
Cimabue, the greatest painter in medieval(中世纪的) Italy, was surprised one day when he came back from his lunch break and discovered a fly was under the nose of a character he had been working on. So he reached out to touch the insect. To his surprise, he found only wet paint. Turning around, he saw that his apprentice(学徒), Giotto di Bondone, was doing everything he could to keep from laughing. Giotto had painted the fly when Cimabue was away, and it looked so real that Cimabue had been completely fooled.

Giotto was born into a poor farming family. Legend has it that one day when Cimabue was walking around the countryside, he spotted a young shepherd(牧羊人) boy. The boy was not tending his sheep. Instead, he was drawing pictures of them, and the sheep he drew were so lifelike that Cimabue stopped to ask the boy his name. The boy replied that it was Giotto, and Cimabue immediately asked him to come to Florence so that the young shepherd could learn how to paint.

In the Middle Ages, an artist not only had to concern himself with things like design and technique, but he also had to learn how to make paints. Almost all artists were men, and they began their apprenticeships at an early age. An apprentice's job was to copy his master as exactly as he could. The unfortunate result of this imitation was a lack of new ideas.

In fact, art in the Middle Ages remained the same for hundreds of years. The people in paintings didn't look like real people, and the symbolism of art was often so remote that it must have been difficult for viewers to connect with it on a personal level. Giotto used many techniques that were uncommon at the time to bring the paintings to life for viewers. He painted people the way he saw them, instead of the overly tall people that other artists painted. He created three-dimensional space by using perspective, something that had not been done since Roman times. Finally, he threw out parts of the symbolism associated with medieval painting.

(1) what's the authors purpose in writing the first paragraph? A. To indicate Giotto liked making fun of others B. To show the fly painted by Giotto looked real. C. To indicate Giotto drew better than Cimabue. D. To show Cimabue disliked painting flies very much.
(2) What do we know about medieval artists? A. Supporting themselves by making paints. B. Lacking creativity. C. Having a short period of apprenticeship. D. Having an unhappy childhood.
(3) What was Giotto doing when Cimabue first met him according to legend? A. He was taking a walk. B. He was feeding sheep. C. He was drawing pictures. D. He was playing with a shepherd boy.
(4) What's the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Giotto's efforts on medieval painting. B. The competition between medieval artists. C. The most popular forms of painting in the Middle Ages. D. Giotto's endeavours to change art in the Middle Ages.
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Philip Guston Now, a major retrospective(回顾展) of Philip Guston (1913-1980), one of Ameriea's greatest modern painters, presents the full scope of the artist's 50-year career. Organized by the National Gallery of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Tate Modern and the Museum of Fine Arts, the exhibition is on view in these museums from

March 2 through August 27,2023. 

Related programs offer both in-person, and virtual opportunities to get inspired by Philip's art. 


Introduction to the Exhibition March 5,2023,12:00 p. m. 

Registration is required and opens on February 24,2023, at noon on nga. gov/lectures. 

Harry Cooper,head of National Gallery of Art, presents Philip Gaston's life and work. 

Philip Guston and the Mural Impulse

Spring 2023, date TBA(to be announced)

Registration is required and will be available at nga. gov/lectures. 

This discussion is a unique chance to view one of Gaston's largest murals(壁画), and to hear from scholars and artists who have considered his work.  The program will be introduced by Kristen Fusselle, fine arts program manager at the General Services Administration. 


Virtual Studio

July 26,2023,10:00 a. m. 

Registration is required and will be available on nga. gov/community. 

Join museum educators and artists in a virtual studio session inspired by the exhibition Philip Guston Now. Virtual

Studio is designed for anyone interested in making art, and we welcome participants of all skill levels. 

(1) How many museums will the exhibition be displayed in? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
(2) When will Harry Cooper give an introduction to Philip Guston? A. On July 26,2023. B. On March 5,2023. C. On February 24,2023. D. On August 27,2023.
(3) What do the related programs have in common? A. They are available online. B. They need on-site registration. C. Their times have been announced. D. They offer visitors hands-on experiences.
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In March 2020, when I stood alone in the middle of the main road to the Lake District, it felt like the end of the world. As a local farmer, I've grown used to the heavy traffic. But suddenly, everything changed. The lockdown brought quietness to the area, and I did feel a sense of relief to be done with the noise for a while.

Just off the main road is Matterdale, where I live with my family. We own a farm and our work focuses on tending farm animals. Like many who live in tourist attractions, we have been annoyed by some visitors. My farming would have been significantly easier without people parking in gateways, walking through the fields of lambs with loose dogs scaring them, or abandoning their tents along the river.

Despite my complaints, however, I would never reject visitors' presence. I do understand their need for rest after months of urban life. In fact, I think I need them too. Of course, communities like ours rely on the income that tourism creates. But to me, there is something more personal. I once took my kids to the lake. Near the shore, we saw boys and girls playing together. A young dad was holding his kid's hand as she tiptoed through the shallows. An elderly couple were sitting in the shade, admiring the view. I found myself content knowing that I was sharing this landscape with others.

As lockdown restrictions have relaxed and visitors started to come back, I wonder how we can coexist happily. For those who are reading this, I hope that my words can encourage you to respect the communities you visit, and understand the responsibilities that come with visiting those places. Our love can coexist, even if it sometimes makes life a little crowded.

(1) What did the author think about the visitor-free Lake District? A. Boring. B. Peaceful. C. Interesting. D. Disappointing.
(2) Why was the author annoyed by some visitors? A. They polluted the water. B. They scared his dogs away. C. They caused damage to his farm. D. They brought inconvenience to his work.
(3) What is the main reason that the author never rejected visitors? A. To earn more money. B. To meet new people in his life. C. To share the beauty of the land. D. To let more people love his farm.
(4) What is the main purpose of the text? A. To advocate for responsible traveling. B. To complain about tourism and travelers. C. To suggest ways of supporting local communities. D. To show the relationship between farmers and tourists.
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The area of tropical forest destroyed in 2021 was enough to cover the entire island of Cuba, and sent more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as India does in an entire year from burning fossil fuels, according to an analysis published on Thursday. 

Some 11. 1 million hectares (around 43, 000 square miles) of forest was destroyed, mainly by logging (伐木)as well as fires, the analysis by the World Resources Institute's Global Forest Watch and the University of Maryland found. Some of those fires were deliberately lit to clear land and many were deteriorated by climate change. 

The loss was less severe than in 2020, but deforestation (毁林)is still occurring at an alarming rate in the tropics. Of the area lost, 3. 75 million hectares were primary tropical forest at the equivalent of 10 soccer fields every minute, WRI reported. 

Primary tropical forests in particular are crucial for the ecological balance of the planet, providing oxygen that supports life and as biodiversity hotspots. They are also rich in stored carbon, and when these forests are logged or burned, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. 

"What's important to understand is that forests, especially tropical forests, are part of the global climate system," WRI senior fellow Frances Seymour told CNN. "So they're not mechanical carbon storage devices. They actually influence the energy transfer and the moisture content of the atmosphere in ways that affect rainfall and global circulation patterns. "

"When deforestation happens, when forests are lost, it not only contributes carbon to the atmosphere, but also disrupts rainfall patterns and increases local temperatures in some ways. For example, it makes remaining forests more vulnerable to fire, and the warmer, drier conditions that come with climate change," Seymour said. 

(1) Which of the following can best replace the underlined word "deteriorated" in paragraph 2? A. strengthened B. expanded C. worsened D. extended
(2) In which aspect are primary tropical forests especially important? A. Promoting world economy. B. Balancing the earth's ecology. C. Predicting severe weather. D. Providing wood resources.
(3) What did Seymour talk about in the last paragraph? A. The consequence of deforestation. B. The cause of forests loss. C. The methods of protecting forests. D. The contributions of forests.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Logging causes most forests loss B. Analysts are concerned about tropic forests loss C. Primary tropical forests are rich in stored carbon D. Tropical forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate
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