
Four Best of British markets

Whether you're looking for antiques, food, collectors' items or just random junk, our rich heritage has produced some of the finest markets in the world. Here are four of them.

Edinburgh Farmers' Market

Traders in Edinburgh have long sold their goods in the shadow of the city's spectacular castle. It takes place on Castle Terrace every Saturday and attracts a huge crowd with its locally sourced goods. The market is now in its 15th year and champions the very best in Scottish produce.

Billingsgate Fish Market

This hub in the heart of the East End of London is the biggest inland market in Britain. Dating back to the 16th century, Billingsgate is now served by almost every UK port, with fish transported through the night to arrive for trading, which starts at 4 a. m. . It is famed for shifting 25, 000 tons of fish each year.

St George's Market

Follow your nose along May Street in Belfast and the smells of delicious home-made food from across the globe will land you in St George's Market, once voted the best in the UK. Completed in 1896 and featuring tasty food, the trading place is also one of Belfast's oldest attractions, thanks to its wide range of goods and live music performances.

Ford Airfield Market

Looking for an old-style prosthetic leg, a ventriloquist's dummy, or even a suit of armour?The chances are you'll find what you're after - and plenty of other random stuff - at one of the hundreds of stalls here in West Sussex. Huge car-boot sales(旧货市场)are held at the weekends all year round, come rain or shine. The market has been running for 25 years and is a well-known treasure trove for antiques experts looking for a bargain.

(1) Which market has the longest history? A. Edinburgh Farmers' Market. B. Billingsgate Fish Market. C. St George's Market. D. Ford Airfield Market.
(2) What is the main characteristic of St George's Market? A. Music. B. History. C. Food. D. Building.
(3) What do we know about Ford Airfield Market? A. It is held every day. B. It closes on rainy days. C. It is famous for its cars. D. It features car-boot sales.
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Confucius Institute Scholarship for Studying Abroad in China


The Confucius Institute Scholarship program will sponsor foreign students, scholars, and Chinese language teachers studying Chinese Language and Culture, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, or other such majors at universities in China. 

Scholarship Category:

● Scholarship for Four- Week Students

● Scholarship for One- Semester Students

● Scholarship for One- Academic Year Students

Scholarship Coverage:

Scholarship winners are exempt (豁免) from tuition accommodation fees on campus, are provided with comprehensive insurance for foreign students studying in Chin, and receive a monthly living allowance (except Fur-Week Scholarship Students). 

Eligibility(资格) Criteria:

● Applicants shall be non-Chinese citizens in good health, aged between 16 and 35 (Chinese language teachers in post shall be aged below 45). 

● Applicants need to take HSK and HSKK or BCT exam and achieve a score which meets the basic standard of the category you would like to apply for. 

Time Schedule:

● Oct. -Dec, 2019 Applicants register by email and take the HSK and HSKK. 

● Jan. -Mar. , 2020 Applicants prepare their application documents and are interviewed

by the Confucius Institute at Cleveland State University:

● Mar. -Apr. , 2020 Applicants complete and submit the application forms online. 

● Mar. -Jun, 2020 Applicants are selected by the host institute; the Confucius Institute headquarters review the applications and make a final selection. 

For more information please contact:

Xiaona Jin x .  jin23@csuohio .  edu   216--523-7142:

(1) The scholarship is set !p to____.  A. help students study Chinese B. improve Chinese language teaching C. promote international communication D. support foreigners to spread Chinese culture
(2) What do you know about the scholarship? A. The applicants shall be between 16 and 35. B. AI the winners receive a monthly living allowance. C. The application process lasts for about nine months. D. The applicants should complete paper application forms.
(3) What type of articles is the text? A. A poster. B. A journal. C. An application. D. A news report.
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An eight-year-old boy self-published a graphic novel about Christmas but never expected the book to attract a large fen base in the U. S. and overseas.

Author Dillon Helbig wrote the book, titled "The Adventures of Dillon Helbig's Christmas", because he "likes Christmas and decorations".

Dillon's journey to getting it published is a pretty interesting story.

During Christmas break, the second-grader penned the book filled with pictures. The book begins with Dillion himself decorating a Christmas tree. The star on top of the tree explodes, and then he is sucked into a portal (入口).

Over just four days, the boy filled in 81 pages of a journal. Then he went to the local Ada Community Library with his mother.

"He wanted to get his story out there so all the kids can read his adventures, " his mother said.

He was unsure how to get his book on the library shelf, so he planned to sneak (潜行) past the librarians.

"There were a lot of librarians, " Dillon said, but he successfully slid his book onto a children's picture-book shelf.

One of the librarians found it. And he said, "Oh, this is kind of interesting. " And he added it to the catalog.

After secretly posting his book, Dillon's graphic novel attracted fans. 56 people were on the waiting list to check it out by the end of January. The number has grown to 88 this week. Demand for Dillon's graphic novel extends beyond the United States. One of the librarians received inquiries for the book from The Netherlands and Bangladesh.

Dillon has wanted to publish a book since he was five. The library gave Dillon an award for "best young novelist", which he does have a lot to be proud of.

(1) What inspired the boy to write the novel? A. His desire to attract fans worldwide, B. His interest in Christmas and decorations. C. Ct His plan to add to the library catalog. D. His dream to win a literature award.
(2) What can we learn about the book from the text? A. It contains only pictures. B. It is a very thick book. C. It took three years to finish. D. It was written by hand.
(3) Why did Dillon go to the library with his mum? A. To share his book with other kids. B. To present his book to a librarian. C. To communicate with overseas readers. D. To borrow a children's picture book
(4) Which word best describes the novel? A. Fictional. B. Positive. C. Realistic. D. Humorous
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Is it true that our brain alone is responsible fo human cognition(认知)? What about our body? Is it possible for thought and behavior to originate from somewhere other than our brain? Psychologists who study Embodied Cognition(EC) ask similar questions. The EC theory suggests our body is also responsible for thinking or problem-solving. More precisely, the mind shapes the body and the body shapes the mind in equal measure.

If you think about it for a moment, it makes total sense. When you smell something good or hear amusing sounds, certain emotions are awakened. Think about how newborns use their senses to understand the world around them. They don't have emotions so much as needs—they don't feel sad, they're just hungry and need food. Even unborn babies can feel their mothers' heartbeats and this has a calming effect. In the real world,they cry when they're cold and then get hugged. That way, they start to as-sociate being warm with being loved.

Understandably, theorists have been arguing for years and still disagree on whether the brain is the nerve centre that operates the rest of the body. Older Western philosophers and mainstream language researchers believe this is fact, while EC theorises that the brain and body are working together as an organic supercomputer, processing everything and forming your reactions.

Further studies have backed up the mind-body interaction. In one ex-periment, test subjects(实验对象) were asked to judge people after being handed a hot or a cold drink. They all made warm evaluations when their fingertips perceived warmth rather than coolness. And it works the other way too; in another study, subjects' fingertip temperatures were measured after being"included" in or "rejected" from a group task. Those who were included felt physically warmer.

For further proof, we can look at the metaphors(比喻说法) that we use without even thinking. A kind and sympathetic person is frequently referred to as one with a soft heart and someone who is very strong and calm in difficult situations is often described as solid as a rock. And this kind of metaphorical use is common across languages.

Now that you have the knowledge of mind-body interaction, why not use it? If you're having a bad day,a warm cup of tea will give you a flash of pleasure. If you know you're physically cold, warm up before making any interpersonal decisions.

(1) According to the author, the significance of the EC theory lies in ________. A. facilitating our understanding of the origin of psychology B. revealing the major role of the mind in human cognition C. offering a clearer picture of the shape of human brain D. bringing us closer to the truth in human cognition
(2) Where does the new borns' understanding of their surroundings start from? A. Their personal looks. B. Their mental needs. C. Their inner emotions. D. Their physical feelings.
(3) The experiments mentioned in Paragraph 4 further prove________. A. environment impacts how we judge others B. how body temperature is related to health C. the mind and the body influence each other D. how humans interact with their surroundings
(4) What does the author intend to prove by citing the metaphors in Paragraph 5? A. Human speech is alive with metaphors. B. Human senses have effects on thinking. C. Human language is shaped by visual images. D. Human emotions are often compared to natural materials.
(5) What is the author's purpose in writing the last paragraph? A. To share with the reader ways to release their emotions. B. To guide the reader onto the path to career success. C. To encourage the reader to put EC into practice. D. To deepen the reader's understanding of E
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