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An ancient, interdependent relationship that contributes to food systems and ecosystem stability across the globe could be changing.

Many flowering plants can self-pollinate (自花传粉), or transfer pollen between their own blossoms for seed generation and reproduction, but most of these plants have relied on pollinators such as butterflies and bees to reproduce. Now — during declines reported in many pollinator populations — a new study on the evolution of one flower species' mating system has revealed a remarkable change that could worsen the challenges faced by the plants' insect partners.

The flowers reproductive evolution may be linked to environmental changes such as habitat destruction and rapid ongoing decreases in pollinator biodiversity, according to Samson Acoca-Pidolle, who led the study published December 19 in the journal New Phytologist.

Comparing seeds of wild field pansies (三色堇) collected decades ago in France with the plants' modern descendants. Acoca-Pidolle and his colleagues discovered that today's flowers are smaller and produce less nectar (花蜜) as a result of increased self-pollination, which has direct impacts on pollinator behavior.The pansies of the past self-fertilized less and attracted far more pollinators than those of the present, according to the study.

"It seems that it's only traits (特性) that are involved in plant-pollinator interaction that are evolving, " said Acoca-Pidolle. The changes could restrict the plants' ability to adapt to future environmental changes and have implications for "all of floral biodiversity" — potentially decreasing flowering plants' genetic, species and ecosystem variation.

"This may increase the pollinator decline and cause a negative feedback cycle," study coauthor Pierre-Olivier Cheptou told CNN." If plants produce less nectar, there will be less food available to pollinators, which will in turn accelerate the rate at which the animals' numbers decrease", he explained.

"The major message is that we are currently seeing the evolutionary breakdown of plant pollinators in the wild," said Cheptou, an evolutionary ecologist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and professor at the University of Montpellier.

(1) Which of the following may contribute to the flowers' reproductive evolution? A. Changed behaviour of pollinators. B. Severe pollution to the habitats. C. Continuing decline in pollinator biodiversity. D. Increased plant-pollinator interaction.
(2) Why were pansies in the past larger and produced more nectar? A. They self-pollinated less. B. They had a better mating system. C. They attracted less pollinators. D. They were fertilized by themselves.
(3) What is the result of the changes in the flowers' reproductive evolution? A. The flowering plants may have more variations. B. The evolution of wild plant pollinators is collapsing. C. The numbers of the animals will increase more rapidly. D. The plants will adapt to the environmental changes better.
(4) Which is the best title for the text? A. Pollinator Populations: Declining. B. Flowering Plants: Selfing. C. Interdependent Relationship: Maintaining. D. Floral Diversity: Increasing.
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In recent years, multiple studies have illustrated the ways people's dogs can provide comfort, calm their frazzled nerves, be good listeners, and provide other forms of valuable support, proving that sometimes words are simply not necessary.

When people were asked to perform mental arithmetic (算术) or endure a "cold pressor" test in which their hand is submerged in ice water, those who had their dogs present had smaller increases in their blood pressure and heart rate. More recently, a study in a 2023 issue of the journal Emotion had people engage in a stressful task—involving adding numbers that flashed on a computer screen—then interact with their pet dog, color in a coloring book, or wait quietly for 10 minutes. Those who interacted with their dogs experienced a greater boost in mood and a greater reduction in anxiety than those who waited or tried to destress by coloring. 

Research has also found that talking to your dog about emotionally fraught issues can be particularly beneficial. People are more willing to confide (吐露) in their dogs about difficult emotions, such as depression, jealousy, anxiety, apathy, and fear, than they are with their romantic partners or friends. The precise reasons for this may be that pets are good, nonjudgmental listeners because they don't interrupt or reply. Your relationship with your dog is a safe space because your dog won't judge you or disagree with you.

A study in a 2022 issue of the International Journal of Public Health found that when people interact with their dogs while teleworking, it replenishes the humans' self-regulatory resources—by engaging in micro-breaks to pet their pup, the people are able to relax and refresh themselves—in ways that interacting with unfurry family members doesn't.

"Dogs are fantastic at reading us—they can sense when we're upset—and they are arguably better at reading us than some people are," says Kogan, a professor in the clinical sciences department at Colorado State University, "because we intuit that our dogs read us so well, we regulate ourselves so as not to upset our dogs, which is helpful for us as well. It's a positive feedback loop."

(1) What did the study in paragraph 2 find? A. Interacting with dogs can cause anxiety and stress. B. People with dog companions have lower stress levels. C. Dogs can improve their owners' academic performance. D. Dogs' owners tend to reduce stress by coloring or waiting.
(2) Why are people more willing to talk to their dogs? A. Dogs can help them fix the problems. B. They get a sense of security from dogs. C. Their partners or friends are not reliable. D. They have a closer relationship with dogs.
(3) What does the underlined word replenishes in paragraph 4 mean? A. Replaces. B. Researches. C. Refills. D. Removes.
(4) What is Kogan's attitude towards having dog companions? A. Favorable. B. Unclear. C. Skeptical. D. Intolerant.
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We are always seeking ways to make our events more inclusive and to find new ways to deliver value to you. For 2024 we have reduced the ticket prices and introduced a new ticket option "super early bird" for our Instant Expert events. All our events will still be held at Conway Hall,25 Red Lion Square, London. What doesn't change is that each event will continue to feature six expert speakers sharing their knowledge and latest research on the event topic.

What will you learn?

Anyone interested in genetics (遗传学) can attend, whatever your age or background. Whether you're a scientist, a student or simply a fascinated human being, Instant Expert: The Genetics Revolution offers the chance to learn directly from the experts at our one-day masterclass. At this Instant Expert, you'll learn about:

●Gene editing with CRISPR

●Whether DNA is destiny, Nature vs Nurture

●Genome sequencing and consumer DNA testing

●The ethics of creating new life

What's included in your ticket?

●In-depth and engaging talks from six leading scientists

●Ask-an-expert Question Time session

●Your chance to meet our six speakers and New Scientist host

●Exclusive on-the-day New Scientist subscription deal, book and merchandise offers

Booking information:

Doors will open at 9 a. m. on Saturday, May 25th, with talks starting an hour later. The event will finish at 5 p. m. Lunch will NOT be provided at this event, but the agenda includes a one-hour lunch break... Visitors are welcome to bring their own food, or purchase lunch at one of the many establishments around Red Lion Square and the surrounding area.

Tickets are non-transferable to any other New Scientist event. All tickets are non-refundable.

(1)  Which is one of the changes about the event? A. The prices of the tickets. B. The place for the event. C. The time for entrance. D. The number of experts.
(2)  What can visitors do at Conway Hall? A. Edit gene with CRISPR.                 B. Have their DNA tested. C. Buy discounted books. D. Interact with the experts.
(3) How long will the event last? A. About 9 hours. B. About 6 hours. C. About 5 hours. D. About 3 hours.
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Kreuzberg in Berlin, Germany is well-known for foods from various countries. Here are some of the best places to get a taste of the neighborhood.


Founded in 1908, this popular fish restaurant is named after its original German founder. When he failed to persuade his son to carry on the business, he handed it over to his superstar 18-year-old Turkish employee, Ayshe. She and her family have run it ever since, and the restaurant still serves traditional German smoked fish and potatoes alongside Turkish-influenced salads.

Little Gourmets

This store is best known for roasted and sweetened nuts and dried fruit. Customers can buy the various sweets here and go to its next-door teashop which offers more than one hundred types of Turkish drinks. The store owners are not at all interested in rushing anyone-they encourage their customers to enjoy every last bite and drink.


Baraka is a Moroccan restaurant named after its owner. Baraka's father ran a restaurant in Casablanca in the mid-1970s that was frequented by German business travelers. He thought he could make a killing if he opened a restaurant in Germany, so he did just that when Baraka was a young child. Today people arrive in crowds for the vegetarian soup, and the fresh bread piping hot out of the oven.

Noodle Soup Lady

Noodle Soup Lady is well known for its Thai foods. Its terrific beef noodle soup with thin slices of pork is slightly sweet and sour. Another classic dish at Noodle Soup Lady is a kind of spicy salad which is made just in front of your eyes.

(1) What can customers enjoy at Fisch-Schmidt? A. Thai noodles. B. Moroccan soup. C. Turkish drinks. D. German smoked fish.
(2) Which place is most probably named after its present owner? A. Baraka. B. Fisch-Schmidt. C. Little Gourmets. D. Noodle Soup Lady.
(3) What is special about the salad at Noodle Soup Lady? A. It has a slightly sweet and sour taste. B. It is made in front of the customers' eyes. C. It is passed down from its German founder. D. It has to be mixed with nuts and dried fruit.
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