
Sometimes one plus one does equal three, as was the case when Dave McNee met Claudia Mandekic 14 years ago. McNee was at a dentist appointment in Toronto when he chatted with Mandekic, who was studying to be a teacher. When she told McNee what a headache it was to get students excited about math, he made a surprising suggestion, "Why not throw in something they enjoy, like sports?"

The idea of mixing basketball and mathematics got its first shot in 2011, when the colleagues were invited to run a summer-school program for kids who'd failed Grade 9 math at Georges Secondary School.

When the students showed up for their first day, they weren't exactly thrilled. Over the next few hours, Mandekic and McNee gave the kids techniques to improve their shooting while also helping them calculate their field-goal percentage, which, in turn, taught them about fractions(分数). The winning team would be determined based on which group had the highest total percentage and had done the most efficient math. "When the bell rang, they were so fixated on collecting their data and figuring out which team won that they didn't leave," says Mandekic. "I realized we might be onto something."

The classes, later named BallMatics, soon spread to other Toronto schools. "I was terrible at math," says Duane Douglas, an 8th grader. "But once I started BallMatics and realized the sport I loved was directly tied to math, it made me a lot better at it. Every time I played basketball, I was thinking about math."

McNee and Mandekic have established a private high school called Uchenna Academy since 2019, where kids with excellent basketball skills can study all subjects, train at their sport and work part-time.

The value of BallMatics is clear: last year, the boys landed university scholarships for their performance in the classroom, not on the court. McNee and Mandekic believe the school's commitment to academics is the key reason why it's been a winner.

(1) What did Mandekic think of teaching math at the beginning? A. Worrying. B. Shocking. C. Boring. D. Exciting.
(2) What does the underlined word "fixated" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Calm. B. Impressed. C. Focused. D. Dependent.
(3) Duane Douglas was mentioned in paragraph 4 to ____. A. show the simplicity of math B. prove the success of BallMatics C. stress the significance of playing D. display his passion for the school
(4) What is the best title of the passage? A. A Simple Entertainment B. A Surprising Discovery C. A Beautiful Coincidence D. A Winning Combination
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The Best High School Study Abroad Programs For 2023

  Are you interested in studying abroad while in high school but have no idea where to start? Here is our guide to choosing the right high school abroad program for you.

Best Program For Seniors: Travel For Teens

Location: Multiple Countries

  Achieving independence is a key part of growing up, but it doesn't happen overnight. Teenagers need time to explore their options and figure out what they want from life. This program is designed to help students make the most of their summer vacation, whether they're looking for a multicultural experience or want to add some adventures to their trip.

Best Program For Language Learning: CIEE

Location: Spain

  CIEE allows students to learn Spanish culture and language through educational activities, Students will learn about the history, architecture, and art of Spain through visits to museums and cultural sites. Moreover, the certificate of learning you receive can be used in college applications.

Best Program For Southeast Asia: Travel For Teens In Thailand

Location: Thailand

  Thailand has something for everyone. If you want to explore the local cultures, you can visit the floating markets or take an elephant ride through the jungle, If relaxation is more your scene, then there are plenty of beaches just waiting for you to spend a day there!

Best Program For Conservation: Global Works

Location: Costa Rica

  Have you ever dreamed of traveling through the canals of Costa Rica, spotting various wild animals along the way? Does hiking to waterfalls and active volcanoes, all while helping support conservation efforts sound like your dream study abroad experience? If so, Global Works has created an experience that will blow you away.

(1) Which program suits those intending to appreciate diverse cultures? A. CIEE.         B. Global Works. C. Travel For Teens D. Travel For Teens In Thailand.
(2) What is an advantage of participating in CIEE? A. It allows you to see large parts of Spain. B. It motivates you to socialize with local people. C. It connects you with students from all over the world. D. It may enable you to stand out in applying to a college.
(3) What special experience can you expect in Global Works? A. Catching sight of volcano eruption. B. Paying visits to some famous temples C. Riding an elephant through the jungle. D. Exploring the issue of ecosystem restoration.
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Whistler Travel Guide

Snow-capped peaks and powdered steeps; sparkling lakes and rushing waterfalls;challenging hiking routes and inviting restaurants — Whistler's offerings suit every season.

Things to do

The entire town displays the ski-chic atmosphere,hosting dozens of ski and snowboardcompetitions and festivals annually. In the warmer months, more outdoor enthusiasts come outto play. Visitors can try hiking or cycling up the mountains. While Whistler is an ideal vacationspot for the active types, other travelers can enjoy the local museums and art galleries filled withinformative exhibits. Plus, there are family-friendly activities and attractions like summerconcerts, along with plenty of shopping options.

When to visit

The best times to visit Whistler are from June through August and between December and March.

How to get around

The best ways to get around Whistler are on foot or by bike. Or, you can take the shuttlebuses from Whistler Village, which transport visitors to Lost Lake Park and the Marketplace.Meanwhile, having a car will allow you the freedom to explore top attractions like WhistlerTrain Wreck and Alexander Falls without having to spend a lot of cash on a cab.

What you need to know

●Whistler receives feet of snow each year. If you're driving in winter, slow down and make sure to rent or come with a reliable SUV.

●Snowslides are likely to occur on Backcountry routes, so only advanced skiers should take to this off-the-map area.

●Whistler's wildermess is home to many black and grizzly bears. Keep your distance and do not feed them.

(1) What are active travelers recommended to do in Whistler? A. Bike up the mountains. B. Host ski competitions. C. Go shopping at the malls. D. Visit museum exhibitions.
(2) Which of the following is the most popular among travelers? A. Whistler Village. B. Lost Lake Park. C. The Marketplace. D. Whistler Train Wreck.
(3) What are travelers prohibited from doing in Whistler? A. Driving a rented SUV.      B. Feeding grizzly bears. C. Exploring the wilderness. D. Sking on Backcountry routes.
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You can tell a lot about people's general state of mind based on their social media feeds. Are they always tweeting(发微博)about their biggest annoyances or posting pictures of particularly cute kitties? In a similar fashion, researchers are turning to Twitter for clues about the overall happiness of entire geographic communities.

What they're finding is that regional variation in the use of common phrases produces predictions that don't always reflect the local state of well being. But removing from their analyses just three specific terms -- good, love and LOL - greatly improves the accuracy of the methods.

"We're living in a crazy COVID-19 era. And now more than ever, we're using social media to adapt to a new normal and reach out to the friends and family that we can't meet face-to-face. " Kokil Jaidka studies computational linguistics at the National University of Singapore. "But our words aren't useful just to understand what we, as individuals, think and feel. They're also useful clues about the community we live in. "

One of the simpler methods that many scientists use to analyze the data involves correlating words with positive or negative emotions. But when those records are compared with phone surveys that assess regional well-being, Jaidka says, they don't paint an accurate picture of the local zeitgeist(时代精神).

Being able to get an accurate read on the mood of the population is no laughing matter. "That's particularly important now, in the time of COVID, where we're expecting a mental health crisis and we're already seeing in survey data the largest decrease in subjective well-being in 10 years at least, if not ever. "

To find out why , Jaidka and her team analyzed billions of tweets from around the United States. And they found that among the most frequently used terms on Twitter are LOL, love and good. And they actually throw the analysis off. Why the disconnect?

"Internet language is really a different beast than regular spoken language. We've adapted words from the English vocabulary to mean different things in different situations. " says Jaidka. "Take, for example, LOL. I've tweeted the word LOL to express irony, annoyance and sometimes just pure surprise. When the methods for measuring LOL as a marker of happiness were created in the 1990s, it still meant laughing out loud. "

"There are plenty of terms that are less misleading," says Jaidka. "Our models tell us that words like excited, fun, great, opportunity, interesting, fantastic and those are better words for measuring subjective well-being. "

(1) The researchers turn to social media feeds to _________. A. help with the analysis of people's subjective well-being B. locate the most-frequently used words C. prove the disconnect between language and emotions D. make the prediction method more effective
(2) How did Jaidka know the analysis wasn't accurate? A. It didn't reflect the mood of the entire geographic community B. It didn't match the assessment result of the phone surveys. C. It didn't consider the features of Internet language. D. It didn't take the regional variations into account.
(3) Which of the following statements will Jaidka most probably agree with? A. Face-to-face communication is needed to ensure happiness. B. Internet use is to blame for the decrease in subjective well-being. C. Internet language should be abandoned as a source of scientific analysis. D. Less misleading words should be used in assessing subjective well-being.
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