
What you need to know

Follow these tips for a smooth and safe journey:

Be visible

Always wear a helmet and at night ensure your bike is fitted with working lights—it's the law. Consider reflective clothes when riding in the dark.

Use the lane

You're allowed to use the full width of any road lane you ride on. Taking the centre of the lane maximizes your visibility and your sight lines and gives you room to avoid drains, gutters and car doors.

Watch for car doors

Don't rely on car drivers and passengers to look for you when opening their doors. Ride wide of the door zone.

Watch for pedestrians

People walking always have right of way on shared paths. Treat them with respect. When passing. use your bell early, keep a safe distance and be ready to stop if needed.

Stop at red lights

A bicycle is regarded as a vehicle in NSW and must obey all road rules, including stopping at red traffic lights and bicycle crossing lights. Heavy fines apply.

Use the diamonds

Look for diamond-shaped markings at intersections on cycle ways. This is where sensors are located to trigger the lights. Line your wheels along the diamond strip, stop and wait for a green light. If there are no diamonds, keep your wheels on the central wire cut.

NSW road rules

You can:

·Pass other vehicles on the left, except when those vehicles are indicating and turning left.

·Ride a maximum of two abreast in a lane as long as you are not more than 1.5 metres apart.

·Travel in bus, tram and transit lanes.

You cannot:

·Ride on the footpath, unless you are under the age of 16, or accompanying a rider under the age of 16, have a medical exemption or if the footpath is a designated shared path.

·Ride in a bus-only lane.

Bike share

No bike? Why not try a share bike to get around Sydney? Download an app from one of the providers to find a bike nearby, unlock and ride to your destination. Find out more about bike sharing in Sydney at cycleways. Sydney

(1) What will happen if you run a red light when cycling? A. You'll be fine. B. You'll be sentenced. C. You'll pay big money. D. You'll be warned by police.
(2) Which of the following is the rule to be obeyed when on bike? A. You can pass other vehicles on the left freely. B. Riding alongside with several cyclists in a lane is allowed. C. It is a must to fix a working light on your bike at night. D. You can travel in bus-only, tram and transit lanes.
(3) What's the text? A. A cycling introduction. B. A travel leaflet. C. A safety brochure. D. A tour guide.
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1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

Thousands of years of domestication have left dogs with a remarkable capacity to comprehend human speech, and new research reveals that the brains of our four-legged friends are even able to differentiate between languages. Appearing in the journal Neurolmage, the new study is the first to detect such an ability in any non-human animal.

To conduct their research, the study authors trained 18 pet dogs to lie motionless inside a functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)scanner so that their brain activity could be recorded while they listened to audio recordings of human speech. Two of the dogs involved in the study came from homes that spoke Spanish, while the remaining 16 belonged to Hungarian-speaking families.

While in the scanner, each dog listened to an excerpt(节选)from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince in both Spanish and Hungarian. They also heard scrambled(杂乱的)versions of these recordings that made no sense and sounded completely unnatural.

When examining the responses of the dogs' brains to these recordings, the researchers noted that activity patterns within the animals' primary auditory cortex(听觉皮层)differed depending on whether they heard actual speech or scrambled nonsense. This suggests that dogs are indeed able to tell the difference between speech and non-speech, regardless of the language spoken.

The researchers also found that this response to language was more pronounced in older dogs, leading them to conclude that longer exposure to human speech enables pet dogs to improve their language recognition skills.

In a statement, study author Attila Andic explained these findings indicate that "the capacity to learn about the regularities of a language is not uniquely human. "However, it remains to be seen "whether this capacity is dogs' specialty, or general among non-human species. "

"Indeed, it is possible that the brain changes from the tens of thousands of years that dogs have been living with humans have made them better language listeners, but this is not necessarily the case. "

(1) What is the requirement for the dogs in the study? A. They must be smart. B. They can study languages. C. They must keep still. D. They can train their partners.
(2) How did the researchers get their findings? A. By consulting language experts. B. By collecting clinical data. C. By observing the dogs' body movements. D. By analyzing the dogs' brain activity.
(3) What can we infer about the findings from Attila Andic's explanation? A. They have proved his assumption. B. They need further confirming. C. They are in line with the former ones. D. They apply to non-human species.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Older Dogs Can Learn New Tricks B. Dogs Are Good Language Learners C. Older Dogs Are Humans' Perfect Partners D. Dogs Can Distinguish Different Languages
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2. 阅读理解

A grey-headed flying fox is back gliding through the night after life-saving surgery on a broken wing. The female flying fox's wing was badly injured when it was twisted in a net placed over fruit trees in Geelong, Victoria. It was rescued and taken to Werribee Open Range Zoo's veterinary hospital where it needed two operations to repair the wing. 

Paul Eden, doctor of the hospital, said, "The flying fox was in a very serious condition when it arrived." Flying foxes are highly dependent on their wings for many purposes. They can fly an astonishing 6,000 km in a year to search for food and pollinate a wide range of plants. They also use their wings to help capture insects, regulate body temperature and attract other flying foxes during mating season, So, it was extremely important that we did everything we could to help this animal make a full recovery. Vets operated to remove some of the flying fox's damaged wing tissue and also gave it antibiotics(抗生素)and pain relief medication. 

Following the successful procedure, the flying fox was transferred to a wildlife carer to prepare it for release back into where it belonged. Dr Eden said, "It is very rewarding to see the flying fox recover fully and safely return home." According to researchers from Werribee Open Range Zoo, flying foxes played a critical role in Australia's ecosystem, not only for the survival of other native animals but also humans. Our ecosystem would be dramatically different without flying foxes. 

Dr Eden noted that there were some simple actions people could take to keep flying foxes safe, including reducing the risk of twisting by using nets with a size no bigger than 5 mm×5 mm when fully stretched over vegetable gardens or fruit trees. "If you encounter a flying fox that is sick or in distress, for the safety of everyone, don't attempt to rescue the animal yourself. Instead, contact Wildlife Victoria who will send a trained officer to rescue the animal," Dr Eden said. 

(1) How did the flying fox get injured in the wing?  A. It was stuck in the net. B. It was hit by the fruits. C. It was hunted while flying. D. It was twisted in the branches.
(2) What is paragraph 2 intended to do?  A. Analyse the reason. B. Draw a conclusion. C. Present a problem. D. Add some backgrounds.
(3) How will the flying fox be dealt with after recovery?  A. It will be raised in a reserve. B. It will be adopted by D Eden. C. It will be set free back to nature. D. It will be tended in a wildlife carer.
(4) What did Dr Eden advise us to do while coming across an injured flying fox?  A. Rescue it on the spot. B. Seek professional aid. C. Send it to Wildlife Victoria in person. D. Drive it to hospital as soon as possible
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Known for its Terracotta Warriors, the ancient Chinese city of Xi 'an in Shaanxi Province is also a city with delicious food. Here are some of them.

Yangrou paomo

Yangrou paomo, or pita bread soaked in lamb soup, is another signature food of Xian, The main ingredient in this mouth- watering dish is mutton and pita bread. The hard bread is torn into small pieces and added to a bowl, then topped with stewed and sliced mutton, scallion, coriander and chili, and then the soup is poured over all of it,

Biangbiang noodles

Biangbiang noodles (stewed-pork hand-ripped noodles) are thick, fat and long. Each noodle is three fingers wide, spiraling down into a big bowl. It is served dry, with toppings of chili and pork belly in alternating layers of fat and lean meat. Biangbiang noodles are famous not only for their distinctive taste, but also for the name, the character of which is so complicated that many Chinese don't know how to write it. Biang refers to the sound chefs make when they pull the dough into noodles and bang them against the table.


A visit to Xian is not complete unless you try the dumplings. They are made in different shapes, colors and flavors--sour, sweet or peppery, the dumplings have different fillings. Cooking methods have also expanded, from boiling to frying.


Ancient Chinese called it "Rou jia yu mo zhong", which means the meat is inside the bun(a kind of small bread). The most important part of "Rougamo" is the special sauce meat.

According to the history record, "Rougamo" first found in book is in Qin Dynasty, which was called "Hanmo". "Rougamo" is not only a sign of the ancient city, but also a sign of Chinese traditional foods.

(1) In which of the following foods is bread used? A. Yangrou paomo and Rougamo. B. Rougamo and Biangbiang noodles. C. Yangrou paomo and dumpling. D. Biangbiang noodles and dumpling.
(2) What does Biangbiang noodles get the name from? A. The chef who creates them, B. The ingredients they include. C. The sound when they are made. D. The place where they are made.
(3) In which column of a newspaper is this text probably from? A. Health. B. Culture. C. Science. D. Fashion.
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