1. 阅读理解

A grey-headed flying fox is back gliding through the night after life-saving surgery on a broken wing. The female flying fox's wing was badly injured when it was twisted in a net placed over fruit trees in Geelong, Victoria. It was rescued and taken to Werribee Open Range Zoo's veterinary hospital where it needed two operations to repair the wing. 

Paul Eden, doctor of the hospital, said, "The flying fox was in a very serious condition when it arrived." Flying foxes are highly dependent on their wings for many purposes. They can fly an astonishing 6,000 km in a year to search for food and pollinate a wide range of plants. They also use their wings to help capture insects, regulate body temperature and attract other flying foxes during mating season, So, it was extremely important that we did everything we could to help this animal make a full recovery. Vets operated to remove some of the flying fox's damaged wing tissue and also gave it antibiotics(抗生素)and pain relief medication. 

Following the successful procedure, the flying fox was transferred to a wildlife carer to prepare it for release back into where it belonged. Dr Eden said, "It is very rewarding to see the flying fox recover fully and safely return home." According to researchers from Werribee Open Range Zoo, flying foxes played a critical role in Australia's ecosystem, not only for the survival of other native animals but also humans. Our ecosystem would be dramatically different without flying foxes. 

Dr Eden noted that there were some simple actions people could take to keep flying foxes safe, including reducing the risk of twisting by using nets with a size no bigger than 5 mm×5 mm when fully stretched over vegetable gardens or fruit trees. "If you encounter a flying fox that is sick or in distress, for the safety of everyone, don't attempt to rescue the animal yourself. Instead, contact Wildlife Victoria who will send a trained officer to rescue the animal," Dr Eden said. 

(1) How did the flying fox get injured in the wing?  A. It was stuck in the net. B. It was hit by the fruits. C. It was hunted while flying. D. It was twisted in the branches.
(2) What is paragraph 2 intended to do?  A. Analyse the reason. B. Draw a conclusion. C. Present a problem. D. Add some backgrounds.
(3) How will the flying fox be dealt with after recovery?  A. It will be raised in a reserve. B. It will be adopted by D Eden. C. It will be set free back to nature. D. It will be tended in a wildlife carer.
(4) What did Dr Eden advise us to do while coming across an injured flying fox?  A. Rescue it on the spot. B. Seek professional aid. C. Send it to Wildlife Victoria in person. D. Drive it to hospital as soon as possible
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How to Apply China Visa (签证)

How to apply China visa is the most concerned question for international tourists who plan to travel to China. Here you will find the useful information about China visa requirements and instructions.

China Visa Requirements

▶The valid (有效的) passport

Original passport valid for at least 6 months with blank visa pages, and a photocopy of data page (with your photo on it)

▶China visa application form and photo

The applicants must fill in a complete visa application form and attach it with a recent-taken colour passport photo.

So what is the requirement of the photo? The photo you submit must be passport-type (bare-head, full face) and standard with the correct dimension and background colour.

▶Effective proof of legal stay or resident status (it applies to those who do not apply for China visa in their countries of citizenship).

Supporting Application Documents

For C-Visa, a letter of guarantee issued by a foreign transport company or an invitation letter issued by a relevant authority from China side shall be provided.

For D-Visa, the original and a photocopy of foreign permanent residence identification form issued by China's Ministry of Public Security shall be provided.

For F-Visa, an invitation letter issued by relevant authorities or individuals from China side shall be provided.

For G-Visa, an onward air (train, bus, ship) ticket with confirmed date and seat to the third country or region shall be provided.

For L-Visa, the tour itinerary (行程) and documents with round trip flight tickets and accommodation reservations, or an invitation letter issued by relevant authorities or individuals from Chinese side shall be provided.

For M-Visa, documents of business activity, trade fair invitation letter or other invitation letter issued by trade partners in China shall be provided.

Further reading: click the link China visa knowledge and types.

(1) In what situation do people have to prove the legal stay for the application? A. Not being in his country of nationality. B. Without documents of business activity. C. Without photos that match the requirements. D. Not being invited by trade partners in China.
(2) Which visas need the trip ticket? A. C-Visa and M-Visa. B. L-Visa and D-Visa. C. G-Visa and L-Visa. D. F-Visa and M-Visa.
(3)  Where is the text probably from? A. A science magazine. B. A travel brochure. C. A hotel poster. D. A web page.
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2.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

In 2008, Michael Goodfellow, a scientist at Newcastle University, was handed a soil sample taken from Chile's Atacama Desert—the world's driest desert, once considered a dead zone. "Quite frankly, we didn't expect to isolate(使分离)anything, " Goodfellow admits. But to his surprise, he was able to grow a diversity of bacteria from the sample.

A 2018 review counted a total of 46 new molecules(分子)that have been isolated from the Atacama bacteria so far, many of which show antibiotic(抗菌的), antiviral or anticancer properties(特征). It was the type of bacteria living in the Atacama that proved particularly exciting: actinobacteria(放线菌).

Take streptomyces griseus for example, a species of actinobacteria you might find in soil. A sample of streptomyces, when placed among mycobacterium tuberculosis( 结核杆菌), will release a chemical which stops its bacterial neighbors from growing the proteins they need to survive. When scientists at Rutgers University managed to isolate this chemical in 1944, they accidentally found the first antibiotic treatment for tuberculosis, saving countless lives.

Today, there is general agreement on the need for the development of new antibiotics because our most trusted drugs began to fail—bacteria have learnt how to survive our antibiotic attacks. Sometimes, a potentially useful chemical can be found right in environments around us. But many scientists argue that we should also be exploring the natural world for novel bio-chemistry, an approach known as "bioprospecting".

"70% to 75% of all antibiotics come from nature, " notes MarcelJaspars, a natural product chemist

at the University of Aberdeen. "It strikes me that we should be looking more deeply into how nature makes these molecules and how we can actually find antibiotics. "

(1) What did Goodfellow think of the sample at first? A. It was man-made. B. It was lifeless. C. It was of great value. D. It was of doubtful origin.
(2) Why does the author mention scientists' achievement in 1944? A. To compare two species of actinobacteria. B. To explain the major cause of tuberculosis. C. To explain the purpose of antibiotic treatments. D. To show the potential of the Atacama actinobacteria.
(3) Which of the following best describes Jaspars' attitude to "bioprospecting"? A. Doubtful. B. Tolerant. C. Supportive. D. Conservative.
(4) What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Antibiotics are bound to fail. B. The desert soil could save lives. C. Effective treatments come from nature. D. Fun facts are listed about the Atacama Desert.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

New research suggests that a gene that governs the body's biological (circadian) clock acts differently in males versus females and may protect females from heart disease. The study is the first to analyze circadian blood pressure rhythms (节奏) in female mice.

The body's circadian clock- the biological clock that organizes bodily activities over a 24-hour period一contributes to normal variations in blood pressure and heart function over the course of the day. In most healthy humans, blood pressure dips (下降) at night. People who do not experience this temporary drop, called "non-dippers",are more likely to develop heart disease. The circadian clock is made up of four main proteins (encoded by "lock genes") that regulate close to half of all genes in the body, including those important for blood pressure regulation.

Previous research has shown that male mice that are missing one of the four clock genes (PER1) become non-dippers and have a higher risk for heart and kidney disease. A research team studied the circadian response and blood pressure of female mice that lack PER1 and compared them with a healthy female control group. On both low- and high-salt diets, both groups "retained an apparent circadian rhythm" of blood pressure, the researchers explained. Unlike the male mice in previous research, the females without PERI showed normal dips in blood pressure overnight,

These results suggest that the lack of PER1 acts differently in males and females. The findings are consistent with research showing that women are less likely to be non-dippers than men of the same age. "This study represents an important step in understanding sex differences in the regulation of cardiovascular (心血管) function by the circadian clock, " the researchers wrote.

(1) What does the new research find? A. Biological clock may protect males from heart disease. B. Biological blood pressure rhythms in female mice act normally. C. Biological clock organizes bodily activities over a 24 hour period. D. A gene controlling biological clock works differently between sexes,
(2) What role can circadian clock play according to the text? A. Helping males cure heart disease. B. Helping blood pressure vary normally. C. Contributing to abnormal variations in blood pressure. D. Making up four main proteins regulating almost half of all genes.
(3) Which word can best replace the underlined word "retained" in paragraph 3? A. Treated B. warned C. kept D. watched
(4) What would be a suitable title for the text? A. One clock gene is important B. Women may benefit from biological clock C. New study analyzes blood pressure rhythms D. Blood pressure of healthy humans dips at night
阅读理解 模拟题 普通