
The effect of climate change extends beyond ruining Earth's environment and our physical safety. A report published this week suggests that climate change has a negative effect on our mental health, too.

The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States(PNAS), links an increase in monthly temperatures to a rise in mental health issues. The experimental evidence stems from meteorological(气象的) data paired with information collected from nearly 2 million randomly sampled residents in the United States. The data was collected over the span(跨度) of a decade.

"We find that experiences with hotter temperatures and added rainfall each worsen mental health, that long-lasting warming associates with an increased popularity of mental health issues, and that exposure to tropical cyclones(热带气旋), likely to increase in frequency in the future, is linked to worsened mental health," authors of the study stated. "These results provide added large-scale evidence to the growing link between climate change and mental health. "

The report specifically focused on mental health outcomes due to the effects of environmental stress - such as temperature, rainfall, and tropical cyclones - but other climate change-related issues are likely to affect mental health as well - specifically, the stress and anxiety of knowing natural disasters could be more frequent as temperatures rise.

(1) From the newly-published report, we learn that the climate change may _________. A. save a lot of people's lives B. cause unbelievable disasters C. influence people's mental health D. greatly change people's life styles
(2) Why did the author mention "the span of a decade" in Paragraph 2? A. To stress the importance of the study. B. To show that the study cost too much money. C. To explain the difficulties and hardships of the study. D. to indicate that the study is objective and believable.
(3) Where can we find some specific results of the study? A. In Paragraph 1 B. In Paragraph 2 C. In Paragraph 3 D. In Paragraph 4
(4) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The study has its limits. B. The results of the study aren't satisfactory. C. The environmental problems can't be solved. D. Mental health is determined by climate change.
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Many summer camps have had to cancel their programming due to COVID-19. So we have found a great selection of virtual summer camps for your children.

Happy Camper Live

Ages: 5 ~18

Cost: $499 a month

What is special about Happy Camper Live is that there are hundreds of camp adventures and experiences to choose from to offer your children unique camp experience. Children can make fun with a world-class athlete, play volleyball with a national high school champion and learn a new art,craft or musical instrument.

Smart Robots Virtual Camp

Ages: 7 ~ 11

Cost :$179 for two weeks

Campers will receive a smart coding robot of choice and learning materials and apps to get them started in this camp. This camp is made as much of a social experience as possible. At the end of camp,each child will be certificated as a"junior coder",have made penfriends for life and have new skills and knowledge to bring into their classrooms in the fall.

Written Out Loud

Ages: 8 ~ 17

Cost: $250 per week

The storytelling school Written Out Loud has transformed its program to a virtual storytelling workshop. Founded in 2018 by a Hollywood film-maker, Written Out Loud offers cl asses for children aged 8 to 17 that combine a range of disciplines such as creative writing, film-making and even improving comedy.

Got Game Summer Academy

Ages: 4~12

Cost: $195 for two weeks

With a focus on reading,writing and math, Got Game will help your children stay academically on track while still having fun in an energized virtual learning environment. Children will receive personalized attention from teachers while also participating in games that center around communication on group projects and building individual skills.

(1) What's special about Happy Camper Live? A. It offers a large number of different activities. B. It's the most expensive of the four camps. C. It focuses on improving musical skills. D. It was founded by a world-class athlete.
(2) Where can campers make penfriends with others? A. In Written Out Loud. B. In Happy Camper Live. C. In Smart Robots Virtual Camp. D. In Got Game Summer Academy.
(3) What do Written Out Loud and Got Game Summer Academy have in common? A. They enable children to learn while playing games. B. They improve children's writing skills. C. They teach children how to make films. D. They are suitable for children above 12.
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Growing up in the Philippines, construction worker Johnny Manlugay combs the beaches each night for the eggs of sea turtles. He knows exactly what to look for, as he was trained as a child by his grandfather on how to locate the animals and their eggs. Back then, his family traded or ate them. It wasn't about getting rich as much as it was just a part of life.

Manlugay has since turned over a new leaf. Instead, he uses his tracking skills to protect the sea turtles that visit the beaches he lives by.

"I've learned to love this work," Manlugay acknowledged in an interview. "We didn't know poaching(偷猎)was illegal and that we should not eat turtle eggs and meat."

Manlugay delicately transferred each egg into a bucket he brought with him, as well as some sand from the turtle nests, to be handed over to Coastal Underwater Resource Management Actions(CURMA), the group leading the conservation program on the beaches.

Established in 2009, the CURMA conservation effort has gradually transformed sea turtle poachers into valuable allies(盟友). They manage this by offering training to ultimately save thousands of turtles and keep their eggs from ending up everywhere but their nests.

"We talked to the poachers, and it turned out poaching was just another means for them to earn a living," explained Carlos Tamayo, the director of operations. "They had no choice."

On average, sea turtles lay 100 eggs in a nest. The number of nests in the area ranges between 35 and 40 each season, which runs from October to February. Tamayo noted that the figures had doubled during the first year of the COVID pandemic. "Last season alone, for example, we had 75 nests and we released close to 9,000 hatching," he shared.

Once collected, the eggs are then transferred to CURMA's hatchery(孵化场) to be reburied in protected areas. Another former poacher, Jessie Cabagbag, grew up eating turtle meat and eggs like many people there. "I stopped poaching when we underwent training and were taught that what we have been doing was illegal and that these species of turtles are endangered," he explained. Now, he admits, "I am truly proud. I am happy that I get to contribute to the conservation of the turtles."

(1) Why did Johnny Manlugay hunt turtles as a child? A. To make a living. B. To make a fortune. C. To protect them. D. To locate them.
(2) How does Johnny Manlugayc deal with the turtle eggs nowadays? A. To sell them. B. To hatch them. C. To hand them over to a conservation organization. D. To bury them under some sand near the turtle nests.
(3) On average, how many sea turtle eggs are laid in the area seasonally? A. About 7500. B. Close to 9,000. C. From 3500 to 4000. D. Between 3500 and 10000.
(4) What's the best title for this passage? A. Sea Turtles are Well Protected in the Philippines. B. Local People in the Philippines Search the Beaches for Sea Turtle Eggs. C. The Conservation Program Aims to Save Endangered Turtles. D. Former Turtle Egg Poachers in the Philippines Turn Protectors.
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Mounting a telescope on the balcony at home, Wang Zhipu, a 16-year-old boy from Fujian province, observes the skies, takes photos and begins his voyage into space after class. Recently, bis efforts were rewarded when he won the title of" Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2021" in the Royal Observatory Greenwich's annual astrophotography contest. His winning entry, entitled Family Photo of the Solar System, shows seven of the eight planets lined up horizontally, with the sun on the left and moon on the right, both pictured larger in size than normal.

"All families are unconventional, so I adored this fresh, gently playful concept around the solar system/' said the competition judge Sue Prichard while talking about Wang's picture. meaningful, technically accomplished work from a rising star of astronomical photography."

It hasn't been easy taking pictures of outer space. For about half a year. Wang had to calculate the best time to shoot planets when they're opposite the sun in Earth's sky to get the brightest images. What's more, he still needed to wait for clear weather to see better. For example, to capture a clear picture of Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, which is often cited as the most difficult of the five brightest planets to see with the naked eye, Wang med to shoot it three times in the early morning but failed. At sunset, he shot 10,000 frames of video and selected several thousand better frames to overlay, further refine them and form a more satisfactory picture.

Sometimes, Wang would be so absorbed in his observations that he wouldn't go downstairs to fetch a coat even in the middle of winter. Other times, he stood for hours under the burning sun to get the perfect shot. To get an ideal shot, he often gets up at dawn, sleeps early to wake up at midnight, and even takes time off from evening classes when necessary.

(1) What kind of feeling does Sue Prichard show for Wang's prizewinning picture? A. Curiosity. B. Indifference. C. Admiration. D. Freshness.
(2) What did Wang need to do with the planets in preparation for his photographing? A. Figure out when they shine best. B. Find out what their weather is like. C. Work out how far (hey are from the sun. D. Make out when they face the earth most directly.
(3) What's the last paragraph mainly about? A. Wang's habits of observing stars. B. Wang's choices of shooting occasions. C. Wang's addiction to shooting skills. D. Wang's passion for outer space.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Stars Twinkling. Teenager Is the Brightest B. Medals Glittering, Teenagers Shoots the Gold C. Eyes on the Stars, Teenager Wins Top Photo-prize D. Dreams in Heart. Teenager Succeeds in Top Contest
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