
Floor sweeping robot, also known as automatic cleaner, intelligent dust collector, robot vacuum cleaner, is a kind of intelligent household appliances, which can automatically clean the floor in the room with a certain amount of artificial intelligence. Brush sweeping and vacuum are generally used to absorb the ground sundries into their own garbage storage box, so as to complete the function of ground cleaning. Generally speaking, robots that complete cleaning, dust collection and floor cleaning are also uniformly classified as floor sweeping robots.

Recently, my family has a new member. It has a foolish name called "JoJo". It is a "sweeping robot", with a round, flat body, wearing a silly coat and shining like a scammony. To be honest ,I turned my back on it. It has several functions! It has a powder in its stomach. When it first sweep a lot of dust together, it will eat them all in its body. As long as it is touched gently, it will climb around on the ground and start working hard.

It has a pair of sensitive infrared "eyes". When encountering obstacles in front, it will drop its head as fast as driving. When it feels that there is garbage around it, it will run towards the garbage and sweep it clean. Every night, when I finish my homework, there is no paper dust on the whole floor. It can also make an appointment and work regularly. After completing the task, it can find its own charger to charge, which is very powerful. Since it came to our home, it has become a good helper for our cleaning. My mother said,"this is the power of science and technology!"

Although its look is completely stupid but it have helped me a lot in cleaning. So I hope scientists can invent many capable robots like JoJo in the future.

(1) Where does the sweeping robots put the garbage? A. The trash-bin in the house. B. Their own trash box. C. Place them downstairs. D. Hide it in JoJo's office.
(2) Which category does not pertain to the floor sweeping robots?  A. Dust collection. B. Complete cleaning. C. Wipe things down D. Floor cleaning
(3) When will JoJo swallow the trash in her stomach? A. There's so much trash all over the place B. Its master request C. It's programmed to go wrong. D. There are plenty of dust.
(4) What is the writer's attitude toward JOJO? A. Ambiguous B. Positive. C. Negative. D. Objective
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Scientists at the University of Washington (UW) have come up with an unusual way to help farmers get information about the plants in their fields. 

Farmers already use drones (无人机) to collect information about their crops. But they can only fly for 10 to 20 minutes, and can only travel for a few miles. Last year, the team at UW showed off "RoboFly", a tiny robot that weighed as much as a toothpick and could fly. But it can't fly far at all and it needs a laser (激光) for power. So the scientists began to think about things that already knew how to fly, which led them to the bumblebees (大黄蜂) that fly all day. Compared to many flying insects, bumblebees are so large and strong as to fly carrying almost as much as their own weight.

The UW scientists created a special device with sensors, a small battery, and a way of storing tiny amounts of information. This "backpack" weighs about as much as seven grains of dry rice.

To track the bee, the scientists send radio signals from several spots along the edges of the field where the bee is. The tiny computer on the bee's back uses the strength of the signals to figure out where it is. The backpack records information about the temperature and light. When the bee return s home at the end of the day, a device can wirelessly download the information the bee has collected. Another device can wirelessly recharge the backpack's battery.

In the UW experiment, the scientists cooled the bumblebees down so that they stopped moving, and then glued the backpacks onto the bees. But it would be difficult for farmers to do the same thing for hundreds of bumblebees. Besides, bumblebees don't live long — about a month. Farmers would need to be careful as the bees got older, otherwise the trackers could die while they are out in the field, leaving the electronic litter behind.

(1) What is the disadvantage of drones and RoboFly? A. They cost much. B. They need charging. C. They can't travel long. D. They aren't strong.
(2) What does the backpack on the bee do? A. Send radio signals. B. Guide the bee home. C. Collect crops' situations. D. Exchange the battery.
(3) What challenge do the farmers face when using the "backpacks"? A. Putting them on the bees more effectively. B. Making sure the bees live much longer. C. Recycling the electronic litter on time. D. Making them cheaper and cheaper.
(4) Which is the best title for the text? A. Bees Work Better Than Drones and RoboFly B. Scientists Invent Bee Robots to Help Farmers C. Bees Tell Farmers How Crops Get Along D. Scientists Make Sensors Bees Can Wear
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Ariel Novoplansky, an ecologist in Israel, set up an experiment among pea plants to study how they communicate with each other.

In the experiments, Ariel put the pea plants in rows of containers. The center plant in the row was the target. The pea plants had been grown with two main roots. On one side, each pea plant had one root in its own pot and the other reaching into a neighbor's pot. The central plant connected to its closest neighbor, which connected to another neighbor, and so on down the line. On the other side, all the plants kept their roots in their own pots, unconnected to their neighbors.

With everything ready, the ecologist created a dryness for the central target plant, which had quickly closed up its leaf pores(气孔)to save water. Amazingly, the connected plants on one side gradually closed up their leaf pores, even though only one of them had experienced real dryness. On the other side, with unconnected roots pea chain, all their pores stayed open. This means the warning signal didn't travel from the stressed plants leaves through the air, but only from its roots through the soil.

It's possible that plants are just eavesdropping (偷听) even if the damaged plant didn't mean to send signals to them. Maybe the damaged plant leaks certain chemicals and nearby roots could sense those signals. But the plants with connected roots that weren't dried out passed on the drought signals to their neighbors too, which means simple eavesdropping probably isn't the answer. They seem to be having a real conversation, picking up information on one side and sharing it with a neighbor on the other.

The benefit to a plant that receives this information is pretty clear. But what's the benefit to sending a danger signal to your neigbour? Remember, your neighbor may actually be you.

(1) Which aspect of the experiment does Paragraph 2 mainly concern? A. Its finding. B. Its application. C. Its purpose. D. Its design.
(2) How do the pea plants communicate in the experiment? A. By connecting their roots. B. By opening their leaf pores. C. By spreading a special smell. D. By leaking certain chemicals.
(3) Which word best describes the communication between plants? A. Complex. B. Cooperative. C. Efficient. D. Direct.
(4) Why does a plant send a danger signal to its neighbors according to the last paragraph? A. To better its surroundings. B. To make itself strong. C. To develop its root. D. To keep itself safe.
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Must-see in Guangxi

A Hotel in Nature

Chaoranpai International Hotel is only 2 kilometers away from the Lijiang River Source Grand Canyon. By taking both the ecological design and standards of 5-star hotels into account, this hotel has integrated modern services with nature, especially bamboo. The hotel also offers entertainments such as go-carting, cosplay of counter strike (反恐精英), and Chinese-style tea houses. Besides, the mountain itself is like a natural oxygen bar. 

Hemlock Spruce—a Living Fossil from the Ice Age

Hemlock spruces (铁杉树) are found at altitudes (海拔) between 1, 600 and 1, 800 meters, with one area recognized as China's only hemlock spruce forest, having as many as 130 of them. Hemlock spruce, along with dawn redwood and ginkgo (银杏), is "a living fossil". Immune (免疫) to all cold-weather risks, it stays green throughout the year. 

A Heaven of Animals and Plants

Mao'er Mountain is rich in rare animals and plants. Inhabited (栖息) by 2, 484 species of plants and 345 species of vertebrates, this place can serve as a natural gene bank. And surprisingly, a rare alpine wetland featuring evergreen broad-leaved trees has found a way of surviving in the dwarf forest at a high altitude. 

The "Millennium Kiss" Wonder

It's a miracle that two trees have existed together and grown for around a thousand years. It's even more breathtaking to see the two trees gradually getting close to each other and having a little "kiss". What a lovely sight it is in the natural beauty of Mao'er Mountain!

(1) Which of them can't a tourist experience in Chaoranpai International Hotel? A. Viewing beautiful bamboo. B. Tasting Chinese tea. C. Playing roles of a game. D. Relaxing in an oxygen bar.
(2) What is unique of the hemlock spruce forest in Guangxi? A. Its high altitude. B. Its big number of the species. C. Its three rare species of trees. D. Its evergreen quality.
(3) What do the four tourist attractions have in common?

A They offer unique services.     B. They are accessible to all transport. 

A. They are home to rare species. B. They are located in the mountain.
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