1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项

You are what you think. Whatever you are doing right now is determined by your thinking. All your emotions and desires are influenced by your thinking. The problem is that when you are not aware of your thinking, you have no chance of correcting it if it is poor. When thinking is subconscious, you are in no position to see any problems in it. And, if you don't see any problems in it, you won't be motivated to change it. What's worse, few people realize the powerful role that thinking plays in their lives, so they don't gain significant command of it. As a result, most people are in many ways victims of their thinking.

Consider your success as a student. The single most significant variable in determining your success as a student is the quality of your thinking. Your instructors will play a role in your learning, but even the best teachers cannot get into your head and learn for you. If you lack the intellectual skills necessary for thinking well through course content, you will not be successful in school.

Here is the key question we are putting to you in this book. If the quality of a person's thinking is the single most significant determinant of both happiness and success, why not take the time to learn from the best thinkers?

This book will inform you of the tools that the best thinkers use and will illustrate the activities and practice you can use to begin to emulate them, and take control of your destiny as a thinker. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of these thinking aids, helping you discover the power of your own mind and of your potential to think systematically about your thinking.

This book, as a whole, introduces you to the tools of mind that will help you reason well through various challenges you face. If you take these ideas seriously and practice using them, you can improve the quality of your thinking and ultimately, the quality of your life.

(1) Why do many people lack motivation to change their poor thinking? A. They are victims of emotions. B. They are unaware of the need. C. They think highly of themselves. D. They lack the academic guidance.
(2) What plays the most crucial role in school success? A. The course content. B. The school environment. C. The commitment of teachers. D. The quality of an individual's thinking.
(3) What does the underlined word "emulate" mean in paragraph 4? A. Make friends with. B. Win over. C. Follow the example of. D. Look up to.
(4) The book is organized according to ____. A. varieties of thinking tools B. types of life challenges C. determinants of life value D. ideas of different thinkers
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The student years are not only about books and lectures. This wonderful period of time makes students' transition(过渡) to adult life easier. Students learn how to live by themselves, and network with professors and other students. Moreover, if they choose, they can join a student organization.

One of the university's main purposes is to prepare students for an intellectual job. Student organizations' functions are consistent with that. Usually, such an association on campus carries on many projects that can have a positive impact on students' life. These can be inspirational speech events and many other non-profit activities. All these interesting projects require more than just students being present. Each of them has to go through various developments regarding management, digital design, finding sponsorships, organizing events and many others. These will be valuable enough to help them get amazing work.

Besides the material effects above, researches show joining a student organization helps psychological development. It is indeed difficult to deal with both extracurricular projects and studies. However, this routine is serious training for their adult life. They will come to understand better the importance of their lectures without which they can't complete complex tasks, so they will become more committed to their collegiate education.

Once they get involved in a student organization, however, it's more than likely that they have to spend much time participating in weekly and monthly meetings and contributing their own efforts to lots of projects. Since these activities will have a huge impact on students especially off campus, many students will place extracurricular duties above college courses.

Anyway, the impacts vary in number and effectiveness depending on students' attention. However, one thing is for certain. Such organizations will provide an unforgettable experience that will unlock their full potential and deserve a shot.

(1) Why do student organizations benefit students' future career? A. They teach students to network with others. B. They help students to finish complex tasks. C. They inspire students to attend speeches. D. They have students experience different jobs.
(2) What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. Student organizations have many material effects. B. It's hard to balance extracurricular projects and studies. C. Student organizations help students with their adult life. D. Students organizations benefit psychological development.
(3) What's the disadvantage of joining a student organization according to the text? A. Concentration on study. B. Conflicts of time managements. C. Participation in endless meetings. D. A waste of efforts to finish projects.
(4) What's the attitude of the author towards joining student organizations? A. Favorable. B. Disapproving.  C. Indifferent. D. Humorous.
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Readers will discover explorers, landmarks and more in the following maps and travel books.

Maps Special Edition, ₤ 25

This book was already popular in our children's area and has been made even better with this special edition. The collection of 68 maps takes you through 58 countries and six continents. It is packed with illustrated information, including famous historical figures, local dishes, some festivals, landmarks, etc.

Maps of the United Kingdom, ₤17.99

Technically aimed at children, it contains lots of information and facts. It's very well put together, especially when it comes to choosing the seven famous people with a connection to their special place. Philip Pullman, for example, is associated with Norfolk.

Harry Potter's London, ₤3.99

Harry Potter's London is a map that covers information on three walks taken in the best of the central London locations in the hugely popular films. The walks cover Picadilly Circus, Westminster Bridge via Trafailg, and King's Cross with its famous Platform 9 ¾.

Ushorne First Sticker Book Flags, ₤5.99

Learn the flag of every country in the world by placing the flag sticker on the correct countries on the maps. This contains interesting facts about countries and flags. There are fun questions throughout, including, "Some African flags have a diagonal strip (对角条纹). How many can you find?"

(1) What knowledge does Maps Special Edition involve? A. World-wide popular festivals. B. The culture of many places. C. The history of 68 countries. D. Different editions of maps.
(2) The one that allows readers to match countries with flags costs ______. A. ₤ 25. B. ₤ 17.99. C. ₤ 3.99. D. ₤ 5.99.
(3) Who may be the target readers of the maps? A. Common people. B. Geography teachers. C. Young readers. D. Map collectors.
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The year is 1763, and a 7-year-old Mozart is about to set off on a tour around Europe that will jump-start the Mozart legend. Mozart had a trick up his sleeve. When the young Mozart heard a note played-any note-he could immediately identify exactly which note it was. It was an ability now we know as "perfect pitch", and it seemed to be an example of the mysterious gifts that young geniuses had been born with. But is that really so?

Over my years of studying experts in various fields, like Mozart, I have found that there's no such thing as a predefined ability. Actually, those people all develop their abilities through "deliberate practice", a purposeful and systematic type of practice that makes it possible for them to do things they otherwise could not. In them, potential is an expandable vessel, shaped by the various things they do throughout their lives.

One of my testimonies came from Ray Allen, a ten-time All-Star in the NBA. Allen's jump shot was not noticeably better than his teammates' back in high school; in fact, it was poor. But with hard work and dedication, he transformed his jump shot into one so graceful and natural that people assumed he was born with it.

But it doesn't mean "Just keep working at it, and you'll get there". Heartfelt desire and hard work alone will not lead to improved performance. The right sort of practice carried out over a sufficient period of time will lead to improvement. Nothing else. And this is true whether our goal is to become a concert pianist or just play the piano well enough to amuse ourselves, to be the greatest three-point shooter or just build ourselves up. Deliberate practice is the gold standard for anyone in any field who wishes to build new skills and abilities.

(1) Why is Mozart's perfect pitch mentioned in paragraph 1? A. To introduce an inborn talent. B. To explain reasons for success C. To lead to reflection on gifts. D. To define a brilliant trick.
(2) Which is the most important in making an expert according to the writer? A. Affection. B. Experience. C. Training. D. Gifts.
(3) What does the underlined word "testimonies" mean in paragraph 3? A. Challenges. B. Proofs. C. Comments. D. Puzzles.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. Secret of Great Talents B. Bom to Stand Out C. A Surprising Discovery D. Start When Young
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