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Despite extreme cold, cruel ice and being brushed off as mad, Slovenian Davo kamicar became the first person to ski non-stop down Mount Everest. After a dramatic fall over almost sheer cliffs of snow, stones and ice, 38-year-old Kamicar returned to his base camp after five hours of skiing. "I feel only absolute happiness and absolute tiredness," he said. 

Due to the severe weather conditions, Kamicar flung himself back down the mountain as soon as he reached the top rather than have a rest as planned At one point, he had to speed overstretches of ice that collapsed and broke underneath him and could have sent him falling into the deep crevasses(裂缝) that dot the mountain.

The descent (下落) had been widely regarded as extremely dangerous. The Darwin Awards website, known for documenting foolhardy deaths, urged people to log on to their website and "keep your eyes peeled for a live Darwin Award". However, the only body to make the news was the corpse (尸体)of an unknown mountaineer which Kamicar zipped past as he descended one of an estimated 120 corpses, thought to litter the slopes." This mountain is always full of surprises. Seeing a dead man out there was still a shocking experience," he said. 

Thanks to strategically placed cameras on the mountain and one attached to his safety helmet hundreds of thousands of people witnessed the process online, which was one of the record highs ever of more than 650,000 hits. The website was once jammed as people tried to access the site.

A previous failed attempt had already cost Kamicar two fingers when he got frostbite as a fierce storm hit the peak. Coming from a skiing family and had his first Himalayan skiing expedition in 1989, he has been ever since tireless in raising funds and sponsorship for more expeditions, with Everest as the permanent goal.

(1)  How did Davo Kamicar make history? A. By skiing down Mount Everest without rest. B. By attracting the largest number of online audience. C. By descending Mount Everest within the shortest time ever. D. By becoming the first to film his descent down Mount Everest.
(2)  What does the underlived word foolhardy in paragraph 3 mean? A. Daring but thoughtless. B. Natural but tragic. C. Peaceful and lonely.                                                                         D Slow and heartbreaking
(3) What was the most dangerous during Kamicar's descent? A. His heavy falling off a sheer cliff. B. The sudden appearance of other climbers. C. The unexpected collapse of an icy hillside. D. The sight of 120 corpses littering the slopes.
(4) Which of the following may be the best title for the passage? A. Darwin Award for Survivors B. Body of Mountaineer Found on Everest C. Mad Man Skis down Everest D. Extreme Sports Hero Slides to a Record
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One day as I drove toward my home, I passed the local bus depot. I pulled up as a group of people crossed the road in front of me. As I watched, I noticed a thin, shabbily dressed older lady struggling with a large suitcase.

Witnessing this lady and remembering similar struggles I had experienced in the past when traveling, I pulled up alongside her and leaned over to call out through the open passenger window, "I'm going right into the town," I said. "I can drop you off. That suitcase looks awfully heavy." "Well, all right," she answered. When we got there, she thanked me, "Well, God bless you, lady. No one has ever done me a kindness like that before. I hope someone will do a good turn for you one day." 

Shortly after the encounter with the suitcase lady, I decided to spend a day in the mountains alone. I set off with my dog in my pickup, which was elderly but still serviceable. After driving for nearly two hours, I heard a sudden loud noise and my truck came to a full stop. I found its axle was broken and needed to be towed. In a remote area, with no hope of finding another person, I knew I was in big trouble. Over and over, I blamed my own stupidity for being in a deserted area with no possible chance of help. I hoped that no wandering bear would come to investigate. Or a hungry mountain lion — with babies. My imagination ran riot. I started to panic.

Then faintly, in the distance, came the roar of motorbikes. As they drew nearer, I could see that they were a group of motorcycle riders. "Do you need help, ma'am?" I heard a concerned voice say. The rest is history. My pickup, my dog and I were all transported back to safety. I shall never forget the kindness of the motorcycle riders who stopped. Some people may think it was a happy coincidence, but personally I like to say, it was someone that really did a good turn for me, just as the suitcase lady said.

(1) How did the author help the old lady? A. She gave her a lift to the town. B. She helped her cross the road. C. She carried the suitcase for her. D. She took her to a nearby hotel.
(2) What happened to her pickup on the way to the mountains? A. It ran out of gas. B. It crashed into a tree. C. It broke down halfway. D. It was attacked by animals.
(3) What was the author's reaction to the incident in paragraph 3? A. She blamed it on the old road. B. She lost her temper with the dog. C. She stayed calm and asked for help. D. She felt very uneasy and frightened.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the story? A. Do as You Would Be Done by B. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed C. What Goes Around, Comes Around D. God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
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Older adults sometimes get themselves a dog for companionship. But the pets are increasingly sending their owners to the emergency room(ER). Injuries that happen while walking a dog can result in life-changing circumstances and such accidents are increasing, according to a study published in the medical journal JAMA Surgery.

The study looked at patients who made visits to hospital emergency departments throughout the United States from 2004 to 2017.Researchers said that there were more than 32,000 emergency room cases of fractures(骨折) associated with walking leashed(用皮带束缚的) dogs among people 65 and older. Cases increased from 1.671 ER visits in 2004 to 4,396 in 2017.

According to the study, nearly 80 percent of the patients have been women, whose generally lower bone density(密度) than that in men may be a reason. Being female means you are more likely to suffer fractures and bone disease, such as osteoporosis(骨质疏松症). Susan Bush, 69, says she has been injured multiple times while walking her dogs, including suffering a broken leg while trying to prevent her dog from running after a bear that came out of the woods near her Pennsyivania cottage, But despite this, she refuses to give up her pets. "Dogs are our soulmates," she says.

Some seniors may be underrating the physical risks involved in walking a dog every day, says Dr. Jaimo Ahn, a lead author of the study. In most cases, Ahn blames what he called a"small person/big dog"scenario(情景), where there is a disparity between a pet and its owner's ability to handle it. He also says that some seniors might not be as prepared to handle a pet as they should be. "Some of them are really well-trained, but others are really poorly trained," he says.

The researchers suggest that clinicians work with patients who use dog walking as exercise to reduce the risk of injury. That could include training dogs not to make sudden movements when leashed and suggesting smaller types of dogs.

(1) Where can we find the data that supports "walking dogs causes more and more elderly injuries"? A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3. C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5.
(2) Who strongly advocates the idea that old people need dogs? A. An elderly female dog owner. B. A male osteoporosis patient. C. A medical worker. D. A researcher.
(3) Which of the following best explain "disparity" underlined in paragraph 4? A. Disagreement. B. Mismatch. C. Connection. D. Balance.
(4) What is a suggestion for the elderly? A. Consult a clinician for injury treatment. B. Get some training before raising a pet. C. Walk a dog of a smaller size. D. Go for a walk to exercise.
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Directions, luggage delivery, tasty food. Those are some of the things we've seen robots offering at the media center of Beijing Winter Olympics. And most of the robots we've seen here aren't made to look human. Instead, they present a wide range of looks.

Two of the most advanced robots regularly operate in crowded space. One greets visitors, answers questions and offers to guide people through the crowds. Another one cleans the carpeted hallways of the main press center. 'k speaks to passersby in a woman's voice. It seems to be speaking English. But we carnet make it out well, because it also plays joyful music while its two front brushes are clearing dust and dirt like a futuristic street-sweeper.

Don't assume these robots work all hours just because they're robots. They have carefully managed schedules. For example, the snack robots just go around the media center for about 15 minutes every hour-usually only between noon and 17:00.

Another kind of robots helps out with logistics(物流) at the media center. These robots can carry up to 300 kilograms of goods, move freely along the relatively empty halls and automatically recharge themselves. They send unique codes through text messages to the receivers when the delivery has arrived. Then they can pick up the goods with the codes.

There are even COVID-fighting robots, which move around pre-programmed areas spreading chemicals. Food ordering, making and serving in the dining room are fully auto magical too. Reporters from around the world can enjoy various food options here.

In short, robots are expected to play an outstanding role in the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. But the most important goal is to reduce direct contact(接触)between people.

(1) What can the robots do according to paragraph 2? A. Sing and dance at the entrance. B.   Guide guests in crowded areas. C. Cook and serve in the dining room. D.   Deliver goods and recharge automatically.
(2) What can we know about the snack robots? A. They look like street-sweepers. B. They show up every 15 minutes. C. They cook food on site for the guests. D. They have pre-programmed schedules.
(3) What is the main purpose of employing robots at the media center? A. To reduce direct human contact. B. To promote made-in-China robots. C. To meet the challenge of labor shortage. D. To test the reliability of AI technologies.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. A Wonderful Day at 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics B. Helpful Robots at Beijing Winter Olympics Media Center C. Robots' Important Roles at 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics D. A Unique Robot Show at Beijing Winter Olympics Media Center
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