
Known for its Terracotta Warriors, the ancient Chinese city of Xi 'an in Shaanxi Province is also a city with delicious food. Here are some of them.

Yangrou paomo

Yangrou paomo, or pita bread soaked in lamb soup, is another signature food of Xian, The main ingredient in this mouth- watering dish is mutton and pita bread. The hard bread is torn into small pieces and added to a bowl, then topped with stewed and sliced mutton, scallion, coriander and chili, and then the soup is poured over all of it,

Biangbiang noodles

Biangbiang noodles (stewed-pork hand-ripped noodles) are thick, fat and long. Each noodle is three fingers wide, spiraling down into a big bowl. It is served dry, with toppings of chili and pork belly in alternating layers of fat and lean meat. Biangbiang noodles are famous not only for their distinctive taste, but also for the name, the character of which is so complicated that many Chinese don't know how to write it. Biang refers to the sound chefs make when they pull the dough into noodles and bang them against the table.


A visit to Xian is not complete unless you try the dumplings. They are made in different shapes, colors and flavors--sour, sweet or peppery, the dumplings have different fillings. Cooking methods have also expanded, from boiling to frying.


Ancient Chinese called it "Rou jia yu mo zhong", which means the meat is inside the bun(a kind of small bread). The most important part of "Rougamo" is the special sauce meat.

According to the history record, "Rougamo" first found in book is in Qin Dynasty, which was called "Hanmo". "Rougamo" is not only a sign of the ancient city, but also a sign of Chinese traditional foods.

(1) In which of the following foods is bread used? A. Yangrou paomo and Rougamo. B. Rougamo and Biangbiang noodles. C. Yangrou paomo and dumpling. D. Biangbiang noodles and dumpling.
(2) What does Biangbiang noodles get the name from? A. The chef who creates them, B. The ingredients they include. C. The sound when they are made. D. The place where they are made.
(3) In which column of a newspaper is this text probably from? A. Health. B. Culture. C. Science. D. Fashion.
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Newly published Federal Trade Commission data shows that consumers reported losing more than $5.8 billion to scams (欺诈) in 2021, an increase of more than 70 percent over the previous year.

Of the losses reported by consumers, more than $2.3 billion of losses reported were due to imposter (假冒者) scams—up from $1.2 billion in 2020, while online shopping accounted for about $392 million in reported losses from consumers—up from $246 million in 2020. Prizes, internet services and job chances followed closely behind.

The FTC's Consumer Sentinel Network (Sentinel ) is a database that receives reports directly from consumers, as well as from federal, state, and local law enforcement(执行) agencies, industry members, and non-profit organizations. It received more than 5.7 million reports in 2021; these include the scam reports detailed above, as well as identity theft reports and complaints related to other consumer problems, such as problems with banks and lenders. These reports are a key resource for FTC studies that stop illegal activities and, when possible, provide aids to consumers.

The FTC uses the reports it receives through Sentinel as the starting point for many of its law enforcement studies, and the agency also shares these reports with approximately 2, 800 federal, state, local, and international law enforcement professionals.

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition and protect and educate consumers. The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. Learn more about consumer topics at consumer.ftc.gov, or report scams, and bad business practices at ReportFraud.ftc.gov. Follow the FTC on social media, read consumer warnings and the business blog, and sign up to get the latest FTC news and warnings.

(1) How much was lost to scams in 2020? A. About $3.4 billion. B. About $ 4.1 billion. C. About $5.8 billion. D. About $9.8 billion.
(2) Which scams ranked second in 2021? A. Prize scams. B. Imposter scams. C. Online shopping scams. D. Internet service scams.
(3) What does paragraph 3 focus on? A. Relations between the FTC and Sentinel. B. Introductions to Sentinel's primary work. C. Problems to be worked out by Sentinel. D. Expectations for setting up Sentinel.
(4) What are consumers advised to do? A. Make donations to the FTC.      B. Educate consumers with the FT C. C. Publicize the FTC on social media.      D. Value the FTC warning information.
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We often think about relationships on a scale from positive to negative. We are drawn to loving family members, caring classmates and supportive mentors. We do our best to avoid the cruel uncle, the playground bully and the jerk boss.

But the most toxic relationships aren't the purely negative ones. They're the ones that are a mix of positive and negative. We often call them frenemies, supposed friends who sometimes help you and sometimes hurt you. But ifs not just friends. It's the in-laws who volunteer to watch your kids but belittle your parenting. The manager who praises your work but denies you a promotion.

Everyone knows how relationships like that can tie your stomach into a knot. But groundbreaking research led by the psychologists Bert Uchino and Julianne Holt-Lunstad shows that ambivalent (矛盾情绪的) relationships can be damaging to your health — even more than purely negative relationships.

I had assumed that with a neighbor or a colleague, having some positive interactions was better than all negative interactions. But being cheered on by the same person who cuts you down doesn't reduce the bad feelings; it increases them. And it's not just in your head: It leaves a trace in your heart and your blood.

Even a single ambivalent interaction can cause harm. In one experiment, people gave impromptu speeches on controversial topics in front of a friend who offered feedback. The researchers had randomly assigned the friend to give ambivalent or negative comments. Receiving mixed feedback caused higher blood pressure than pure criticism. "I would have gone about the topic differently, but you're doing fine" proved to be more distressing than "I totally disagree with everything you've said."

The evidence that ambivalent relationships can be bad for us is strong, but the reasons can be harder to read — just like the relationships themselves.

The most intuitive reason is that ambivalent relationships are unpredictable. With a clear enemy, you put up a shield when you cross paths. With a frenemy, you never know whether Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde is going to show up. Feeling unsure can disrupt the body's calming system and activate a fight-or-flight response. It's unsettling to hope for a hug while also preparing for a likely quarrel.

Another factor is that unpleasant interactions are more painful in an ambivalent relationship. It's more upsetting to be let down by people you like sometimes than by people you dislike all the time. When someone stabs you in the back, it stings more if he's been friendly to your face.

(1) Which of the following can be counted as a frenemy? A. Your neighbour's kid who advises you to study hard but idles away his own time. B. Your classmate who admires your diligence at first, but doubts your intelligence later. C. Your mother's friend who encourages you to spend more time on homework but less on smart phones. D. Your father's colleague who proposes you to do a moderate amount of homework while ensuring adequate sleep.
(2) Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage? A. Ambivalent relationships have a permanent effect on your well-being. B. The common cause for high blood pressure is ambivalent relationship. C. Ambivalent interactions will be more painful if it is done consciously. D. The negative impact of ambivalent interactions is direct and strong.
(3) The underlined word "belittle" in paragraph 2 probably means ____. A. devalue B. appreciate C. respect D. abuse
(4) Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A. Some Negative Relationships Are Bad for Your Health B. Your Most Ambivalent Relationships Are the Most Toxic C. The Reasons for Ambivalent Relationships Are Unpredictable D. Some Positive Relationships Are Better than All Negative Ones
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Four Best of British markets

Whether you're looking for antiques, food, collectors' items or just random junk, our rich heritage has produced some of the finest markets in the world. Here are four of them.

Edinburgh Farmers' Market

Traders in Edinburgh have long sold their goods in the shadow of the city's spectacular castle. It takes place on Castle Terrace every Saturday and attracts a huge crowd with its locally sourced goods. The market is now in its 15th year and champions the very best in Scottish produce.

Billingsgate Fish Market

This hub in the heart of the East End of London is the biggest inland market in Britain. Dating back to the 16th century, Billingsgate is now served by almost every UK port, with fish transported through the night to arrive for trading, which starts at 4 a. m. . It is famed for shifting 25, 000 tons of fish each year.

St George's Market

Follow your nose along May Street in Belfast and the smells of delicious home-made food from across the globe will land you in St George's Market, once voted the best in the UK. Completed in 1896 and featuring tasty food, the trading place is also one of Belfast's oldest attractions, thanks to its wide range of goods and live music performances.

Ford Airfield Market

Looking for an old-style prosthetic leg, a ventriloquist's dummy, or even a suit of armour?The chances are you'll find what you're after - and plenty of other random stuff - at one of the hundreds of stalls here in West Sussex. Huge car-boot sales(旧货市场)are held at the weekends all year round, come rain or shine. The market has been running for 25 years and is a well-known treasure trove for antiques experts looking for a bargain.

(1) Which market has the longest history? A. Edinburgh Farmers' Market. B. Billingsgate Fish Market. C. St George's Market. D. Ford Airfield Market.
(2) What is the main characteristic of St George's Market? A. Music. B. History. C. Food. D. Building.
(3) What do we know about Ford Airfield Market? A. It is held every day. B. It closes on rainy days. C. It is famous for its cars. D. It features car-boot sales.
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