
In an incredible display of compassion and kindness, a man from Turkey was spotted trying to warm a pigeon in the most creative way.

Sabahattin Yılmaz was at home one chilly day. After a rain shower had passed, he noticed something landed on the sill (窗台) outside his window—a cold and wet pigeon. The animal was trembling and soaked; it clearly didn't have the chance to seek shelter before the rain began. Feeling for the poor pigeon, Yılmaz thought of a way to dry him off.

Rather than pick him up and take him inside to warm up, Yılmaz plugged in a hairdryer and used it to dry off the bird. Little did he know that his neighbor captured the whole moment on video. In the video, Yılmaz can be seen leaning out of his window. He was stretching his arm as far as he can so the hot air can reach the pigeon. The bird willingly let the man warm him up, crouching (蹲伏) to let his outer feathers dry.

Yılmaz told the media that he spent about fifteen minutes drying off the bird. He said he had just opened his window when he saw the pigeon around the corner of the sill. He described it as wet and "about to freeze" from the cold and rainy weather.

After fifteen minutes, Yılmaz gave the pigeon birdseed, which he ate happily. However, the bird remained wet still. "I saw that it was still there so I warmed it up again, after the pigeon recovered again, and after eating a good amount of seed, it flew away," Yılmaz recalled.

He also didn't know that he was being recorded at the time and that the video was shared online. He simply did it out of the kindness of his heart. "The pigeon is a living creature and deserved to continue living, that is why I did it," he said.

(1) What is the text mainly about? A. An online video about a pigeon became a hit. B. A man warmed up a wet and cold pigeon. C. A man invented a creative way to help birds. D. A man lives in harmony with a pigeon.
(2) What was the bird's reaction to Sabahattin Yılmaz's behavior? A. It was scared and flew away. B. It was annoyed and refused his help. C. It was ready to accept his assistance. D. It was happy to settle in his home.
(3) What can we see from the video? A. A man was filming Yılmaz's kindness. B. A pigeon was jumping back and forth when dried off. C. Yılmaz was warming a pigeon in a novel way. D. Yilmaz was stretching his arms to catch a pigeon.
(4) Which of the following words can best describe Sabahattin Yılmaz? A. Indifferent but creative. B. Patient and ambitious. C. Talented but careless. D. Sympathetic and warm-hearted.
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A robot the size of a large bulldozer(推土机)moves along the bottom of the deep sea. It eats metallic.(含金属的)rock and soft mud. The stuff travels up a long pipe to a ship, where workers and machinery separate out the rock and throw the mud back into the ocean. This is a mining operation. The rock contains a mixture of metals, including ones called rare earth metals. People use these materials to make batteries and electronics like computers and phones.

Deep-sea mining hasn't happened yet. But it probably will occur within the next decade. No country owns any part of the deep sea. So an organization called the International Seabed Authority(ISA)decides who is allowed to mine there. The ISA has allowed 29 organizations to explore the deep sea and make plans for mining. One company plans to begin mining in the year 2027.

Scientists and environmentalists, though, warn that mining could destroy deep-sea ecosystem. In 1989, ecologist Hjalmar Thiel carried out a test. His team searched the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean, in a spot with lots of the metallic rocks that miners want. They didn't actually collect any of the rocks. But they disturbed the mud, just as a mining operation would. The plume(飘升之物)of mud fell back down over the ocean floor burying creatures living there. As of 2015, the area they disturbed had not recovered. Signs of the search are still there. Sponges(海绵动物), corals, and other animals have not moved back in. That means mining could have harmful, long-lasting consequences for deep ocean life. Scientists want to understand the deep sea better before disturbing it.

Leaving the deep sea alone sounds great, but people need those metals. "Mines on land are soon going to run out," geologist Steven Scott of the University of Toronto told Smithsonian Magazine, "Every electronic device in the world has rare earth metals in it…we need raw resources." New energy technologies including solar and wind power and electric cars, rely on these metals as well. We may need to mine them from the sea in order to switch to greener energy sources.

(1) Why is a deep-sea mining operation carried out? A. To test the function of the underwater robot. B. To separate the rock from the mud. C. To obtain rare earth metals. D. To study the elements of the deep-sea mud.
(2) What can we learn about ISA according to the passage? A. It possesses the ownership of the whole deep sea. B. It may help the deep-sea exploration carried out scientifically. C. It can make the deep-sea natural resources shared fairly. D. It works out mining plans for different countries.
(3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. People depend on rare earth metals for car production. B. We mustn't mine anything from the deep sea. C. Deep-sea resources will replace those on land. D. Rare earth metals help us develop green energy.
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The best fantasy books offer readers the perfect escape into another world. Looking for the best fantasy books? Check out our picks of the most exciting new fantasy fiction in 2021.

The House of Always by Jenn Lyons

The House of Always is the fourth book in Jenn Lyons' fantasy series A Chorus of Dragons, which The New York Times described as "a larger-than-life adventure story about thieves, wizards(巫师) and kings".

Witchshadow by Susan Dennard

Susan Dennard's bestselling fantasy series continues— with the story of Iseult, the Threadwitch.

The Witchlands have been close to war, and in the fourth book in this fantasy series,it arrives. Iseult has found Safi at last, but their reunion is brief. For Iseult to stay alive, she must flee (逃离)Cartorra while Safi remains. And though Iseult has plans to save her friend, they willrequire her to summon (召 唤) magic more dangerous than anything she has ever faced before.

The Ever After by Amanda Hocking

Ulla Tulin is on a journey to uncover her past in the third fantasy book in Amanda Hocking's Omte Origins trilogy (三部曲). In this final adventure, Ulla fights to recover her lost memories in time to battle the consequences of opening the bridge to Alfheim, the lost First City.

We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal

The sequel (续 集) to Hafsah Faizal sbestselling fantasy novel sees Zafira and Nasir determined to finish their mission to restore magic to the kingdom. But time is running out, and if order is to be restored sacrifices (牺牲) will have to be made .

(1) What do The House of Always and Witchshadow have in common? A. They are the fourth one of its series B. They aren't sold well. C. They are published at the same year. D. They both talk about wizards.
(2) Which of the following book would you choose if you like Hafsah Faizal? A. The House of Always            B. Witchshadow C. The Ever After                 D. We Free the Star
(3) Where can you find the passage? A. Textbook B. Magazine C. Website D. News
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Ryan is a good kid. He gets great grades, he plays lacrosse (长曲棍球), and he is well-liked. So Jennifer and her husband didn't see any reason why their sixth-grade son couldn't have an Instagram account, until Ryan posted a photo of himself holding an empty beer bottle that his father had just finished. "My husband saw the photo pop up on Ryan's account and went up the stairs in seconds, demanding that he should take it down," Jennifer says. "I don't think my son realized how bad his picture looked. He was trying to be funny, but he's in sixth grade! Even if he was simply posing, that picture was inappropriate."

With the popularity of photo-sharing site Instagram, it's easy for parents to have a false sense of security. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, Instagram is only for posting pictures and with the 13+ age requirement and privacy feature, so it seems like an almost harmless site for children. How much trouble could they stir up? But that's not the fact.

Shockingly, some kids are paying for attention on social media. When Paula Pryor found a mysterious $700 charge on her credit card, the last thing she suspected it to be was payment to a company that helped acquire "likes" on Instagram pictures. "My son Hayden thought it was only ten dollars, but it was ten dollars per ‘like'," says Pryor.

Often, it's not your own teen that's cause for concern — it's someone else's kid. Megan Koster couldn't figure out why her daughter Delaney suddenly became so anxious about whether her panty line could be seen through her jeans. Finally, Delaney said that she was worried someone would take a photo and post it on Instagram. "I don't think I would have survived middle school if sites like this had existed back then," Koster says.

(1) What made Jennifer think her son Ryan could have an Instagram account? A. He gained popularity in school. B. He was skilled at using Instagram. C. He showed interest in taking photos. D. He was old enough and behaved well.
(2) What does the underlined word "they" in paragraph 2 refer to? A. Instagram accounts. B. Social media. C. Pictures. D. Children.
(3) Why did Pryor's son pay the company $700? A. To obtain the picture he liked. B. To pay attention to social media. C. To get his photos noticed and liked. D. To pay the charge on his credit card.
(4) What's the text mainly about? A. Teen's problems with Instagram. B. Inappropriate pictures from children. C. The influence of the Internet on young users. D. Concerns for the Internet security for children.
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