. D. How Michael found a pigeon box for Patch to live in.
(4) What can we learn about Michael from the text? A. He lives with his mother who is old.          B. He hates it when Patch gives him a kiss. C. He asked somebody to make a nest for Patch. D. He is a construction worker and will retire soon.
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