
Toy industry experts say some people in the United States are turning off their electronic devices to play with classic toys like board games. This is especially true among the so-called millennial generation (千禧一代). One coffee shop in Los Angeles is making profitable use of the increase in popularity of board games.

GameHäus Café opened in November of 2013. The café is dedicated to board games. It has more than 750 games available for its customers. The business does not feature wireless Internet connection. Many customers like Roxanne Lee and her husband Agassi Lai think that is good. Ms. Lee praises the atmosphere of the café. "I think it's very interesting for spending quality time together so that's why I like it."

Agassi Lai used to like playing video games. But everything changed when he discovered board games a few years ago. He likes to play a board game called "Escape the Curse of the Temple."

You keep rolling the dice and try to move to different places and try to escape the temple. Twenty-three year-old Weland Bourne is one of those board-game-loving millennials. "I think more with my generation, they're wanting to take time. They're wanting to take it slowly and I think, too, video games have kind of lost their attraction"

Adrienne Appell is with the Toy Industy Association, She says the new generation just wants to put down the telephone and Tablet and connect directly with other people.

(1) What can we learn about GameHaus Cafe from the text? A. It features board games. B. It serves millennials only. C. It denies access to the Internet. D. It provides a romantic atmosphere.
(2) According to the text, what advantage do board games have over video games? A. They are financially profitable. B. They help develop intelligence. C. They have more varieties available. D. They enable face-to-face interaction.
(3) What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A. To advertise a game. B. To introduce a business. C. To inform a phenomenon. D. To promote a study.
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Predicting extreme weather events is a tricky business. Changing climate conditions have increased the frequency of severe storms, floods, and heatwaves, along with larger wildfires. As a result, scientists are using artificial intelligence(AI)techniques for more accurate forecasts that help to minimize damage and save lives.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have worked together with meteorologists (气象学家)to analyze more than 50,000 weather satellite images to quickly identify storms. They found comma-shaped cloud formations that often lead to severe weather such as hail, blizzards, high winds, and thunderstorms.

Computers were then taught using computer vision and machine learning to automatically detect these clouds from satellite images, with almost 100 percent accuracy, in less than a minute. By refocusing meteorologists' attention on potential storm cloud formation the AI tool helped predict 64 percent of severe weather events and beat established detection systems.

Expensive supercomputers are often used to process vast amounts of data needed for accurate weather prediction. But powerful Al methods can run on smaller computers. Climate risk and planning company ClimateAI uses a technique to downscale global weather forecasts to a local scale, cutting down on costs and computing power.

It uses a machine learning technique that pits two neural networks against each other. The neural networks - designed to work like neurons connected in the brain-fight and train each other using global weather data until they get a result.

Using this method ClimateAI researchers generate highly accurate and inexpensive local forecasts for hours or days ahead. And because it is not as costly, it allows poorer countries affected by climate change to use forecasts to change the way they farm, build bridges, roads, or homes, and adapt to extreme weather.

Average costs associated with extreme weather events in the United States have increased steadily since 1980. These have costly impacts on cities' basic services, infrastructure, housing, human livelihoods, and health. AI helps us to calculate that risk and can be used as a preventive measure.

(1) What can be inferred from Para.1? A. Inaccurate forecasts minimize the destruction. B. AI enhances accuracy in making weather prediction. C. Less natural disasters are caused by climate change. D. Changeable climate decreased the frequency of serious storms.
(2) Which is NOT an advantage of AI tool? A. Being steadier. B. Being cheaper. C. Being quicker. D. Being more precise.
(3) What is the function of Para.5? A. To explain how ClimateAI works. B. To introduce why AI methods are used. C. To show where ClimateAI can be applied. D. To identify what effects of the AI tool has.
(4) What is the author's attitude towards AI techniques in predicting extreme weather? A. Critical. B. Approving. C. Objective. D. Indifferent.
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George Nakashima always insisted that he was a simple woodworker, not an artist. Even though major museums exhibited his works and the director of the American Craft Museum called him a national treasure, Mr. Nakashima rejected the label of artist. For almost fifty years he simply went on shaping wood into beautiful chairs, tables, and cabinets.

Nakashima had a clear goal. He intended to make each piece of furniture as perfect as possible.  Even making a box was an act of creation, because it produced an object that had never existed before. Initially Nakashima used local wood, sometimes from his own property. Later, he traveled to seek out English oak, Persian walnut, African zebrawood and Indian teak. He especially liked to find giant roots that had been dug out of the ground after a tree was cut down. Nakashima felt that making this wood into furniture was a way of allowing the tree to live again.

Most furniture makers prefer perfect boards, but Nakashima took pleasure in using wood with interesting knots (结疤)  and cracks.  These irregularities gave the wood personality and showed that the tree had lived a colourful life.

He never failed to create an object that was both useful and beautiful. One early piece Nakashima designed was a three­legged chair for his small daughter, Mira, to use when she sat at the table for meals. The Mira chair became so popular that Nakashima later made both low and high versions. Another famous piece, the conoid chair, has two legs supported by bladelike feet. Always, Nakashima's designs were precise and graceful, marked by the simplicity that revealed his love for the wood.

As the years passed, Nakashima's reputation grew and he received many awards. His children Mira and Kevin, now adults, joined the team of craftspeople in their father's studio. Nakashima's dream of integrating work and family had come true.

(1) Which of the following best describes Nakashima? A. Generous and outgoing. B. Honest and simple. C. Capable and friendly. D. Creative and modest.
(2) Which of the following is true about Nakashima? A. His artworks made trees live again. B. He always used precious wood materials. C. His chairs were beautifully designed but useless. D. He devoted himself to shaping wood.
(3) What can we learn about Nakashima from the last two paragraphs? A. He loved his work and family. B. He made chairs of the same style. C. He sought for a simple life and art. D. He was lost in researching the wood.
(4) What can be inferred about Mira and Kevin? A. They had an art studio of their own. B. They still lacked the ability to create artworks. C. They had a common interest with their father. D. They enjoyed the same reputation with their father.
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Professional rock climber Emily Harrington has made history after successfully free climbing Yosemite National Park's El Capitan on 4 November 2020.

Harrington, 34, became the fourth person — and the first woman — to ever scale the 3,000-foot El Capitan without the help of a rope or other equipment. "The people before me who have achieved this are kind of like some of my heroes in rock climbing," she said, "so it feels pretty special to join that group."

But Harrington's climb was not without injury — at one point, she slid and was left with a serious wound on her forehead that required her to take a break. "I took a fall and I couldn't get my feet out and my head actually hit the wall," she recalled, "I got this wound on my forehead. I rested a little bit longer, bandaged (包扎) it up, and then tried again," Harrington said, adding that although she "kind of didn't really want to try again," she powered through because " I felt like I should try again."

After 21 hours and 13 minutes, Harrington scaled all of El Capitan, achieving a feat (壮举) she failed to finish twice last year. "That was my life dream. I achieved it," she said. 

Harrington said she's hopeful that her journey has inspired others. "I hope that as a result of my story more people will get to experience climbing, or at least try."

Harrington previously scaled Mt. Qomolangma, the tallest mountain in the world. As a former member of the USA climbing team, Harrington has competed in five U.S. sport climbing championships and two North American championships.

(1) What does the underlined word "scale" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Remove. B. Mount. C. Measure. D. Weigh.
(2) What does the writer want to impress on the readers in Paragraph 4? A. The risk of the climbing. B. Harrington's determination. C. The meaning of failure. D. Harrington's expert skills.
(3) What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Harrington's achievements. B. US sport climbing events. C. The climbing team's arrangements. D. The secret to Harrington's success.
(4) Where is this passage probably taken from? A. A travel journal. B. A story book. C. A news report. D. A science magazine.
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