
Older adults sometimes get themselves a dog for companionship. But the pets are increasingly sending their owners to the emergency room(ER). Injuries that happen while walking a dog can result in life-changing circumstances and such accidents are increasing, according to a study published in the medical journal JAMA Surgery.

The study looked at patients who made visits to hospital emergency departments throughout the United States from 2004 to 2017.Researchers said that there were more than 32,000 emergency room cases of fractures(骨折) associated with walking leashed(用皮带束缚的) dogs among people 65 and older. Cases increased from 1.671 ER visits in 2004 to 4,396 in 2017.

According to the study, nearly 80 percent of the patients have been women, whose generally lower bone density(密度) than that in men may be a reason. Being female means you are more likely to suffer fractures and bone disease, such as osteoporosis(骨质疏松症). Susan Bush, 69, says she has been injured multiple times while walking her dogs, including suffering a broken leg while trying to prevent her dog from running after a bear that came out of the woods near her Pennsyivania cottage, But despite this, she refuses to give up her pets. "Dogs are our soulmates," she says.

Some seniors may be underrating the physical risks involved in walking a dog every day, says Dr. Jaimo Ahn, a lead author of the study. In most cases, Ahn blames what he called a"small person/big dog"scenario(情景), where there is a disparity between a pet and its owner's ability to handle it. He also says that some seniors might not be as prepared to handle a pet as they should be. "Some of them are really well-trained, but others are really poorly trained," he says.

The researchers suggest that clinicians work with patients who use dog walking as exercise to reduce the risk of injury. That could include training dogs not to make sudden movements when leashed and suggesting smaller types of dogs.

(1) Where can we find the data that supports "walking dogs causes more and more elderly injuries"? A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3. C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5.
(2) Who strongly advocates the idea that old people need dogs? A. An elderly female dog owner. B. A male osteoporosis patient. C. A medical worker. D. A researcher.
(3) Which of the following best explain "disparity" underlined in paragraph 4? A. Disagreement. B. Mismatch. C. Connection. D. Balance.
(4) What is a suggestion for the elderly? A. Consult a clinician for injury treatment. B. Get some training before raising a pet. C. Walk a dog of a smaller size. D. Go for a walk to exercise.
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The effect of climate change extends beyond ruining Earth's environment and our physical safety. A report published this week suggests that climate change has a negative effect on our mental health, too.

The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States(PNAS), links an increase in monthly temperatures to a rise in mental health issues. The experimental evidence stems from meteorological(气象的) data paired with information collected from nearly 2 million randomly sampled residents in the United States. The data was collected over the span(跨度) of a decade.

"We find that experiences with hotter temperatures and added rainfall each worsen mental health, that long-lasting warming associates with an increased popularity of mental health issues, and that exposure to tropical cyclones(热带气旋), likely to increase in frequency in the future, is linked to worsened mental health," authors of the study stated. "These results provide added large-scale evidence to the growing link between climate change and mental health. "

The report specifically focused on mental health outcomes due to the effects of environmental stress - such as temperature, rainfall, and tropical cyclones - but other climate change-related issues are likely to affect mental health as well - specifically, the stress and anxiety of knowing natural disasters could be more frequent as temperatures rise.

(1) From the newly-published report, we learn that the climate change may _________. A. save a lot of people's lives B. cause unbelievable disasters C. influence people's mental health D. greatly change people's life styles
(2) Why did the author mention "the span of a decade" in Paragraph 2? A. To stress the importance of the study. B. To show that the study cost too much money. C. To explain the difficulties and hardships of the study. D. to indicate that the study is objective and believable.
(3) Where can we find some specific results of the study? A. In Paragraph 1 B. In Paragraph 2 C. In Paragraph 3 D. In Paragraph 4
(4) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The study has its limits. B. The results of the study aren't satisfactory. C. The environmental problems can't be solved. D. Mental health is determined by climate change.
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Singapore's government has approved the sale of a laboratory-grown chicken meat. The American company that invented the product, Eat Just, says it is the first time lab-grown meat has received such approval anywhere in the world. Lab-grown meat — also called clean or cultured meat — is created from animal cells in a laboratory. The product is made without harming animals. The cells grow directly into the meat, outside of any animal.

The Eat Just product is to be sold as small pieces, called nuggets. The product is set to launch at a Singapore restaurant "in the very near term," the company's CEO Josh Tetrick told Reuters news agency.

Demand for alternatives to animal meat is rising across the world because of public concerns about health, animal welfare and the environment. Plant-based products — popularized by companies like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods and Quorn — are selling in a growing number of stores and restaurants. But the development of lab-grown meat has been much slower than that of plant-based versions. The main reason for the delay is money. Lab-grown meat costs a lot more to produce.

Tetrick said the San Francisco-based company is also seeking approvals from U. S. government agencies. But he added that Singapore was a "good bit" ahead of the United States. The Singapore Food Agency said it examined data from processing, production control and safety testing before approving Eat Just sales. Tetrick said it is likely that the U. S. and countries in Europe and elsewhere will examine Singapore's approval system and will attempt to create a similar process.

Eat Just was founded in 2011 and has raised more than $300 million, Tetrick said. The company is valued at around $1. 2 billion. Worldwide, more than 24 companies are testing lab-grown fish, cow and chicken meat. They are hoping to break into a new part of the alternative meat market. Financial experts at Barclays Bank have estimated the market could be worth up to $140 billion by 2029. Competitors in the market have also been able to raise large amounts of money and win support from well-known investors.

(1) What can we learn about the laboratory-grown chicken meat? A. It has been put into market. B. It is produced in Singapore. C. It can be created without animals. D. The sale of it hasn't been approved in America.
(2) Why has the development of lab-grown meat been slow? A. It focuses on public concerns. B. More money is needed to produce it. C. The approval system is very complex. D. It's not as popular as plant-based products.
(3) What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. Eat Just has made great profits. B. The development of lab-grown products is fast. C. Competitors should be cautious when investing. D. The market for lab-grown products is promising.
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Earth is far more alive than we previously thought, according to "deep life" studies that reveal a rich ecosystem beneath our feet that is almost twice the size of all the world's oceans. Despite extreme heat, no light and intense pressure, scientists estimate it has between 15 billion and 23 billion tonnes of microorganisms. "It's like finding a whole new reservoir (储藏)of life on Earth, " said Karen Lloyd an associate professor at the University of Tenesse.

Results suggest 70 percent of Earth's bacteria and archaea exist in the subsurface. One organism found 2.5 kilometers below the surface has been buried for millions of years and may not rely at all on energy from the sun. Also, the methanogen(产甲烷菌)has found a way to create methane in this environment, which it may not use to reproduce or divide, but use to replace or repair broken parts. Lengths of their lives were completely different. Some microorganisms have been alive for thousands of years, barely moving except with shifts in earthquakes or eruptions. They're just active inside, with less energy than people thought possible to support life.

The team consists of 1, 200scientits from 52 countries in disciplines ranging from geology and microbiology to chemistry and physics. A year before the conclusion of their study, they will present the findings before the American Geophysical Union's annual meeting opens this week, which they say are made possible by technical advances on drills and microscopes.

The scientists have been wondering about the point beyond which life cannot exist, but the deeper they dig the more life they find. There is a temperature maximum-curenty 122℃, but they believe this record will be broken if they keep exploring and developing more advanced instruments.

Questions remain, including how the microbes interact with chemical processes and what this might reveal about how life and Earth coevolved.

(1) What do the scientists find about the underground organisms? A. They can't reproduce and divide. B. They're the oldest living things. C. Some of them consume no energy. D. Some of them almost always keep still
(2) What can we learn about the research from paragraph3? A. It lasts for around one year. B. I involves efforts from multiple fields. C. It promotes technical development. D. It is conducted in 52 countries.
(3) Why does the scientists drill deep? A. To break their previous record. B. To find the depth limit of life. C. To discover more ancient microorganisms. D. To detect the highest subsurface temperature.
(4) What is the purpose of writing the text? A. Earth's Depths Are Full of Life. B. Organisms Live Better Underground. C. Earth Is Far Beyond Human Exploration.   D. Subsurface Life Differs from That on Land.
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