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Philip Guston Now, a major retrospective(回顾展) of Philip Guston (1913-1980), one of Ameriea's greatest modern painters, presents the full scope of the artist's 50-year career. Organized by the National Gallery of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Tate Modern and the Museum of Fine Arts, the exhibition is on view in these museums from

March 2 through August 27,2023. 

Related programs offer both in-person, and virtual opportunities to get inspired by Philip's art. 


Introduction to the Exhibition March 5,2023,12:00 p. m. 

Registration is required and opens on February 24,2023, at noon on nga. gov/lectures. 

Harry Cooper,head of National Gallery of Art, presents Philip Gaston's life and work. 

Philip Guston and the Mural Impulse

Spring 2023, date TBA(to be announced)

Registration is required and will be available at nga. gov/lectures. 

This discussion is a unique chance to view one of Gaston's largest murals(壁画), and to hear from scholars and artists who have considered his work.  The program will be introduced by Kristen Fusselle, fine arts program manager at the General Services Administration. 


Virtual Studio

July 26,2023,10:00 a. m. 

Registration is required and will be available on nga. gov/community. 

Join museum educators and artists in a virtual studio session inspired by the exhibition Philip Guston Now. Virtual

Studio is designed for anyone interested in making art, and we welcome participants of all skill levels. 

(1) How many museums will the exhibition be displayed in? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
(2) When will Harry Cooper give an introduction to Philip Guston? A. On July 26,2023. B. On March 5,2023. C. On February 24,2023. D. On August 27,2023.
(3) What do the related programs have in common? A. They are available online. B. They need on-site registration. C. Their times have been announced. D. They offer visitors hands-on experiences.
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Soon, you' re going to have to move out!" cried my neighbor upon seeing the largest tomato plant known to mankind, or at least known in my neighborhood.

One tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $ 1. 25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, and is well on its way to the front door. 

Roses require a good deal of care, and if it weren't for the pleasure they give, it wouldn' t be worth the work. As it is, I have a garden full of sweet-smelling roses for most of the year. Bushes must be pruned (剪枝) in early spring, leaving ugly woody branches until the new growth appears a few weeks later. It was the space available in the garden that led me into planting just one little tomato plant. A big mistake.

Soil conditions made just perfect for roses turn out to be even more perfect for tomatoes. The daily watering coupled with full sun and regular fertilizing (施肥) have turned the little plant into a tall bush. The cage I placed around it as the plant grew has long disappeared under the thick leaves. 

Now the task I face in harvesting the fruit is twofold. First, I have to find the red ones among the leaves, which means I almost have to stand on my head, and once found I have to reach down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdraw (缩回) my full fist without dropping the prize so dearly won. I found two full-blown white roses completely hidden as I picked tomatoes in June. But they were weak and the leaves already yellow for lack of light. 

Here I am faced with a painful small decision: To tear up a wonderful and productive tomato plant that offers up between ten and twenty ripe sweet tomatoes each day or say goodbye to several expensive and treasured roses. Like Scarlett in Gone With the Wind, I' ll think about that tomorrow.

(1) What are the requirements for the healthy growth of rose? A. Frequent pruning and fertilizing. B. A lot of care and the right soil. C. Tomato plants grown alongside. D. Cages placed around the roots.
(2) The writer planted the tomato plant because____. A. there was room for it in the garden B. the soil was just right for it C. it cost only $1. 25 D. the roses' branches needed to be covered
(3) This year the writer's roses were____. A. removed from the rose bed B. largely hidden under the tomato plant C. mostly damaged by too much sunlight D. picked along with the tomatoes
(4) By saying "the prize so dearly won" in Paragraph 5, the writer wants to____. A. express her liking for the roses B. show the hardship of growing the roses C. show the difficulty in picking the tomatoes D. express her care for the tomatoes
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Most Chinese know the story of mythological Chang'e. It's a story about a woman who takes an immorality pill and flies to the moon. The story is s0 popular that people can't hear the word Chang'e without thinking of romantic images of a moon goddess.

For this reason, China's mission to the moon was calling for a strong female figure. Therefore, pictures of a 24-year-old female space commander have gone viral on Chinese social media for her work on the Chang'e-5 Moon exploration programme with comments about how she is a "frontline soklier in the field of aerospace" that young Chinese can look up to.

Ms Zhou, 24-year-old lady of the Tujia ethnic group, is China's youngest ever space commander. She was involved in the successful launch of the Chang'e-5 lunar probe on 24 November, in charge of the rocket connector system, described as a key role.

In Wenchang space launch site, though she is only 1.58 meters tall and looks "mini", she is called "Big Sister" for her powerful core and energy. Since senior high, she has dreamed! of being a member of a space research team. With her great efforts, she was admitted to an aircraft system and engineering major of a domestic university in 2014, making her acrospace dream come true. To grow into a commander, in two and a half years, she changed five positions to be familiar with multiple posts and types of work, each of which takes great courage and is full of challenges. In a working space with no air conditioning and narrow space to accommodate only three people, she worked for 60 days until the completion of "the Long March 5 rocket goes around" battle.

Her story has received attention from Chinese state-run media as well as overseas media outlets. However, it has not appeared to have had much of an effect on her. According to the media, she declined repeated requests for interviews because she does not wish to let fame get in the way of her work.

(1) Why does the writer mention the myth of Chang'e at the beginning of the passage? A. To tell a romantic story. B. To spread Chinese culture. C. To introduce the topic. D. To give an example.
(2) What makes people think of Ms Zhou as a pioneer for the youth in aerospace? A. Her youth and beauty. B. Her pictures on the media. C. Her identity of the Tujia ethnic group. D. Her performance in the moon-landing program.
(3) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. She was the youngest space commander of the Tujia ethnic group. B. She was called "Big Sister" not because of her physical strength but her central status. C. To become a commander, she took five challenging and courageous jobs in two and a half years. D. She worked in severe conditions for 60 days until the Long March 5 rocket was-launched.
(4) Why did Ms Zhou reject the media's invitation to interviews? A. Because she was too shy. B. Because she was not available. C. Because she was devoted to work. D. Because she hated being famous.
(5) What can we learn from Ms Zhou's story? A. Attitude is altitude. B. The early bird catches the worm. C. Many hands make light work. D. Diligence makes up for inability.
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3. 阅读理解

Linda Brown, a real estate agent, believes that when it comes to solving homelessness, it takes a village. She spent nine years supporting homeless people in Springfield, Missouri, through a charitable organization called The Gathering Tree, which welcomed people a few times each week during daylight hours, providing a safe and welcoming place for them to take showers, socialize, or simply rest. But they had to close their doors for the night. "One cold winter night, I watched as my friends walked off into the darkness to a wet, cold camp, while we went home to a warm bed," Linda said, "I realized I had to do something."

She had an idea to create a village of tiny houses to make sure no one slept outside on her watch! Linda started fundraising. She began by appealing to her fellow estate agents in the area before branching out into local businesses.

Using these donations, Linda purchased a nearby abandoned area that already had the infrastructure in place. By February 2019, they'd built 31 tiny homes for their Eden Village and found residents for each one. All the residents must be good neighbors in order to stay in the village, and they certainly are! Linda was happy when she learned that the village actually increased local property values rather than lowering them as some people had feared.

Linda hasn't stopped working since Eden Village began. A second village opened in the fall of 2020, and there's a third location in the works as well! She hopes to have five villages across Springfield within the next five years, helping more than 200 homeless people get off the streets and into a new life.

To this day, Linda firmly believes that there are a million reasons someone can become homeless, but each of them can be solved with love and community involvement.

(1) What does The Gathering Tree do for the homeless? A. It raises money for them. B. It builds tiny houses for them. C. It helps them find warm camps. D. It provides them with day shelters.
(2) What did some people fear? A. Their own homes would be lost. B. Their jobs would be taken over. C. Their safety would be seriously threatened. D. Their local property values would be lowered.
(3) What does Linda expect to do? A. Help homeless people find work. B. Reach out to more homeless people. C. Build more infrastructure at Eden Village. D. Get homeless people involved in building Eden Village.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Linda? A. Ambitious and scholarly. B. Brave and imaginative. C. Sympathetic and innovative. D. Generous and independent.
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