
"Moon uncle who lives far away, cooks delicious sweet bread……"

Does this lullaby(摇篮曲)bring back the sweet memories of your childhood? Many more lullabies are sung to children in diverse languages and dialects in India. However, all this rich and intangible heritage is vanishing because of the neglect of native culture and the influence of popular culture.

The Lori Project is the first of its kind to collect and document lullabies across India. It's a crowd-sourced project started by four friends: Shubham, Adya, Nishita and Anurag in May 2020. The idea came to Shubham when he failed to find authentic and culturally rooted Iullabies for his niece.

The team aims to enable the children of future generations to connect with their culture through lullabies. Lullabies have vivid descriptions of man's connection with nature. They are also windows to study the fascinating aspects of society over generations.

Multiple kinds of researches have been carried out to document the cultural aspects of India. But their findings remain restricted to libraries.

The major activities of the project are outreach and collection of lullabies from varied regions. The team ask for recordings of lullabies sung by everyday people in far off cities and villages over Whatsapp or E-mail. Then they upload these recordings on their social media and Youtube channels over which the audience can cherish the delightful melodies of their childhood.

Crowd sourcing lullabies by the use of social media can enable the team to revolutionize the entire system of culture. By engaging the plural communities of India, the project looks forward to promoting diversity in Indian culture with the creative potential of the lullaby.

(1) What do we know about lullabies in India from the text? A. They have been well-preserved. B. They mirror the changes of society. C. They are connections between man and nature. D. They are deeply rooted in the popular culture of India.
(2) What is Paragraph 6 mainly about? A. The mode of operation. B. The groups engaged. C. The process of storage. D. The social platforms adopted.
(3) What makes the Lori Project different from others? A. The purpose of the project. B. The founders of the project. C. The way of spreading the fruit. D. The sources of its material.
(4) What's the main purpose of the text? A. To share an uncle's love. B. To introduce a culture saving project. C. To report the magic power of social media. D. To advocate the protection of an intangible heritage.
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Is life a story or a game? Answers may vary from one to another. Over the course of life, we find things to love and commit to —a job, a partner or a community. At times, we struggle to learn from our misfortunes to grow in wisdom, kindness and grace.

Will Storr, a writer whose work I admire, says this story version of life is a misunderstanding. In his book The Status Game, he argues that human beings are deeply driven by status. Rather than about being liked or accepted, he writes, it's about being better than others. "When people are obedient to us, offer respect, admiration or praise, that's status. It feels good."

Life is a series of games, he adds. There's the high school game of competing to be the popular kid. The lawyer game to make partner. The finance game to make the most money. The academic game for fame. The sports game to show that our team is the best. Even when we are trying to do good, Storr claims, we're playing the "virtue game" to show we are morally superior to others.

I think Storr is in danger of becoming one of those guys who ignore the noble desires of the human heart and the caring element in every friendship and family. The status-mad world that Storr describes is so loveless. In fact, gaming as a way of life is immature. Maturity means rising above the shallow desire —for status —that doesn't really nourish us. It's about cultivating the higher desires: the love of truth and learning; the inner pleasure the craftsman gets in his work, which is not about popularity, and the desire for a good and meaningful life that inspires people to practise daily acts of generosity.

How do people gradually learn to cultivate these higher motivations? To answer that, I'd have to tell you a story.

(1) What lies in the core of Will Storr's opinion about life? A. The pride in one's virtue. B. The pursuit of superiority. C. The desire for acceptance. D. The motivation by wealth.
(2) What can be viewed as higher motivations in the text? A. Love and inspiration. B. Maturity and desire. C. Commitment and kindness. D. Friendship and popularity.
(3) What's the main purpose of the passage? A. To correct an attitude. B. To compare two values. C. To explain two arguments. D. To criticize a viewpoint.
(4) What story do you think the author will tell next? A. A king's-comeback story. B. A rags-to-riches story. C. A Yuan Longping-style story. D. An overnight-success story.
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Yue-Sai Kan was born in 1946 in Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, and grew up in Hong Kong. In 1968, while majoring in piano at the Hawaii campus of Brigham Young University, Kan entered a beauty contest sponsored by the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce. She won second place, and as a result got to travel around the world. The life-changing experience marked the beginning cf her career in fashion, beauty, communication and cultural exchange.

In 1972, she moved to New York and created the weekly television series Looking East, the first of its kind to introduce Asian cultures and customs to a growing US audience. In 1986, Kan returned to China, producing and hosting the television series One World, which was the first show ever hosted by a Chinese-American on the television network, and was a national hit. Other important projects of hers include the ABC documentary China:Walls and Bridges,which initially explored different forms of spirituality in the country over the ages.

"I worked in China for almost 40 years, and I was there to witness and contribute to the country's breakneck pace of change. This rare experience has given me a unique vision. As I say all the time, if I stay away from China for six months, I already miss so much of what is happening there!The Chinese saying'a year—small change, three years—big change' has held true all this time, "Kan says.

Kan has never stopped doing what she loves. She is currently planning to do a 10-part television series exploring and highlighting the most interesting aspects of 10 Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Chengdu. "I firmly believe that a TV series featuring these major Chinese cities is not only timely, but also necessary to educate, enlighten and entertain by showcasing the Chinese people as they live today. This will help dispel some of the misunderstandings about China in the world, "Kan says.

Throughout her life, Kan has also been deeply involved in charity. On Jan 26, she is planning to host a major charity event in San Francisco, in which she will honor 12 of the most outstanding Chinese-American women.

(1) What contributes most to starting Kan's career? A. Her university major. B. Her interest in travel. C. Her competition experience. D. Her parents' encouragement.
(2) Which feature do the contents of Kan's TV projects have in common? A. They are entertaining. B. They are critical. C. They are adventurous. D. They are pioneering.
(3) What does Kan focus on about China in Para. 3? A. Its steady change. B. Its huge challenges. C. Its great achievements. D. Its fast development.
(4) Which of the following best describe Kan? A. Gentle and considerate. B. Optimistic and strict. C. Generous and humorous. D. Ambitious and kindhearted.
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Floor sweeping robot, also known as automatic cleaner, intelligent dust collector, robot vacuum cleaner, is a kind of intelligent household appliances, which can automatically clean the floor in the room with a certain amount of artificial intelligence. Brush sweeping and vacuum are generally used to absorb the ground sundries into their own garbage storage box, so as to complete the function of ground cleaning. Generally speaking, robots that complete cleaning, dust collection and floor cleaning are also uniformly classified as floor sweeping robots.

Recently, my family has a new member. It has a foolish name called "JoJo". It is a "sweeping robot", with a round, flat body, wearing a silly coat and shining like a scammony. To be honest ,I turned my back on it. It has several functions! It has a powder in its stomach. When it first sweep a lot of dust together, it will eat them all in its body. As long as it is touched gently, it will climb around on the ground and start working hard.

It has a pair of sensitive infrared "eyes". When encountering obstacles in front, it will drop its head as fast as driving. When it feels that there is garbage around it, it will run towards the garbage and sweep it clean. Every night, when I finish my homework, there is no paper dust on the whole floor. It can also make an appointment and work regularly. After completing the task, it can find its own charger to charge, which is very powerful. Since it came to our home, it has become a good helper for our cleaning. My mother said,"this is the power of science and technology!"

Although its look is completely stupid but it have helped me a lot in cleaning. So I hope scientists can invent many capable robots like JoJo in the future.

(1) Where does the sweeping robots put the garbage? A. The trash-bin in the house. B. Their own trash box. C. Place them downstairs. D. Hide it in JoJo's office.
(2) Which category does not pertain to the floor sweeping robots?  A. Dust collection. B. Complete cleaning. C. Wipe things down D. Floor cleaning
(3) When will JoJo swallow the trash in her stomach? A. There's so much trash all over the place B. Its master request C. It's programmed to go wrong. D. There are plenty of dust.
(4) What is the writer's attitude toward JOJO? A. Ambiguous B. Positive. C. Negative. D. Objective
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