
Before traveling around the world, take some time and find out what sightseeing destinations are. Some of those spots that most guides mention are the following thrilling attractions.

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls has always been considered to be an incredible place worth taking pictures of. There are a lot of spots that tourists love. Some of them are very dangerous for people. Yet the brave are ready to overcome their fear for a shot of a lifetime.

Arctic Cliff Face

A cliff does not make the most comfortable place for camping. Camping on the ground is far safer anyway. Despite all the inconvenience, the new trend is rapidly gaining popularity among climbing enthusiasts and outdoor addicts.

Auckland's Sky Tower

Auckland's Sky Tower is popular with bungee jumpers. Some celebrities, such as Beyonce, have already tried it, which proves that the place is not only safe but popular as well. The tower is 630 feet tall. At the top of the structure there is an observation deck(甲板). Trust us, most of those reading this article would prefer to stay on the ground rather than climb up this scary structure.

North Yungas Road

The Road of Death is the right name given to a road in Bolivia. Hundreds of people die here every year. The major cause of all those accidents is the road. The problem is that it is too narrow and badly maintained while here the traffic is heavier than anywhere else. Nevertheless, it seems like tourists will continue visiting this strange road despite its scary nickname.

(1) What is Victoria Falls famous for? A. Its thrilling camping. B. Its frightening structure. C. Its narrow and badly maintained road. D. Its dangerous but attractive spots for taking pictures.
(2) North Yungas Road is called "the Road of Death" because________. A. the traffic is the heaviest B. it is built on the edge of the rock C. each year many people lose their lives there D. there is no necessary protection equipment
(3) What do the four places have in common? A. They are popular with climbers. B. They are a bit life-threatening. C. They have been visited by celebrities. D. They are famous for the beautiful scenery.
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Readers will discover explorers, landmarks and more in the following maps and travel books.

Maps Special Edition, ₤ 25

This book was already popular in our children's area and has been made even better with this special edition. The collection of 68 maps takes you through 58 countries and six continents. It is packed with illustrated information, including famous historical figures, local dishes, some festivals, landmarks, etc.

Maps of the United Kingdom, ₤17.99

Technically aimed at children, it contains lots of information and facts. It's very well put together, especially when it comes to choosing the seven famous people with a connection to their special place. Philip Pullman, for example, is associated with Norfolk.

Harry Potter's London, ₤3.99

Harry Potter's London is a map that covers information on three walks taken in the best of the central London locations in the hugely popular films. The walks cover Picadilly Circus, Westminster Bridge via Trafailg, and King's Cross with its famous Platform 9 ¾.

Ushorne First Sticker Book Flags, ₤5.99

Learn the flag of every country in the world by placing the flag sticker on the correct countries on the maps. This contains interesting facts about countries and flags. There are fun questions throughout, including, "Some African flags have a diagonal strip (对角条纹). How many can you find?"

(1) What knowledge does Maps Special Edition involve? A. World-wide popular festivals. B. The culture of many places. C. The history of 68 countries. D. Different editions of maps.
(2) The one that allows readers to match countries with flags costs ______. A. ₤ 25. B. ₤ 17.99. C. ₤ 3.99. D. ₤ 5.99.
(3) Who may be the target readers of the maps? A. Common people. B. Geography teachers. C. Young readers. D. Map collectors.
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Lufinha has crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a small boat powered only by the sun and wind. He used kites to move the boat and solar power to use lights and equipment on the boat. He expects his trip will earn him a Guinness World Record for Fastest Solo Atlantic Crossing by Kite Boat. He also hopes to help people understand the need to protect the oceans.

The kite-powered boat reached top speeds of over 30 kilometers per hour. Lufinha traveled 6,400 kilometers in 25 days. The 38-year-old set out from Cascais, near Lisbon, Portugal on November 3, 2022, and arrived in Martinique on December 20, Lufinha was not at sea for all that time, however. He made a planned stop at the Canary Islands on November 8. But he had to stay longer than planned because of the powerful storm and he remained there until November 30.

Lufinha made the crossing completely alone in a 7.2-meter-long and 5.6-meter-wide trimaran, a boat which has three long, thin parts, with a small room for sleeping and shelter. Lufinha used a hand pump (抽水机) to produce water for drinking and cooking. He said, "I have two such water makers, which I can pump and every hour I can make around four liters of water." The water pump has a special filter (过滤器) to remove salt from the sea water. Lufinha used the water to add to dried food he carried with him on the boat.

He called his trip "a big learning experience". It was a big test of his adaptability. He learned most of all to look at his problems relatively. He had so many problems all of the time, such as kites getting torn and kites exploding (爆炸). And the only way not to suffer was to think, "It could be worse." He said his way of thinking during the difficult crossing helped him get through it hour by hour, day by day, week by week until he finished this Atlantic crossing.
(1) What's one of the purposes of Lufinha's trip? A. To set a new world record. B. To map out a new sailing route. C. To check his boat's performance. D. To collect money for the local charity.
(2) Why did Lufinha stay longer than expected at the Canary Islands? A. His boat broke down halfway. B. He took the wrong sailing direction. C. His water pumps required replacing. D. He was overtaken by terrible weather.
(3) What was Lufinha's biggest gain from the trip? A. He developed his own independence. B. He discovered how to obtain drinkable water. C. He learned to view problems more positively. D. He mastered more advanced sailing techniques.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Lufinha? A. Strict and honest. B. Calm and curious. C. Determined and brave. D. Outgoing and generous.
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With bars shut down all over the world, that sense of community has now been absent for over a year. But one bar in Mexico decided to do something about it by recreating some of those sounds at a bar for those confined (限制) at home.

Started in 2012 by Oscar Romo, the bar named Maverick was a little neighborhood spot with live music and a small patio (露台) outside. It was a place for everyone to interact and Romo called it "A Place For Encounters".

Things went well until the pandemic (疫情) hit in 2020. "Everything was closed," says Romo with a sigh. "We were not allowed to sell anything for two months. Obviously, the bar was hurting financially." But what hurt Romo most was that the sense of community they had worked so hard to build evaporated overnight. I didn't realize how important it was. Those normal things that you took for granted are now not there. It's really painful, he says.

Romo determined to do something and that was where things got interesting. Considering the silence the outbreak brought about, he came to a realization: It was the sounds of the bar that really brought the sense of community home.

"People came here because of the conversations, the atmosphere, the music and the sense of being with stranger," Romo says. So he recorded each of those sounds individually on a website, called IMissMyBar.com. The idea was that customers could put all the sounds together, and feel like they were in Maverick, while sitting around their homes, having a drink. It really worked.

The website has been getting noticed and shared by people who are going through the same feeling of loss around the world.

“What we want is for people to realize how important bars are in our lives, really, not just from the drinking angle, but from the social life," Romo says.

(1) what does the underlined word "evaporated" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Expanded. B. Disappeared. C. Caught on. D. Got misunderstood.
(2) Why did Romo create the website IMissMyBar.com? A. To win reputation for his bar. B. To get higher economic profits. C. To make online orders convenient. D. To recover the sense of community.
(3) Which of the following best describes Romo? A. Energetic and conventional. B. Humble and imaginative. C. Caring and creative. D. Generous and cooperative.
(4) What can we infer from the text? A. The bar culture helps strengthen social bonds. B. Maverick has managed to live through the pandemic. C. Many bars will restore their business with Romo's support. D. Romo's website contributes to building harmonious communities.
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