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Angus Neish dared to hope that his fine-looking cattle, bred at Rodmead Farm in Wilt-shire, would nab a prize at the Royal Bath and West Show last month. The annual fair, held near Shepton Mallet, in Somerset, is England's oldest and grandest. As well as a fiercely competitive livestock parade, it features Morris dancing, sheep-shearing and a vintage fairground. Its pony-chariot races are second to none. Many contestants performed vigorously before a large crowd. 100, 000 turned out for some of the three-day show. 

Britons love a fair. No one is sure exactly how many shows there are across the country, but at least 400 days of such rural events happen annually across the country. Roughly one in ten Britons attend them each year. It appears their popularity is rising. 

In late June, it was the turn of the Royal Highland Show, near Edinburgh, where 217, 000 people—breaking a record set in 2019-rolled up. It is estimated that the event last year boosted nearby businesses by almost &40m($51m). 

Why do people go?Nostalgia(怀旧)is evidently a draw. At Bath and West, as colored flags flapped, visitors formed queues, bought cream teas and listened as a military band played wartime hits. Rural shows also have a purpose. Many fairs were founded to spread the knowledge of new farming technology among rural populations. Some of that mission lives on. 

A secondary goal is to better educate those who flood in from towns and cities—urban folk make up a decent share of those who pack the grounds. Some consumers also come armed with powerful knowledge of food supply chains—as well as sometimes picky personal preferences for organic, local, animal-friendly and environmentally sound products. Laura Williams, of the Royal Welsh Show, notes that visitors are"much more invested in farming and interested in where their food comes from"than in years past.

A last purpose, naturally, is for farmers to excel against their rivals in friendly competition. In this respect, Mr. Neish enjoyed an utterly successful day. In a first for Bath and West, his cattle scooped all four of the top prizes on offer in their categories. Such victories do not bring immediate, large financial rewards, but should boost the reputation of his breeding program. 

(1) What do we know about the fair last month? A. It saw high attendances. B. It was a monthly show. C. It was a fierce art competition. D. It conveyed British moral values.
(2) What's the purpose of the shows? A. To narrow the urban-rural gap. B. To promote wartime hit records. C. To offer an insight into farming. D. To erase competition among farmers.
(3) What will Mr Neish gain from Bath and West? A. An instant profit. B. Marketing strategies. C. A chance to advertise. D. An academic reputation.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Rural shows:Victors' stage B. Masses of farmers:True winners C. Farm products:Sweeping British D. Fun of the fair:Gaining popularity
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Some cities across the world are well-known tourist destinations and manage to attract most of the global tourists. Whatever the reason is, there is no doubt that they are the world's most popular tourist destinations.

Kuala Lumpur

The capital of Malaysia serves as the base for tourists visiting Malaysia. The city has a modern skyline that is dominated by the world's tallest twin buildings, the Petronas Twin Towers. Tourist love the city as it has numerous great sights and attractions. Besides, there are simply too many choices when it comes to dining options.


As Turkey's capital and most populous city, the city's location has attracted a large number of empires and conquerors in the past. Today, the city serves as one of the top tourist destinations in the world and is regarded as the cultural and historical center of Turkey.


The biggest and capital city of the United Kingdom, located on the banks of the Thames River, has a rich history and culture that makes it one of the most visited cities in the world. The city's museums have rich collections of historic and prehistoric artifacts and buildings that display a great diversity of architectural styles from the past to the present.


Thailand's largest and capital city is located in the Chao Phraya River delta in the country, serving as the main gateway for international tourists entering Thailand. The attractions, urban life and rich culture make it a favorite among tourists seeking entertainment at a reasonable price. The nightlife of Bangkok attracts young tourists from across the world.

(1) What makes Kuala Lumpur unique? A. The modern sights and attractions. B. The world's tallest twin buildings. C. The largest number of tourists. D. The numerous dining halls.
(2) What do Istanbul and London have in common? A. They show different buildings to the tourists. B. They are the biggest city in their own country. C. They are the cities most popular with tourists. D. They have the longest history in the world.
(3) Which city is recommended for money-saving travel? A. Kuala Lumpur. B. Istanbul. C. London. D. Bangkok.
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Planning a visit to the UK? Here we help with ways to cut your costs. 

AVOID BIG EVENTS Big sporting events, concerts and exhibitions can increase the cost of accommodation and make it harder to find a room. A standard double room at the Thistle Brighton on the final Friday of the Brighton Comedy Festival (19 Oct. ) cost £ 169. 15 at Booking. com. A week later, the same room cost £ 118. 15.

If you can be flexible and want to know dates to avoid or you're looking for a big event to pass your time-check out sites such as Whatsonwhen.com, which allow you to search for events in the UK by city, date and category. 

STAYAWAY FROM THE STATION If traveling to your destination by train, you -may want to find a good base close to the station, but you could end up paying more for the sake of convenience at the start of your holiday. 

Don't be too choosy about the part of town you stay in. Booking two months in advance, the cheapest room at Travelodge's Central Euston hotel in London for Saturday 22 September was £ 95. 95. A room just a tube journey away at its Covent Garden hotel was £ 75. 75. And at Farringdon, a double room cost just £ 62. 95.

LOOK AFTER YOURSELF Really central hotels in cities such as London, Edinburgh and Cardiff can cost a fortune, especially at weekends and during big events. As an alternative consider checking into a self-catering flat with its own kitchen. Often these flats are hidden away on the top floors of city centre buildings. A great example is the historic O'Neill Flat on Edinburgh's Royal Mile, available for £ 420 for five days in late September, with room for four adults. 

GET ON A BIKE London's "Boris bikes' have attracted the most attention, but other cities also have similar programmes that let you rent a bicycle and explore at your own pace, saving you. on public transport or car parking costs. 

Among the smaller cities with their own programmes are Newcastle (casual members pay around £ 1. 50 for two hours) and Cardiff (free for up to 30 minutes, or £ 5 per day). 

(1)  The Brighton Comedy Festival is mentioned mainly to show big events may ____.  A. help travelers pass time B. attract lots of travelers to the UK C. allow travelers to make flexible plans D. cause travelers to pay more for accommodation
(2) "Farringdon" in Paragraph'5 is most probably ____. A. a hotel away from the train station B. the tube line to Covent Garden C. an ideal holiday destination D. the name of a travel agency
(3) The passage shows that the O'Neill Flat ____. A. lies on the ground floor B. is located in central London C. provides cooking facilities for tourists D. costs over 100 on average per day in late September
(4) Cardiff's program allows a free bike for a maximum period of ____.  A. half an hour B. one hour C. one hour and a half D. two hours
(5) The main purpose of the passage is ____. A. to tell visitors how to book in advance B. to supply visitors with hotel information C. to show visitors the importance of self-help D. to offer visitors some money-saving tips
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Liu Yexi has taken Douyin by storm. As of Nov 17, the virtual idol, who debuted (首次出现) on the social media platform on Oct 31, had only released two short videos but attracted over 5 million followers.

Different from other virtual idols, Liu is defined as a “virtual beauty vlogger”. In her first video, Liu is doing makeup with an eye brush while dressed in a traditional Chinese costume. When she turns around, the onlookers are terrified, except one boy. Then Liu slightly brushes the boy's eyes, allowing him to see the fantasy world in her own eyes.

The internet users marveled at its storyline, science-fiction elements and special visual effects with cyberpunk style. Liang Zikang, the CEO of the production team, told China Newsweek that the team spent two months making the video.

Liu's instant popularity online further reflects that the virtual idol industry in China has  been booming. There are over 32,400 virtual idols that have opened accounts on video-sharing platform Bilibili in the past year, seeing a year-on-year rise of 40 percent, Chen Rui, the CEO of Bilibili, said in a speech.

“Compared with real idols and stars, the virtual ones seem to be more approachable for fans,” Shine News noted. Additionally, these virtual web celebrities won't have scandals.

As more young people are fascinated by these virtual figures, their commercial value has been on the rise. Generally, they earn money by endorsements, online concerts, livestreaming and related products.

Therefore, some people are wondering whether they will replace real humans. “These so-called virtual idols have real human teams to back them up and control them. They are not really virtual,” Ding Daoshi, an independent analyst in the internet sector, told the Global Times. The real virtual idol will come when artificial intelligence achieves a new level of self-learning and self-training and then interacts with others, he added.

(1) What can we learn about Liu Yexi from the text? A. Liu has more followers than any real idols. B. Liu is skilled at making up science fictions. C. Liu became famous overnight as a “virtual beauty vlogger”. D. Liu has released two short videos to attract 5 million supporters.
(2) What does Ding Daoshi imply in the last paragraph? A. Virtual idols will replace real humans. B. The real virtual idol is likely to appear. C. The virtual idol industry is totally conducted by AI. D. Conditions for the virtual idol industry have matured.
(3) Where is the text probably from? A. A guidebook. B. An autobiography. C. A book review. D. A news report.
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