
The student years are not only about books and lectures. This wonderful period of time makes students' transition(过渡) to adult life easier. Students learn how to live by themselves, and network with professors and other students. Moreover, if they choose, they can join a student organization.

One of the university's main purposes is to prepare students for an intellectual job. Student organizations' functions are consistent with that. Usually, such an association on campus carries on many projects that can have a positive impact on students' life. These can be inspirational speech events and many other non-profit activities. All these interesting projects require more than just students being present. Each of them has to go through various developments regarding management, digital design, finding sponsorships, organizing events and many others. These will be valuable enough to help them get amazing work.

Besides the material effects above, researches show joining a student organization helps psychological development. It is indeed difficult to deal with both extracurricular projects and studies. However, this routine is serious training for their adult life. They will come to understand better the importance of their lectures without which they can't complete complex tasks, so they will become more committed to their collegiate education.

Once they get involved in a student organization, however, it's more than likely that they have to spend much time participating in weekly and monthly meetings and contributing their own efforts to lots of projects. Since these activities will have a huge impact on students especially off campus, many students will place extracurricular duties above college courses.

Anyway, the impacts vary in number and effectiveness depending on students' attention. However, one thing is for certain. Such organizations will provide an unforgettable experience that will unlock their full potential and deserve a shot.

(1) Why do student organizations benefit students' future career? A. They teach students to network with others. B. They help students to finish complex tasks. C. They inspire students to attend speeches. D. They have students experience different jobs.
(2) What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. Student organizations have many material effects. B. It's hard to balance extracurricular projects and studies. C. Student organizations help students with their adult life. D. Students organizations benefit psychological development.
(3) What's the disadvantage of joining a student organization according to the text? A. Concentration on study. B. Conflicts of time managements. C. Participation in endless meetings. D. A waste of efforts to finish projects.
(4) What's the attitude of the author towards joining student organizations? A. Favorable. B. Disapproving.  C. Indifferent. D. Humorous.
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When Stanford University student Ellen Xu was a five-year-old in California, she vividly recalls her parents rushing her little sister to the hospital. Three-year-old Kate had fallen acutely ill; she had a fever, reddened eyes, a rash and some swelling in her hands and tongue. 

At first, the puzzled doctors thought she had influenza, but when her condition didn't improve, the Xus returned to the emergency room, where a doctor by chance had prior experience with an acute inflammatory (炎症性的) reaction in the blood vessels known as Kawasaki disease. Though rare, it's the leading cause of acquired heart disease in babies and young children, and its cause and triggers remain somewhat mysterious. The doctor knew how to treat it: He ordered a dose of intravenous immunoglobulin, and eventually Kate shook off the illness without suffering damage to her heart.

Xu remembers being curious about her sister's dramatic condition and was amazed that the grown-ups couldn't answer her questions about why it was so hard to detect. "In my mind, it was this mystery, she says. "It was a puzzle I wanted to solve. "

A decade later, wanting to enter a high school science fair, she had an idea: "What if we had a doctor in our pocket?" So she created just that: Using AT, Xu designed an algorithm(算法) that uses visual data to diagnose (诊断) Kawasaki disease based on five physical symptoms.

The technology works the same way as apps that can identify birds and plants with photos you've taken on your cellphone. Worried parents can upload a photo that they have taken of their child, and the technology will scan the image for symptoms of Kawasaki disease, which often have a strong visual element, such as a rash or a swollen tongue.

Xu's invention has been applied as a web app on the Kawasaki Disease Foundation's website without charge. "The technology could also be developed for recognizing auto-immune and rheumatological (风湿病学的) diseases, " she says. "It means a lot to me. I want to use Al to help people live happier and healthier lives. "

(1) Why was Kawasaki disease so hard to diagnose? A. It had no symptoms. B. It had never been known before. C. It could be confused with influenza. D. It couldn't be diagnosed by medical instruments.
(2) What's the function of the first three paragraphs? A. To describe the bad results of the disease. B. To introduce a case remaining mysterious. C. To show why Xu developed the technology. D. To prove doctors should accumulate clinical experience.
(3) What's the advantage of Xu's invention? A. It is convenient and cheap. B. It can take the place of doctors. C. It can treat Kawasaki disease quickly. D. It can diagnose Kawasaki disease via scanned pictures.
(4) What can be learned from the text? A. The technology is an AI-powered diagnosed tool. B. Xu had the idea of the technology when Kate was treated. C. The technology can't be applied to diagnose other diseases. D. Influenza is the leading reason of acquired heart disease in babies.
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Must-read New Fiction Books

We all have a few tried-and-true fiction favorites, but there's something special about a brand-new, hot-off-the-press novel. Whether it's your favorite author's new release or a new writer's first work, great fiction books make the perfect escape from ordinary life. That's why we've rounded up a list of the best new books released in February.

Age of Gold by Jerry Lapoor

Jerry Lapoor's latest action-packed novel unfolds like a crazy movie. This thriller begins when a wealthy man's car gets out of control. But when the dust settles, the rich man is nowhere to be found. How and to where does he disappear? With an exciting plot that will carry you from old-money houses to small agricultural villages, Age of Cold will take you on an unforgettable ride across a vast land.

City Under One Sky by Rachel Young

In the book, Young presents a crime story set in a small town. Detective Sara Kennedy has been sent to investigate a case. But soon after arrival, Sara gets snowed in with the 205 townsfolk living in the same apartment building. Who is hiding the key to the crime? And is there anyone she can truly trust? The appealing story, strange but distinctive characters and unexpected plot are just a few of the reasons why City Under One Sky gains its popularity.

Lady by Jess George

Lady is an irresistible fiction from Jess George. The story of Mary's fresh start at adulthood is shot through with themes of family, race and discrimination, womanhood and the immigrant reality of feeling torn between cultures. Though struggling with life in London as an African, Mary jumps at every chance to stand on her own feet.

(1)  What will impress the readers in Age of Gold? A. The thrilling plot. B. Traditional cultures. C. The family conflict. D. Crazy characters.
(2) What happenes to Sara Kennedy in City Under One Sky? A. She is trapped in the snow. B. She is to investigate a case abroad. C. She hides the key evidence. D. She has trouble discovering the truth.
(3) Which is likely to be the main theme of Lady? A. Self-reliance. B. Gender equality. C. Domestic violence. D. Cross-cultural communication.
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We are always seeking ways to make our events more inclusive and to find new ways to deliver value to you. For 2024 we have reduced the ticket prices and introduced a new ticket option "super early bird" for our Instant Expert events. All our events will still be held at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London. What doesn't change is that each event will continue to feature six expert speakers sharing their knowledge and latest research on the event topic.

What will you learn?

Anyone interested in genetics(遗传学) can attend, whatever your age or background. Whether you're a scientist, a student or simply a fascinated human being, Instant Expert: The Genetics Revolution offers the chance to learn directly from the experts at our one-day master class. At this Instant Expert, you'll learn about:

Gene editing with CRISPR

Whether DNA is destiny, Nature vs Nurture

Genome sequencing and consumer DNA testing

The ethics of creating new life

What's included in your ticket?

In-depth and engaging talks from six leading scientists

Ask-an-expert Question Time session

Your chance to meet our six speakers and New Scientist host

Exclusive on-the-day New Scientist subscription deal, book and merchandise offers

Booking information:

Doors will open at 9 a. m. on Saturday, May 25th, with talks starting an hour later. The event will finish at 5 p. m.. Lunch will NOT be provided at this event, but the agenda includes a one-hour lunch break…Visitors are welcome to bring their own food, or purchase lunch at one of the many establishments around Red Lion Square and the surrounding area.

Tickets are non-transferable to any other New Scientist event. All tickets are non-refundable.

(1) Which is one of the changes about the event? A. The prices of the tickets. B. The place for the event. C. The time for entrance. D. The number of experts.
(2) What can visitors do at Conway Hall? A. Edit gene with CRISPR. B. Have their DNA tested. C. Buy discounted books. D. Interact with the experts.
(3) How long will the event last? A. About 9 hours. B. About 6 hours. C. About 5 hours. D. About 3 hours.
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