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Best Overall: LectroFan EVO Sound Machine

Why You Should Get It

This compact, stylish, and affordable white noise machine is very easy to use. With a timer, a headphone connector, and a large range of sounds, you'll be able to find the right set up for you. That's where it comes in to mask all that unwanted environmental noise—or lack of—so you can get more rest.

Keep in Mind

The device isn't battery-operated, so it'll need to stay plugged into a power source.

It does everything you need it to, and then some, for a very reasonable price. It plays non-repeating digital noise in a range of colors: It has 10 fan sounds, 10 environmental noise sounds—including pink and brown noise, and two ocean soundscapes.

The device is super simple to use, and once you've picked your favorite type of noise, it will be saved in the settings, and the machine will auto play that sound each time you turn it on. The speaker produces a clear and crisp sound, and there's a wide volume range. It also comes with an optional timer you can set between one to eight hours, or play continuously, plus a 3.5mm connector for headphones if your partner isn't quite as keen on white noise as you are.

It's compact enough to travel everywhere with you, and as white noise machines go, it looks pretty good, too. It certainly won't look out of place on your bedside table. You can power the LectroFan EVO via USB or the included A/C adaptor, but it doesn't have an internal battery, so it does need to be plugged in.

Price at time of publish: $35

Product Details: Dimensions: It's 4.7 inches long and 3. 3 inches in height. Its width is the same as its length. | Sound options: 22 | Timer: Yes | Power: Plug-in

(1) What is the device mentioned used to do? A. Avoid noises. B. Enjoy nature. C. Help sleep well. D. Listen to music.
(2) What do we know about the device from the text? A. It works with batteries. B. It doesn't disturb others. C. It has one nature noise. D. Its timer's set up is fixed.
(3) How wide is the device? A. 3.3 inches. B. 4.7 inches. C. 6. 8 inches. D. 10 inches.
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Recently I bought a book about signposts.  Signposts aren't very interesting, you're thinking. Well, that, of course, depends on whether you happen to be lost! Ancient travelers would have been grateful for these when settlements were smaller and further apart. In winter, the ability to reach shelter for the night could be the difference between life and death. 

One of the very earliest waymarks discovered is in Cumbria. Dating from Roman times, it had lain fallen until 1836, when a farmer ploughing his fields came across a sandstone shaft(碑文). There are other stone posts that have stood by roadsides for centuries. It wasn'tuntil 1697 that an act was passed declaring that guide-stones must be built. 

This applied to remote parts of the country where there might be confusion as to which path led to the nearest market town. Later, with the appearance of the Royal Mail, the number rose still further. Nowadays many of these early road signs are designated(指定)as Listed Monuments. 

"How times change!" Lucy, an enthusiastic walker, to whom I loaned the book,exclaimed. 

"I suppose now we all rely far more upon mobile phones to guide us. "

"Yet they aren'tperfect. Whenever I go out, I prefer a map. I never have to worry about running out of battery. " "T'm always grateful to whoever is placing way-markers along the route," she added,"I suppose that however sure we are, a little outside confirmation is always welcome. "

Lucy is quite right there. Life itself can offer us a great many choices of path, and sometimes it isn't easy to know if we've chosen the best one. 

Perhaps when it comes to gratitude, we should also include thanks for those people who appear in our lives when we most need them—either giving us gentle warning that we might be heading in the wrong direction, or reassurance that we are on the right track. After all, we'd be lost without them!

(1) What does the underlined word "these " in the first paragraph refer to? A. Signposts. B. Abilities. C. Settlements. D. Shelters.
(2) What contributed to the initial spread of signposts? A. The market trade. B. The act passed in 1697. C. The discovery of the sandstone.  D]. The appearance of the Loyal Mail.
(3) What does Lucy think of signposts? A. Popular. B. Outdated. C. Imperfect. D. Helpful.
(4) What does the author learn from signposts? A. To choose right tracks. B. To live a colorful life. C. To have a grateful mind. D. To offer practical choices.
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Cimabue, the greatest painter in medieval(中世纪的) Italy, was surprised one day when he came back from his lunch break and discovered a fly was under the nose of a character he had been working on. So he reached out to touch the insect. To his surprise, he found only wet paint. Turning around, he saw that his apprentice(学徒), Giotto di Bondone, was doing everything he could to keep from laughing. Giotto had painted the fly when Cimabue was away, and it looked so real that Cimabue had been completely fooled.

Giotto was born into a poor farming family. Legend has it that one day when Cimabue was walking around the countryside, he spotted a young shepherd(牧羊人) boy. The boy was not tending his sheep. Instead, he was drawing pictures of them, and the sheep he drew were so lifelike that Cimabue stopped to ask the boy his name. The boy replied that it was Giotto, and Cimabue immediately asked him to come to Florence so that the young shepherd could learn how to paint.

In the Middle Ages, an artist not only had to concern himself with things like design and technique, but he also had to learn how to make paints. Almost all artists were men, and they began their apprenticeships at an early age. An apprentice's job was to copy his master as exactly as he could. The unfortunate result of this imitation was a lack of new ideas.

In fact, art in the Middle Ages remained the same for hundreds of years. The people in paintings didn't look like real people, and the symbolism of art was often so remote that it must have been difficult for viewers to connect with it on a personal level. Giotto used many techniques that were uncommon at the time to bring the paintings to life for viewers. He painted people the way he saw them, instead of the overly tall people that other artists painted. He created three-dimensional space by using perspective, something that had not been done since Roman times. Finally, he threw out parts of the symbolism associated with medieval painting.

(1) what's the authors purpose in writing the first paragraph? A. To indicate Giotto liked making fun of others B. To show the fly painted by Giotto looked real. C. To indicate Giotto drew better than Cimabue. D. To show Cimabue disliked painting flies very much.
(2) What do we know about medieval artists? A. Supporting themselves by making paints. B. Lacking creativity. C. Having a short period of apprenticeship. D. Having an unhappy childhood.
(3) What was Giotto doing when Cimabue first met him according to legend? A. He was taking a walk. B. He was feeding sheep. C. He was drawing pictures. D. He was playing with a shepherd boy.
(4) What's the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Giotto's efforts on medieval painting. B. The competition between medieval artists. C. The most popular forms of painting in the Middle Ages. D. Giotto's endeavours to change art in the Middle Ages.
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Four Films to Watch in 2022

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One)

One of the most innovative of all superhero films, Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse pioneered its own pop-art visual style. And it introduced the film world to the concept of different Spider-Men in alternate (交错的) universes —a concept that has since been borrowed by Marvel's live-action Spider-Man: No Way Home. 

Released internationally on 7 October

The Batman

The leading actor, Robert Pattinson channels his inner bat in this latest reboot. Matt Reeves, who co-wrote and directs, told Empire he sees his version of the crime-fighter as a recluse (隐士) inspired by Kurt Cobain. But seemingly there will be some humor amid the darkness and violence. 

Released internationally on 4 March 

Turning Red

Turning Red is a Pixar cartoon about the pains of growing up as a girl, but it is unique in lots of ways: this is Pixar's first film to be directed solely by a woman, the first to be set in Canada. The main character is Meilin, a hard-working student who transforms into a huge red panda whenever she is stressed. Turning Red is based on the experiences of its director, Domee Shi. 

Released internationally on 11 March

Killers of the Flower Moon

Once again, Martin Scorsese has told a true story of greed and ambition. It reveals brutal crime and criticizes abuse of power. Adapted by Eric Roth from the non-fiction book by David Grann, Killers of the Flower Moon examines the murders of several members of the Osage tribe in the 1920s. 

Released internationally on 6 December

(1) Which film is a good choice if you are interested in alternate universes? A. The batman B. Turning Red C. Killer of the Flower Moon D. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (part one)
(2) What can we learn about Turning Red? A. It is set in America. B. It is directed by a man. C. It reflects the director's real life. D. The main character is a little panda.
(3) What do The Batman and Killer of the Flower Moon have in common? A. They are both against crime. B. They are based on true stories. C. They are both directed by women. D. They are released in the same month.
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