
You can tell a lot about people's general state of mind based on their social media feeds. Are they always tweeting(发微博)about their biggest annoyances or posting pictures of particularly cute kitties? In a similar fashion, researchers are turning to Twitter for clues about the overall happiness of entire geographic communities.

What they're finding is that regional variation in the use of common phrases produces predictions that don't always reflect the local state of well being. But removing from their analyses just three specific terms -- good, love and LOL - greatly improves the accuracy of the methods.

"We're living in a crazy COVID-19 era. And now more than ever, we're using social media to adapt to a new normal and reach out to the friends and family that we can't meet face-to-face. " Kokil Jaidka studies computational linguistics at the National University of Singapore. "But our words aren't useful just to understand what we, as individuals, think and feel. They're also useful clues about the community we live in. "

One of the simpler methods that many scientists use to analyze the data involves correlating words with positive or negative emotions. But when those records are compared with phone surveys that assess regional well-being, Jaidka says, they don't paint an accurate picture of the local zeitgeist(时代精神).

Being able to get an accurate read on the mood of the population is no laughing matter. "That's particularly important now, in the time of COVID, where we're expecting a mental health crisis and we're already seeing in survey data the largest decrease in subjective well-being in 10 years at least, if not ever. "

To find out why , Jaidka and her team analyzed billions of tweets from around the United States. And they found that among the most frequently used terms on Twitter are LOL, love and good. And they actually throw the analysis off. Why the disconnect?

"Internet language is really a different beast than regular spoken language. We've adapted words from the English vocabulary to mean different things in different situations. " says Jaidka. "Take, for example, LOL. I've tweeted the word LOL to express irony, annoyance and sometimes just pure surprise. When the methods for measuring LOL as a marker of happiness were created in the 1990s, it still meant laughing out loud. "

"There are plenty of terms that are less misleading," says Jaidka. "Our models tell us that words like excited, fun, great, opportunity, interesting, fantastic and those are better words for measuring subjective well-being. "

(1) The researchers turn to social media feeds to _________. A. help with the analysis of people's subjective well-being B. locate the most-frequently used words C. prove the disconnect between language and emotions D. make the prediction method more effective
(2) How did Jaidka know the analysis wasn't accurate? A. It didn't reflect the mood of the entire geographic community B. It didn't match the assessment result of the phone surveys. C. It didn't consider the features of Internet language. D. It didn't take the regional variations into account.
(3) Which of the following statements will Jaidka most probably agree with? A. Face-to-face communication is needed to ensure happiness. B. Internet use is to blame for the decrease in subjective well-being. C. Internet language should be abandoned as a source of scientific analysis. D. Less misleading words should be used in assessing subjective well-being.
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Are you looking for something to occupy your kids in the upcoming winter holiday?The following books recommended by Jeff Kinney may be your best choices. 

Class Act:New Kid by Jerry Craft 

A graphic novel with heart and humor,eighth-grader Drew Ellis is one of the few kids of color at an influential private school. As social pressures mount,"will Drew find a way to bridge the divide so he and his friends can truly accept each other?And most importantly,will he finally be able to accept himself?"the publisher synopsis(出版商简介)asks. 

Three Keys by Kelly Yang 

A sequel(续篇)to the award-winning novel Front Desk ninth-grader Mia faces some new challenges at school and at home in her family's Calivista Motel. "But if anyone can find the key to getting through unsettled times,"the author's description reads,"it's Mia Tang!" 

The Last Last-Day-of-Summer by Lamar Giles 

A magical story with imagination and heroism about two adventurous cousins who wish for an extended summer and accidentally freeze time. According to the publisher's synopsis,the teenagers learn that"the secrets hidden between the seconds,minutes,and hours aren't quite the endless fun they expected!" 

Boys Will Be Human by Justin Baldoni 

A self-esteem building guidebook for boys ages 13 and up,producer,actor and author Baldoni explores the social and emotional learning around confidence,courage,strength and manhood. "This book isn't about learning the rules of the boys' club,"a slogan reads, "it's about UNLEARNING them. "

(1) Who are the four books intended for? A. Parents. B. Teenagers. C. Authors. D. Publishers.
(2) Which book tells difficulties from both school and home?  A. Class Act:New Kid. B. Three Keys. C. The Last Last-Day-of-Summer. D. Boys Will Be Human.
(3) What can we know from the passage?   A. Mia faces great social pressures. B. Three Keys is an award-winning novel. C. The story about the two cousins is imaginative. D. Boys Will Be Human is a book about selfishness.
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What would you do if someone did something you didn't agree with? Would you completely stop talking to them? Or would you tell them how their actions were wrong?

The "cancel culture" trend has been picking up some steam recently. According to Dictionary. com, "cancel culture" is defined as "publicly rejecting, boycotting or ending support for particular people or groups because of their socially or morally unacceptable views or actions" .

Neelam, a 17-year-old high school senior in the US, told The New York Times that she wasn't being sensitive when she saw someone doing something wrong and "called them out" for it.

However, others think that "canceling" people is counterproductive (适得其反的) and can actually be harmful to the person.

To Ben, a high school junior in Providence, Rhode Island, US, canceling someone "takes away the option for them to learn from their mistakes and kind of alienates (使疏远) them" . Ben, 17, thinks that people should be held accountable for their actions, regardless if they are your friend or someone famous.

In fact, quite a few celebrities have already faced the wrath ( 愤 怒 ) of cancel culture. Some celebrities who have been "canceled" this year include British author of the Harry Potter series J. K. Rowling, US comedian Ellen DeGeneres and English guitarist Eric Clapton.

And, over the summer, about 150 public figures like authors J. K. Rowling and Margaret Atwood signed an open letter against the cancel culture trend. The letter expressed that cancel culture was hurting people's freedom of expression in areas like the arts, universities and journals.

Professor Loretta Ross, who teaches a university course on cancel culture, is trying to fight back against this new trend. "It really does alienate people, and makes them fearful of speaking up," she told The New York Times. Ross also noted that cancel culture isn't new: "What's new is the virality (病毒式传播) and the speed and the anonymity (匿名). "

Our world is beautiful because of the wonderful mix of different cultures, ideas and opinions. So, the next time you think someone should be "called out" or "canceled", maybe try calling them in instead.

(1) What does the underlined sentence most probably mean in paragraph 3? A. She realized canceling a person was harmful. B. She thought it was reasonable to cancel a person. C. She didn't think it was fair to cancel a person. D. She thought we shouldn't cancel a person.
(2) Which of the following would Ben most probably agree with? A. Cancel culture doesn't help with a person's growth. B. Cancel culture encourages people to reflect on their mistakes. C. Canceling people applies to all, whether they are friends or celebrities. D. Cancel culture makes people unfriendly toward each other.
(3) What does Professor Loretta Ross imply? A. People should be careful in expressing their opinions. B. Cancel culture enables people to speak up freely. C. The meaning of cancel culture changes with the times. D. The Internet has made cancel culture more powerful.
(4) What does the article mainly talk about? A. The origin of cancel culture. B. Why cancel culture is harmful. C. The issue of cancel culture. D. Why cancel culture is trendy.
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Useful Travel Apps


Every hotel, restaurant or tourist spot you wish to know about has likely been reviewed and rated here. These numerous, and at times very detailed, travellers' experiences offer handy tips and help avoid common mistakes. Lists like "Top Things to Do In..." ensure that you don't come back with any regrets.


A comprehensive travel planner, this app lets you search for and book flight tickets, hotels and cars, and even assists in packing. Its predeparture to-do lists, tailored for general, business or romantic travel, ensure that all you need is your bag.


If you're forever searching for all the confirmation emails for your trips, download this app, which merges all your travel details into one itinerary. You can access it from several devices, and it syncs with your phone calendar, too.


This app advises on the facilities and entry policies for airport lounges across the world, so in one click you can get away from the crowds.

Travel Diary

Similar to sending postcards to yourself, this app lets you make diary entries with text and images. You can also export all your entries to a word document: raw material for the travelogue in the making.

(1) If you're not sure what to do in your travel destination, you'd better check ______ before you go there. A. Traveladvisor B. Kayak C. Travel Diary D. Tripit
(2) Which app helps most if people want to review their travel from time to time? A. Travel Diary. B. Traveladvisor. C. Tripit. D. Loungebuddy.
(3) Which of the following two apps provide only one service respectively? A. Traveladvisor and Kayak. B. Kayak and Tripit. C. Tripit and Loungebuddy. D. Loungebuddy and Travel Diary.
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