
With bars shut down all over the world, that sense of community has now been absent for over a year. But one bar in Mexico decided to do something about it by recreating some of those sounds at a bar for those confined (限制) at home.

Started in 2012 by Oscar Romo, the bar named Maverick was a little neighborhood spot with live music and a small patio (露台) outside. It was a place for everyone to interact and Romo called it "A Place For Encounters".

Things went well until the pandemic (疫情) hit in 2020. "Everything was closed," says Romo with a sigh. "We were not allowed to sell anything for two months. Obviously, the bar was hurting financially." But what hurt Romo most was that the sense of community they had worked so hard to build evaporated overnight. I didn't realize how important it was. Those normal things that you took for granted are now not there. It's really painful, he says.

Romo determined to do something and that was where things got interesting. Considering the silence the outbreak brought about, he came to a realization: It was the sounds of the bar that really brought the sense of community home.

"People came here because of the conversations, the atmosphere, the music and the sense of being with stranger," Romo says. So he recorded each of those sounds individually on a website, called IMissMyBar.com. The idea was that customers could put all the sounds together, and feel like they were in Maverick, while sitting around their homes, having a drink. It really worked.

The website has been getting noticed and shared by people who are going through the same feeling of loss around the world.

“What we want is for people to realize how important bars are in our lives, really, not just from the drinking angle, but from the social life," Romo says.

(1) what does the underlined word "evaporated" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Expanded. B. Disappeared. C. Caught on. D. Got misunderstood.
(2) Why did Romo create the website IMissMyBar.com? A. To win reputation for his bar. B. To get higher economic profits. C. To make online orders convenient. D. To recover the sense of community.
(3) Which of the following best describes Romo? A. Energetic and conventional. B. Humble and imaginative. C. Caring and creative. D. Generous and cooperative.
(4) What can we infer from the text? A. The bar culture helps strengthen social bonds. B. Maverick has managed to live through the pandemic. C. Many bars will restore their business with Romo's support. D. Romo's website contributes to building harmonious communities.
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1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

For many people, having children can force them to choose between career and family. Sometimes it comes down to finances — sending a child to nursery or hiring a nanny can be a huge financial burden, while others may feel it's better to be a hands-on parent. These days, more and more men are choosing to stay at home to look after the kids. So why are more dads choosing to put their careers on hold, and what does the job involve?

With more women working outside the home than 70 years ago, if the need is there for one parent to stay at home, it could simply come down to who earns more — the biggest breadwinner. And with attitudes changing towards a man's role in the family, it seems to be easier for them to enter full-time parenthood. Sadly, though, many men still feel shamed by choosing to raise their child. A study in the US by the Pews Research Center found that 51% of people thought children were better off if a mother stayed at home. But what do parents have to do when they choose to stay with their kids?

In the early stages, a baby is totally dependent on a carer. The changing of nappies(尿布), burping after milk and making sure they feed on time are just some of the vital 24 -7 activities a baby relies on. During this period, many parents take paternity and maternity leave from work. But as a child gets older, it can become less about necessity and more about choice. Rather than choose a creche(日托中心), which can prove expensive, either parent may remain at home to educate, protect and play with their children to help them develop and grow. 

It's a difficult job, with a demanding boss, but it can also be incredibly rewarding for those willing to do it. And with attitudes changing towards who should stay at home, maybe more and more fathers will choose to become stay-at-home dads.

(1)  When may a man choose to stay at home for the child? A. When he is more needed by his child. B. When he is tired of doing a full-time job. C. When his wife earns more money than him. D. When he wants to change his role in the family.
(2)  As the kid gets older, what does full-time parenting mean? A. It seems less expensive. B. It is more time-consuming. C. It is more important to kids. D. It becomes more complicated.
(3)  What does "a demanding boss" in the last paragraph refer to? A. A kid. B. A carer. C. A parent. D. A manager.
(4)  What would be the best title for the text? A. Full-time Parenting is Rewarding. B. More Men Become Full-time Dads. C. Full-time Dads —Biggest Breadwinner. D. Full-time parents Benefit Children's Growth.
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Founder and Creative Director, Zeelicious Foods, Winifred Emmanuel Nwania has said that her love for cooking is a passion that has grown into a cooking business. While very few people have the perseverance(毅力) and diligence to go after their dreams, and make it a successful career, she is among the few living out their dreams.

Nwania grew up in Lagos with her mom and six siblings. She enjoyed a loving relationship with her dad, who passed away when she was only 12 years of age. Losing him aroused an intense desire to succeed within her. She decided making a success of her life will be the most ideal way to honour her absent father and make her dogged mother proud of the woman she raised. She grew up deprived(剥夺) of most of the comforts her father provided for the family. But, she didn't let this bother her. Instead she learned to turn all the sour lemons life threw at her into sweet lemonade.

After graduating from the University of Lagos, with a degree in Economics, she landed a high-paying job with an oil and gas firm in Lagos. Her career seemed to have taken off to a flying start. But her heart was pulling her in a different direction. With zero business connections, and little to no savings, she quit her job. And the Zeelicious Foods brand was born.

"Frankly, I didn't know much about business. I just knew I love to cook and I love to see people enjoy my culinary creations. I also loved helping the people who contacted me asking for recipes and cooking tips. I knew if I did this for the rest of my life I will be one of the happiest women in the world", Nwania said.

Zeelicious Foods is now making inroads onto the big screen. The cooking show airs on free TV channels in Nigeria and Ghana. And talks are ongoing for it to get picked up by seven other TV stations across Africa. But, this young lady isn't done yet. Nwania is working on two cookbooks for healthy eaters. She's also working on completing the new Zeelicious website, which she's so excited about.

(1) Which of the following words best describes Nwania? A. Brave and calm. B. Generous and caring. C. Perseverant and optimistic. D. Hardworking and cautious.
(2) Why did Nwania set up Zeelicious Foods? A. She wanted to make her father proud. B. She wanted to follow her inner voice. C. She wanted to provide comforts for her family. D. She found her career in the oil and gas firm not rewarding.
(3) What does Nwania's story tell us? A. The first step is the hardest. B. He who laughs last laughs longest. C. Where there's a will there's a way. D. A good beginning makes a good ending.
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About eight years ago, Li Jinglong and Guan Dian visited the Palace Museum in Beijing. The cloisonne (景泰蓝瓷器) objects on display attracted them in particular. They spent hours looking at those beautiful objects. They just couldn't take their eyes off them. 

 Born and raised in Beijing, 35-year-old Li is no stranger to cloisonne, since there were a pair of cloisonne vases in his grandparents' home. His wife, 34-year-old Guan, who learned to paint as a child and later became a designer after graduating from the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, is also familiar with cloisonne, as it appears in her art books. As a result of their visit, the couple made the daring decision to open a workshop. 

"We learned cloisonne after seeing the pieces displayed in the Palace Museum. We wanted to turn our hobby into a career, so that people could enjoy and learn to make the craft themselves," said Li, who worked in a finance company before quitting his job to launch Handcraft Addicted, a DIY workshop where participants can make cloisonne. Since 2018, they have opened three workshops in Beijing. They are happy to give people a glimpse of the traditional techniques of cloisonne as part of a DIY experience. 

Instead of focusing on making traditional cloisonne objects , such as plates and vases, the workshop allows participants to create the designs they want on surface of glass, resin (树脂) or wood. Although the process has been simplified, it is still not easy for people trying cloisonne for the first time to succeed. Participants spend months making one piece, which they take home or give friends as presents. It's a luxury for people to spend time alone and fully focus on one thing nowadays because of the fast pace of life. Participants come to the workshop not only to create art, but also to take a break from their busy lives. 

(1) What can we learn about the couple? A. They both grew up in Beijing. B. They both majored in cloisonne art. C. They both quit their previous jobs.   D.  They are both familiar with cloisonne. 
(2) What inspired the couple to open Handcraft Addicted? A. Their grandparents' cloisonne vases. B. Their hobby in handcraft techniques. C. Cloisonne objects in Guan's art books.    D. Cloisonne on exhibition in the Palace Museum. 
(3) In Handcraft Addicted, ____.  A. the first attempt is often simple B. participants relax themselves while creating art C. the couple make cloisonne objects by themselves D. it is a luxury to make traditional cloisonne objects
(4) Which of the following can best describe the couple? A. Modest. B. Generous. C. Creative. D. Outgoing.
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