
Our Mission

Sunday Breakfast Mission serves the homeless, addicted and impoverished through Christ -centered programs to meet their spiritual, social and physical needs. Under the direction of Rev. Tom Laymon, Sunday Breakfast Mission offers a series of services to help meet the needs of its surrounding community.

●Up to 130 men who would otherwise be homeless call our shelter "home" each night.

●A hot, nutritious meal is served to more than 200 men, women and children each night.

●The NewLife Program offers a fresh start. While here each person is counseled, educated, and trained to become the productive member of society he was created to be.

Please visit our Program & Services page to learn more about what we do and how you can partner with us.

Our History

In 1893, a group called the Christian Endeavor Society of Wilmington decided to reach out to the homeless men of Delaware. They wanted to provide these individuals with church on Sundays. The ministry opened at 7th and Lombard in late 1893. But soon, in January 1894, it began to provide shelter. Throughout the years and at several locations the Mission has gone far beyond "Sunday Breakfast" to reach out to area children through Sunday school programs and to local women through "Mothers' Clubs." After a short time, these ministries continued to expand to men.

Our Commitment

Sunday Breakfast Mission is a non-profit organization. Costs are average and include the expenses, extra funds will be used to care for hungry, homeless, and hurting people throughout the year. No person is denied services based on race, creed, sex, disability, or national origin. We never sell or rent our supporters' name.

(1) How can you get more information about the services of this mission? A. By visiting its official website. B. By joining a Christian Church. C. By sending an application form. D. By calling on its community.
(2) Who were this mission originally intended for? A. The addicted. B. The homeless. C. Local mothers. D. The area children.
(3) Which one lives up to the commitments of this mission? A. No person will be treated differently because of his gender. B. No money will be used to the administration of the mission. C. No supporters' names will be protected from the third parties. D. No expense will be charged to supporters for operating budget.
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Daily life has its satisfactions: The perfect reply to a friend's text message; The first after-work drink; The sound of another government U-turn. But do any really compare to the joy of going to sleep? That moment when the mess of 21st-century existence disappears into the non-judgmental hug of a bed?

Somehow we have pushed this pleasure to the back of the queue. A third of American adults report sleeping less than the recommended seven hours. Many of us feel under-rested. For some, the problem is modern life; emails, to-do lists and screens. For other people, it's the demands of work or family. Then there are those who can't sleep when they try. In 1895 the Earl of Rosebery resigned after barely a year as British prime minister, unable to overcome his insomnia(失眼眠症). Up to 1 in 10 adults meet the criteria for insomnia.

Stressing ourselves out about a lack of sleep can make the problem worse. In his book Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems, Oxford professor Colin Espie writes about "orthosomnia", where people are so focused with sleeping well that they become too anxious to do so. The marketing of sleeping aids adds to this.

Espie says we each have a sleep pattern that, like a shoe size, we figure out through trial and error. Genetically, some humans are larks(百灵鸟) and some are owls; the larks may just have better cardiovascular(心血管的)health. For an owl to try to fight their natural schedule, and sleep earlier, wouldn't necessarily help.

Once we weren't urged to sleep until we were dead. Now we are told to sleep or we'll be dead. Nowadays sleep is becoming something that people hope to excel at. About that I'm unconvinced. A good night's sleep is a great pleasure. As far as possible, it should also remain a simple one.

(1) What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about sleep problem? A. The criteria for insomnia. B. The dangers of poor sleep. C. The causes of inadequate sleep. D. The sleep situation of American people.
(2) What can we learn about "orthosomnia" in Paragraph 3? A. It is caused by extreme anxiety. B. It will worsen the sleep problem. C. It refers to the sleep environment. D. It can be improved by sleeping aids.
(3) What can we infer from Espie's words? A. Sleep pattern is related to humans' gene. B. The owls have better cardiovascular health. C. The sleep pattern of the larks is healthier. D. It is necessary to fight our natural schedule.
(4) What does the underlined phrase "excel at" mean in the last paragraph? A. Figure out. B. Be good at. C. Give way to. D. Compete with.
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In an incredible display of compassion and kindness, a man from Turkey was spotted trying to warm a pigeon in the most creative way.

Sabahattin Yılmaz was at home one chilly day. After a rain shower had passed, he noticed something landed on the sill (窗台) outside his window—a cold and wet pigeon. The animal was trembling and soaked; it clearly didn't have the chance to seek shelter before the rain began. Feeling for the poor pigeon, Yılmaz thought of a way to dry him off.

Rather than pick him up and take him inside to warm up, Yılmaz plugged in a hairdryer and used it to dry off the bird. Little did he know that his neighbor captured the whole moment on video. In the video, Yılmaz can be seen leaning out of his window. He was stretching his arm as far as he can so the hot air can reach the pigeon. The bird willingly let the man warm him up, crouching (蹲伏) to let his outer feathers dry.

Yılmaz told the media that he spent about fifteen minutes drying off the bird. He said he had just opened his window when he saw the pigeon around the corner of the sill. He described it as wet and "about to freeze" from the cold and rainy weather.

After fifteen minutes, Yılmaz gave the pigeon birdseed, which he ate happily. However, the bird remained wet still. "I saw that it was still there so I warmed it up again, after the pigeon recovered again, and after eating a good amount of seed, it flew away," Yılmaz recalled.

He also didn't know that he was being recorded at the time and that the video was shared online. He simply did it out of the kindness of his heart. "The pigeon is a living creature and deserved to continue living, that is why I did it," he said.

(1) What is the text mainly about? A. An online video about a pigeon became a hit. B. A man warmed up a wet and cold pigeon. C. A man invented a creative way to help birds. D. A man lives in harmony with a pigeon.
(2) What was the bird's reaction to Sabahattin Yılmaz's behavior? A. It was scared and flew away. B. It was annoyed and refused his help. C. It was ready to accept his assistance. D. It was happy to settle in his home.
(3) What can we see from the video? A. A man was filming Yılmaz's kindness. B. A pigeon was jumping back and forth when dried off. C. Yılmaz was warming a pigeon in a novel way. D. Yilmaz was stretching his arms to catch a pigeon.
(4) Which of the following words can best describe Sabahattin Yılmaz? A. Indifferent but creative. B. Patient and ambitious. C. Talented but careless. D. Sympathetic and warm-hearted.
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My mother used to take me to my grandparents' in Belgium during the school holidays. While I would play chess with my grandfather, he would tell me stories about growing up, falling in love, and travelling around the world.

I didn't realize the importance of preserving memories until my grandfather passed away, which ultimately changed my outlook on remembering our loved ones and the stories we share. I thought about solutions to help other people record the precious memories for those they love—before it's too late. So I began matching ghostwriters (代笔人) to clients to help them write a book as smoothly and beautifully as possible, and Story Terrace was born.

Since then, we have explored the power of stories and their ability to connect us with our past and make sense of the present. It has been documented that increased family connection is significantly linked to less loneliness. Learning more about one's family history, however, has been linked to boosting emotional health, increasing compassion and providing a deeper sense of cultures and traditions.

What we have found through our own research is that so many of us have missed out on the opportunity to explore our origins. 56 percent of Brits agreed that much of their family history is lost because they are no longer able to speak with the person who knows the most about it. A further 51 percent expressed regret as they wished they could tell their younger self to document their family's life story, feeling that most of it had been forgotten. But when it comes to telling these stories, many don't know where to begin.

We have seen numerous times when people come to us with random journal entries and notes from over the years, and these can be developed into a wonderful work of art that can be passed down for generations to come.

Half of the projects we see at StoryTerrace are heritage stories, with family occupying a dominant theme for most stories. Alongside this, common themes we see are of course love, overcoming challenges, settling in new surroundings and so on. However, family is a thread that always ties these together.

(1) What does Story Terrace do? A. It boosts the mood of your family members. B. It gives treatment to people with mental illness. C. It links people from different cultures together. D. It helps turn your beloved one's stories into a book.
(2) What does the author intend to show by listing the numbers in paragraph 4? A. Why StoryTerrace matters. B. How StoryTerrace functions. C. What StoryTerrace focuses on. D. Where StoryTerrace beings your story.
(3) What can you infer about Story Terrace from the last paragraph? A. It is part of the national heritage. B. Its stories are mostly about family. C. It dominates half of the market. D. Its stories gain much popularity.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Family Stories Worth Telling B. Create Your Own Story Books C. Documents of Family History D. Preserve Memories with StoryTerrace
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