
Directions, luggage delivery, tasty food. Those are some of the things we've seen robots offering at the media center of Beijing Winter Olympics. And most of the robots we've seen here aren't made to look human. Instead, they present a wide range of looks.

Two of the most advanced robots regularly operate in crowded space. One greets visitors, answers questions and offers to guide people through the crowds. Another one cleans the carpeted hallways of the main press center. 'k speaks to passersby in a woman's voice. It seems to be speaking English. But we carnet make it out well, because it also plays joyful music while its two front brushes are clearing dust and dirt like a futuristic street-sweeper.

Don't assume these robots work all hours just because they're robots. They have carefully managed schedules. For example, the snack robots just go around the media center for about 15 minutes every hour-usually only between noon and 17:00.

Another kind of robots helps out with logistics(物流) at the media center. These robots can carry up to 300 kilograms of goods, move freely along the relatively empty halls and automatically recharge themselves. They send unique codes through text messages to the receivers when the delivery has arrived. Then they can pick up the goods with the codes.

There are even COVID-fighting robots, which move around pre-programmed areas spreading chemicals. Food ordering, making and serving in the dining room are fully auto magical too. Reporters from around the world can enjoy various food options here.

In short, robots are expected to play an outstanding role in the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. But the most important goal is to reduce direct contact(接触)between people.

(1) What can the robots do according to paragraph 2? A. Sing and dance at the entrance. B.   Guide guests in crowded areas. C. Cook and serve in the dining room. D.   Deliver goods and recharge automatically.
(2) What can we know about the snack robots? A. They look like street-sweepers. B. They show up every 15 minutes. C. They cook food on site for the guests. D. They have pre-programmed schedules.
(3) What is the main purpose of employing robots at the media center? A. To reduce direct human contact. B. To promote made-in-China robots. C. To meet the challenge of labor shortage. D. To test the reliability of AI technologies.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. A Wonderful Day at 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics B. Helpful Robots at Beijing Winter Olympics Media Center C. Robots' Important Roles at 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics D. A Unique Robot Show at Beijing Winter Olympics Media Center
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With low temperature, radiation and high-energy particles (粒子), the vacuum of space is nothing but harsh. Can you imagine spending six hours walking in apace? Chinese astronauts did just that on their latest spacewalk.

On Aug 20, Chinese astronauts Liu Boming and Nie Haisheng went out on the second spacewalk of the Shenzhou XII mission, according to the China Manned Apace Agency. The pair set up and adjusted equipment, showed their spacesuits and tested the large robotic arm and other spacewalk-related devices.

Despite the astronauts' skill, spacewalking is a challenging task. Luckily, their bulky (臃肿的) spacesuits protect them. A spacesuit is like a small space station. It has everything astronauts need when they carry out a spacewalk.

China's Feitian spacesuits have six layers. The innermost layer collects astronauts' urine (尿液).There are also four layers that help control the temperature and air pressure inside the suit. Spacesuits are filled with air, so they look like they're puffed up (膨胀).The sixth layer is made of special fibers that protect astronauts from radiation, according to The Paper.

Astronauts are connected to the space station with safety ropes. The suit has headphones and speakers for astronauts to communicate. There is also a mirror on the wrist that astronauts can use to check their suits.

The first Feitian suit was made in 2008. Zhai Zhigang wore it to carry out China's first spacewalk, which lasted about 19 minutes.

The suits Chinese astronauts wear today are the second generation of Feitian. They can support longer walks lasting up to eight hours and can be used more often. The first generation could only be used five times within two years, while the second generation can be used 15 times within three years. Each suit costs around 30 million yuan, and it takes four months to make just one, according to If eng News.

(1) Who was the first Chinese astronaut walking in space? A. Liu Boming. B. Nie Haisheng. C. Zhai Zhigang. D. Yang Liwei.
(2) What can we infer from the text? A. Chinese astronauts carried out a 6-hour-spacewalk during the Shenzhou XII mission. B. The six layers of Feitian suits are the most important devices related to spacewalk. C. Chinese astronauts are helping control temperature and radiation in space. D. The space station provide everything for the astronauts walking in space.
(3) What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. Eight hours' walk in space. B. Amazing use of Feitian suits. C. The high price of Feitian suits. D. Two generations of Feitian suits.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Chinese Astronauts B. Walking in Space C. The Development of Feitian Suits D. The Shenzhou XII Mission
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2.阅读下列短,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

The governing body of emojis(表情符号)released a new group of the graphic images that convey human expressions and add other visual context to text communications.

Among them are a face holding back tears and hands making a heart shape. But big tech companies including Alphabet Inc. 's Google, Microsoft Corp. and Facebook Inc. have also been updating their existing emojis, adding new visual polish, animation(动画制作), flexibility and sounds.

"We spent a lot of time thinking about how we can make what somebody is saying resonate(共鸣)more, and be emotionally more clear and more present for people, " said Loredana Crisan, vice president of messaging experiences at Facebook's Messenger, which introduced 31 emojis with sounds in July.

Technology companies' efforts to improve emojis come while opportunities for in-person communication remain limited as many people continue to work from home. That has increased the role of not only videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom but of emojis as well, according to observers.

"There's always been a visual component to our communication, "said Paul Hunt, typeface designer and font developer at Adobe Inc. , which is a member of the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit corporation that serves as gatekeeper for the creation of emojis and other characters. "And when we're using only text, then things like tone of voice and gesture and facial expressions get lost. So using emojis as a communication tool can help to reintroduce some of that visual emotional content. "

Emojis still have many potential evolutions to experience, designers who work on them say. "That includes the ways that people find and use them", said Jennifer Daniel, creative director of emoji at Google and chair of the Unicode emoji-development subcommittee. "It is not just about adding new emojis or changing new emojis, "Ms. Daniel said. "It is about the whole experience. "

(1) How many ways of refreshing emojis are mentioned in Paragraph 2? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
(2) What aspect is mentioned in Loredana Crisan's words? A. Challenges for using emojis. B. Purposes of updating emojis. C. The tendency for using emojis. D. The characters of new emojis.
(3) What is the advantage of using emojis over using only text? A. Adding visual components. B. Improving the relationship. C. Hiding true inner thoughts. D. Avoiding misunderstanding.
(4) What do Ms. Daniel's words indicate about emojis? A. Emojis should be used more widely. B. New emojis are lacking in creativity. C. There's no need to add new emojis. D. The whole experience counts most.
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From crafty spies to distinctive detectives, discover some inquiring minds. 

Montgomery Bonbon : Murder at the Museum by Alasdair Beckett-King

Illustrated by Claire Powell 

(Walker Books)

This is the first book in a funny new detective series. Montgomery Bonbon is a smart gentle man detective with a mystery to solve. Behind the hat and moustache is 10-year-old Bonnie Montgomery. Will anyone notice?

Alice Eclair Spy EtraordinaireA Spoonful of Spying by Sarah Todd Taylor

( Nosy Crow)

Alice Eclair is a baker by day and a spy by night, In her latest adventure, she's in Paris for the World Fair, where all eyes are on the aero plane exhibition. With enemy spies all around, Alice will need every trick in her recipe book to stop France's greatest invention from falling into the wrong hands. 

Ollie Spark and the Exploding Popcorn Mystery by Gillian Cross and Alan Snow ( David Fickling Books)

Ollie Spark loves mending machines and solving mysteries. In his second adventure, he travels to a food festival on a remote island. There, an encounter with a grand duchess leads to an undercover spying mission-his most exciting and dangerous yet. 

Rockstar Detectives: Murder at the Movies by Adam Hills

Illustrated by Luna Valentine

(Puffin Books)

Best friends Charley and George are in Sydney, Australia. George is a social media whizz(专家)and ambitious comedian and Charley is a 13-year-old singer who is in Australia to make her first film. However, some dangerous accidents on set lead them into an investigation. 

(1) Who wrote the book whose leading character is a baker? A. Alasdair Beckett-King. B. Sarah Todd Taylor C. Gillian Cross and Alan Snow. D. Adam Hills.
(2) Which book talks about the story happening on an island? A. Montgomery BonbonMurder at the Museum. B. Alice Eclair Spy EtraordinaireA Spoonful of Spying. C. Ollie Spark and the Exploding Popcorn Mystery. D. Rockstar Detectives: Murder at the Movies.
(3)  What do the four books have in common? A. They contain colorful pictures. B. They appeal to readers of all ages. C. They are stories about investigators. D. They are published by the same company
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