
The Best High School Study Abroad Programs For 2023

  Are you interested in studying abroad while in high school but have no idea where to start? Here is our guide to choosing the right high school abroad program for you.

Best Program For Seniors: Travel For Teens

Location: Multiple Countries

  Achieving independence is a key part of growing up, but it doesn't happen overnight. Teenagers need time to explore their options and figure out what they want from life. This program is designed to help students make the most of their summer vacation, whether they're looking for a multicultural experience or want to add some adventures to their trip.

Best Program For Language Learning: CIEE

Location: Spain

  CIEE allows students to learn Spanish culture and language through educational activities, Students will learn about the history, architecture, and art of Spain through visits to museums and cultural sites. Moreover, the certificate of learning you receive can be used in college applications.

Best Program For Southeast Asia: Travel For Teens In Thailand

Location: Thailand

  Thailand has something for everyone. If you want to explore the local cultures, you can visit the floating markets or take an elephant ride through the jungle, If relaxation is more your scene, then there are plenty of beaches just waiting for you to spend a day there!

Best Program For Conservation: Global Works

Location: Costa Rica

  Have you ever dreamed of traveling through the canals of Costa Rica, spotting various wild animals along the way? Does hiking to waterfalls and active volcanoes, all while helping support conservation efforts sound like your dream study abroad experience? If so, Global Works has created an experience that will blow you away.

(1) Which program suits those intending to appreciate diverse cultures? A. CIEE.         B. Global Works. C. Travel For Teens D. Travel For Teens In Thailand.
(2) What is an advantage of participating in CIEE? A. It allows you to see large parts of Spain. B. It motivates you to socialize with local people. C. It connects you with students from all over the world. D. It may enable you to stand out in applying to a college.
(3) What special experience can you expect in Global Works? A. Catching sight of volcano eruption. B. Paying visits to some famous temples C. Riding an elephant through the jungle. D. Exploring the issue of ecosystem restoration.
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Roll to new destinations with Nature Bound biking trips! We offer both road bike and mountain bike trips. On a typical beginner road biking trip, we will cover no more than 15 paved miles. On a mountain biking trip, we will cover no more than 5 trail miles.

Hiking Backpacking

A typical beginner hiking trip includes a hike in and out of the woods lasting between 5-8 miles. A typical backpacking trip involves hiking about 5-10 miles into the woods while carrying all camping gear in backpacks, spending the night camping, and hiking 5-10 miles out of the woods the next day.

Rock Climbing

We offer two types of climbing—bouldering and top roping. Bouldering consists of free climbing shorter heights or boulders without the use of a rope. Top Rope Climbing involves climbing taller rock structures while connected to a rope that is attached to the ground.

●Please pre-register so that we know to expect you. Registration for trips is located in room 1050 of the Student Recreation and Activities Center.

●Pre-trip meetings are essential for all participants. Trip Leaders plan all aspects of the trip. They should make sure that participants know and understand the dangers associated with a specific trip at the end of the meetings. If a participant doesn't attend a pre-trip meeting and doesn't contact the Trip Leader prior to the pre-trip meetings, he will not be allowed to attend the trip.

(1) Which is an overnight trip? A. Biking. B. Hiking. C. Backpacking. D. Rock Climbing.
(2) Why should participants attend the pre-trip meetings? A. To know about the trip leader. B. To meet with other participants. C. To register in person for the trip. D. To be aware of possible risks.
(3) Which section of a school website is the text taken from? A. Career development. B. Outdoor adventures. C. Housing and residence. D. Academics and admission.
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Turning around corners, weaving through traffic, every second matters. It is neither a street race nor a 007 chase, but the risky journey of a sushi(寿司)roll.

The streets of China are filled with delivery drivers racing noodles, sandwiches and soups across cities. While the everyday consumer may find these services convenient, most do not realize the true cost of their delivery. How much is that late-night snack really worth?

Strict time limits are the main concern for delivery drivers. The Chinese delivery app Meituan decreased the maximum time allowance from 50 minutes to 30 or even 20. Time literally means money: Surpassing the limit can result in fines, which are paid to the firm rather than to the consumers. Yet, beyond fines, there is often a great er cost. According to Pandaily News, one delivery worker is injured or killed in accidents every 2.5 days in Shanghai and, sadly, companies seldom provide insurance claims when their time limits lead to these consequences. Drivers are pushed to break traffic rules and risk their lives so your sushi is not a minute late.

Furthermore, low wages and extensive working hours exacerbate these issues. Some companies in China take advantage of the economic inequalities between China's large cities and less developed interior to offer extremely low pay to migrant delivery drivers while demanding long hours. Yet these long hours and low pay are common throughout the global delivery industry. In the United States, advertised earnings of $22 per hour are largely exaggerated while workers complain that food delivery apps rarely give them all their tips.

What is the solution? First, consumers should recognize what is behind their impossibly cheap and fast delivery: exploitation. We should expect more from the delivery app companies and less from their drivers. That is, we should pay more and wait longer while only ordering from companies who offer their drivers fair wages, insurance and a safe working environment. In the end, your sushi is just not worth it.

(1) Who will be paid the fines for a delayed delivery? A. The delivery firm. B. The delivery worker. C. The sushi restaurant. D. The ordinary consumer.
(2) What does the underlined word "exacerbate" in paragraph 4 mean? A. Integrate. B. Comprise. C. Worsen. D. Alleviate.
(3) Why does the author mention the "earnings of $22 per hour" in the US? A. To indicate that delivery drivers shouldn't expect much. B. To emphasize that delivery companies should provide insurance. C. To prove that the pay and working environment are better in the US. D. To show that low pay and overwork are common issues in the industry.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. The Harm of Delivery Services B. The True Cost of Convenient Deliveries C. The Overrated Popularity of Sushi D. The Benefits and Problems of Delivery Apps
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Carl Wieman, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist at Stanford University, excelled in the lab, where he created the Bose-Einstein condensate(玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态). However, his mastery in the lab did not extend to the classroom. For years, he wrestled with what seemed to be a straightforward task: making undergraduates comprehend physics as he did. Laying it out for them — explaining, even demonstrating the core concepts of the discipline — was not working. Despite his clear explanations, his students' capacity to solve the problems he posed to them remained inadequate.

It was in an unexpected place that he found the key to the problem: not in his classrooms but among the graduate students who came to work in his lab. When his PH. D. candidates entered the lab, Wieman noticed, their habits of thought were no less narrow and rigid than the undergraduates. Within a year or two, however, these same graduate students transformed into the flexible thinkers he was trying so earnestly, and unsuccessfully, to cultivate. "Some kind of intellectual process must have been missing from the traditional education," Wieman recounts.

A major factor in the graduate students' transformation, Wieman concluded, was their experience of intense social engagement around a body of knowledge — the hours they spent advising, debating with, and recounting anecdotes to one another. In 2019, a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences backed this idea. Tracking the intellectual advancement of several hundred graduate students in the sciences over the course of four years, its authors found that the development of crucial skills such as generating hypotheses(假设), designing experiments, and analyzing data was closely related to the students' engagement with their peers in the lab, rather than the guidance they received from their faculty mentors(导师).

Wieman is one of a growing number of Stanford professors who are bringing this "active learning" approach to their courses. His ambition is to move science education away from the lecture format, toward a model that is more active and more engaged.

(1) What problem did Carl Wieman have with his undergraduates? A. Making them excel in the lab. B. Demonstrating lab experiments. C. Facilitating their all-round development. D. Enhancing their physics problem-solving.
(2) Which of the following best describes the graduate students who first joined Wieman's lab? A. Limited in thinking. B. Resistant to new ideas. C. Flexible and earnest. D. Experienced and cooperative.
(3) What is crucial for developing students' intelligent thought according to the 2019 study? A. Intense lab work. B. Peer pressure and evaluation. C. Academic interaction with fellows. D. Engagement with external society.
(4) Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text? A. Transforming Graduates' Habits B. Carl Wieman's Nobel Prize Journey C. The Nobel-Prize Winner's Struggles D. Carl Wieman's Education Innovation
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