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In recent years, multiple studies have illustrated the ways people's dogs can provide comfort, calm their frazzled nerves, be good listeners, and provide other forms of valuable support, proving that sometimes words are simply not necessary.

When people were asked to perform mental arithmetic (算术) or endure a "cold pressor" test in which their hand is submerged in ice water, those who had their dogs present had smaller increases in their blood pressure and heart rate. More recently, a study in a 2023 issue of the journal Emotion had people engage in a stressful task—involving adding numbers that flashed on a computer screen—then interact with their pet dog, color in a coloring book, or wait quietly for 10 minutes. Those who interacted with their dogs experienced a greater boost in mood and a greater reduction in anxiety than those who waited or tried to destress by coloring. 

Research has also found that talking to your dog about emotionally fraught issues can be particularly beneficial. People are more willing to confide (吐露) in their dogs about difficult emotions, such as depression, jealousy, anxiety, apathy, and fear, than they are with their romantic partners or friends. The precise reasons for this may be that pets are good, nonjudgmental listeners because they don't interrupt or reply. Your relationship with your dog is a safe space because your dog won't judge you or disagree with you.

A study in a 2022 issue of the International Journal of Public Health found that when people interact with their dogs while teleworking, it replenishes the humans' self-regulatory resources—by engaging in micro-breaks to pet their pup, the people are able to relax and refresh themselves—in ways that interacting with unfurry family members doesn't.

"Dogs are fantastic at reading us—they can sense when we're upset—and they are arguably better at reading us than some people are," says Kogan, a professor in the clinical sciences department at Colorado State University, "because we intuit that our dogs read us so well, we regulate ourselves so as not to upset our dogs, which is helpful for us as well. It's a positive feedback loop."

(1) What did the study in paragraph 2 find? A. Interacting with dogs can cause anxiety and stress. B. People with dog companions have lower stress levels. C. Dogs can improve their owners' academic performance. D. Dogs' owners tend to reduce stress by coloring or waiting.
(2) Why are people more willing to talk to their dogs? A. Dogs can help them fix the problems. B. They get a sense of security from dogs. C. Their partners or friends are not reliable. D. They have a closer relationship with dogs.
(3) What does the underlined word replenishes in paragraph 4 mean? A. Replaces. B. Researches. C. Refills. D. Removes.
(4) What is Kogan's attitude towards having dog companions? A. Favorable. B. Unclear. C. Skeptical. D. Intolerant.
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Angus Neish dared to hope that his fine-looking cattle, bred at Rodmead Farm in Wilt-shire, would nab a prize at the Royal Bath and West Show last month. The annual fair, held near Shepton Mallet, in Somerset, is England's oldest and grandest. As well as a fiercely competitive livestock parade, it features Morris dancing, sheep-shearing and a vintage fairground. Its pony-chariot races are second to none. Many contestants performed vigorously before a large crowd. 100, 000 turned out for some of the three-day show. 

Britons love a fair. No one is sure exactly how many shows there are across the country, but at least 400 days of such rural events happen annually across the country. Roughly one in ten Britons attend them each year. It appears their popularity is rising. 

In late June, it was the turn of the Royal Highland Show, near Edinburgh, where 217, 000 people—breaking a record set in 2019-rolled up. It is estimated that the event last year boosted nearby businesses by almost &40m($51m). 

Why do people go?Nostalgia(怀旧)is evidently a draw. At Bath and West, as colored flags flapped, visitors formed queues, bought cream teas and listened as a military band played wartime hits. Rural shows also have a purpose. Many fairs were founded to spread the knowledge of new farming technology among rural populations. Some of that mission lives on. 

A secondary goal is to better educate those who flood in from towns and cities—urban folk make up a decent share of those who pack the grounds. Some consumers also come armed with powerful knowledge of food supply chains—as well as sometimes picky personal preferences for organic, local, animal-friendly and environmentally sound products. Laura Williams, of the Royal Welsh Show, notes that visitors are"much more invested in farming and interested in where their food comes from"than in years past.

A last purpose, naturally, is for farmers to excel against their rivals in friendly competition. In this respect, Mr. Neish enjoyed an utterly successful day. In a first for Bath and West, his cattle scooped all four of the top prizes on offer in their categories. Such victories do not bring immediate, large financial rewards, but should boost the reputation of his breeding program. 

(1) What do we know about the fair last month? A. It saw high attendances. B. It was a monthly show. C. It was a fierce art competition. D. It conveyed British moral values.
(2) What's the purpose of the shows? A. To narrow the urban-rural gap. B. To promote wartime hit records. C. To offer an insight into farming. D. To erase competition among farmers.
(3) What will Mr Neish gain from Bath and West? A. An instant profit. B. Marketing strategies. C. A chance to advertise. D. An academic reputation.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Rural shows:Victors' stage B. Masses of farmers:True winners C. Farm products:Sweeping British D. Fun of the fair:Gaining popularity
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Walking in the countryside is believed to be the best tonic to lift our spirits. Being exposed to nature has been linked to both emotional and physical well-being improvement. For some, the first choice is to stroll through a forest. However, when we are admiring the lush green trees surrounding us, it's noteworthy that they are doing more than just being pleasing things to look at.

We're already aware that trees are a natural healer. They produce oxygen, remove dust and clean the air we breathe by taking in harmful human-caused carbon dioxide emissions. Deforestation does no good to this, which is why so many people want to save them. But there's more to trees than we thought. A study has discovered that trees are actually an intelligent plant.

It's considered that trees do communicate and share resources among themselves. But how do they actually "talk" to each other? Below the surface of the earth are tree roots, and they are connected via an underground web of fungi(菌丝) that resembles the nervous networks in the brain. And research has shown that they are all interconnected. This network allows trees to share information which is important to the whole forest. They transfer carbon, nutrients and water to one another, and even warn each other of approaching threats.

Suzanne Simard, a researcher from the University of British Columbia, has named this network the Wood Wide Web. She discovered that mother trees help smaller trees to survive via this network. She said to the BBC," We discovered that the mother trees would prefer those seedlings of their own kin (同族) to those of the strangers" by passing them more nutrients. She also said that to survive in a changing environment, trees are clever enough to make changes and adapt themselves to the surroundings.

So it appears that trees really are the social stars in nature, and with approximately three trillion trees on our planet, it's high time to show them our respect if we expect them to thrive.

(1) Which of the following statements about trees' benefits is true according to the passage? A. Trees have healing properties like giving off carbon dioxide, purifying the air. B. Walking through a forest keeps people healthy physically and mentally. C. Trees bring no more than beauty to nature. D. Trees can provide shade and comfort for people in hot weather.
(2) All of the following behaviors show that trees are smart except ____. A. Helping their offspring grow. B. Managing to adapt to the environment. C. Warning each other of dangers. D. Being connected via the Wood Wide Web.
(3) What does the last paragraph imply? A. Trees are of great importance to our life. B. It's time that we got close to nature and socialized with trees. C. We human beings should save and love forests rather than destroy them. D. Trees can't grow well due to their large population.
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Climate change has been a long-standing issue that continuously drives scientists to find green, sustainable fuels. The universe's most abundant element, hydrogen (氢), has drawn their attention and is now on its way to becoming the future of green fuel.

More than $150 billion worth of green hydrogen projects were announced globally in 2020, according to Reuters. Airbus, a European multinational aerospace corporation, has taken the lead in the new sustainable fuel industry. It has designed self-contained hydrogen fuel cell pods that can be attached to the underside of airplane wings, promoting the use of hydrogen fuel for long-distance flights, which aim to achieve zero emissions. The company plans to launch hydrogen-powered aircraft in 2035, according to Daily Mail.

Compared to fossil fuels, hydrogen is a much more eco-friendly fuel. When hydrogen burns, the only by-product is water. However, the traditional way to get hydrogen from natural gas or coal generates considerable carbon emissions. The greenest way is to obtain hydrogen from water using electrolysis (电解) powered by renewable energy, although this process requires so much electricity that it is quite expensive. The key to making hydrogen competitive with fossil fuels is to lower the production cost to under $1.50. This would require lowering around 50 percent of renewable power costs and 75 percent of electrolyzer costs, according to Australia's renewable energy agency.

Also, shipping liquid hydrogen is challenging, given that needs to be chilled to -253 to do so. Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries is set to complete the construction of the world's first liquefied hydrogen carrier by early 2021. According to Reuters, most of the world's big hydrogen export projects are looking to ship hydrogen in the form of liquid ammonia (氨), which can be changed to hydrogen and needs to be chilled to only -33.

With more and more countries aiming to cut down carbon emissions to solve the issue of global warming, green hydrogen will help decarbonizing industries that can't be electrified hit the targets.

"We could use these circumstances, where loads of public money are going to be needed into the energy system, to jump forward towards a hydrogen economy," said Diederik Samsom, who heads the European Commission's climate cabinet.

(1) What is the strength of the hydrogen fuel? A. It works very efficiently. B. It is convenient to store. C. It is environmentally friendly. D. It produces no by-product.
(2) What is the challenge when shipping liquid hydrogen? A. The expensive cost of shipping. B. The required temperature. C. The construction of liquefied carriers. D. Changing it to the form of liquid ammonia.
(3) In which industries does green hydrogen benefit for? A. Those powered by fossil fuels. B. Those generating electricity. C. Those funded by public money. D. Those making hydrogen.
(4) What is the most suitable title for the passage? A. Fueling a Green Future B. Living a Green Life C. Shipping Liquid Hydrogen D. Making Hydrogen Competitive
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