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A planet that suffers 475℃ beneath a thick acid atmosphere may be the last place you'd expect alien(外星的) life in our solar system. But one NASA scientist claims that extraterrestrials(天外来客) are most likely hiding on Venus amid conditions that are unbearable for humans. The new theory was put forward by the research scientist Dr Michelle Thaller. She says that possible signs of life have already been seen within the carbon-dioxide filled atmosphere, adding that she was absolutely certain that life exists somewhere.

Venus is often described as Earth's twin due to its similar size and structure. But their conditions couldn't be further apart, as astronomers believe it would be impossible for humans to exist on Venus. Positioned 67 million miles from the Sun, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, suffering temperatures that can even melt lead. Its atmosphere also adds to the uninhabitable situation.

Despite this, scientists have long debated whether Venus' clouds may host microbial(微生物的) life forms that can survive. Many scientists think that photosynthesis(光合作用) is possible on the planet's surface as Venus receives enough solar energy to pass through its thick clouds.

However, Professor Dominic Papineau, a biologist at the University College of London, believes Dr Thaller's views are "difficult to realistically assume". He explained, "For life-related chemical reactions to take place, liquid water is necessary. Hence, to find extraterrestrial life, we need to find liquid water, and to find extraterrestrial fossils requires looking for special rocks that were associated with liquid water in the past."

This makes life on Venus today difficult to realistically assume, because its surface is too hot, although Venus might have had liquid water in its past. Even still, both Professor Papineau and Dr Thaller agree that the icy moons of our solar system could also be sites of potential microbial life. NASA suggests there are 290 "traditional moons" in our solar system—excluding 462 smaller minor planets.

(1) What can we know about Venus? A. Its atmosphere is thin acidic. B. It is much bigger than Earth. C. It is 77 million miles from the Sun. D. Venus and Earth are considered as twins.
(2) Which statement would Papineau agree with? A. Photosynthesis can happen on Venus's surface. B. Thick clouds make photosynthesis in Venus hard. C. Liquid water is important for the extraterrestrials. D. Some rocks can prove life exists on Venus.
(3) What can we know from the last paragraph? A. It's very easy to confirm life on Venus. B. The surface temperature of Venus is high. C. Venus might have liquid water now. D. Many icy moons go around Venus.
(4) In which section of a newspaper can you find this text? A. Science. B. Education. C. Culture. D. Sports.
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How do consumers access, buy and use their favorite products and services? The answer to the seemingly simple question is changing. Traditionally, people often see ownership as the most desirable way to have access to products. However, an increasing number of consumers are paying to temporarily access or share products and services rather than buy or own them Customer behavior towards many goods and services changes from ownership to sharing. This transformation of people's consumption, habits has made sharing economy grow and it seems that some individuals and companies have already benefited from this trend.

Growth in sharing systems bas particularly been fueled by the Internet with the rise of social media systems. Anyone can be part of the sharing economy. It is reported that of the 44 percent of U.S. adults who are familiar with the sharing economy, 86 percent say it makes life more affordable, 83 percent say it makes life more convenient and efficient, and 78 percent say it builds a stronger community. The central idea of group consumption is simple: Obtain value which remains in goods or services that are not entirely used by their owners. 

A recent survey from Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the largest professional service firm in the world, shows this so-called "sharing economy" is growing faster than ever. Although we are not sure about the current size of this market, by 2025, according to Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the sharing economy could represent $335 billion in profit worldwide. Nowadays, well-known examples of successful corporations built on group consumption systems include Airbnb, a San Francisco-based online accommodations marketplace, and Zipcar, a car sharing brand that is now part of the vehicle rental service company.

The speed of its growth suggests that the sharing economy might represent a serious threat to established industries, due to fewer purchases in conventional markets. For consumers, it seems to bold the advantage to unite cost reduction, benefit expansion, convenience and environmental consciousness in one type of consumption. Companies therefore should understand the new situation and manage their operating system in order to adapt to current and future business models to provide new sources of profits within this growing area of the sharing economy.

(1) How does the sharing economy work? A. Exchanging possessions of products online. B. Sharing something with the owners. C. Selling underused items to make money. D. Paying for sharing products or services owned by others.
(2)  Which of the following is NOT a reason for the growth of sharing economy? A. The change of people's consumption habits. B. People's need to reduce life expenses. C. The decline of traditional business. D. The easier access to the Internet.
(3) According to Pricewaterhouse Coopers, we learn that____. A. 44 percent ofU.S. adults think sharing economy makes life easier B. sharing economy can have a promising future C. sharing economy is expanding too fast to threaten other business D. group consumption systems can be successful if run by large companies
(4)  In the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to say that____. A. traditional business should find different sources of profits B. sharing economy has many advantages over conventional industry C. the growth of sharing economy has led to the decrease of purchases D. traditional business should try to adapt to sharing economy
(5)  Which can be the best title of the passage? A. The Rise of Sharing Economy B. Sharing Makes Life Better C. Advantages of Sharing Economy D. Sharing Economy or Conventional Business
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For nearly a decade now, Merebeth has been a self-employed pet transport specialist. Her pet transport job was born of the financial crisis (危机) in the late 2000s. The downturn hit the real estate (房地产) firm where she had worked for ten years as an office manager. The firm went broke and left her looking for a new job. One day, while driving near her home, she saw a dog wandering on the road, clearly lost She took it home, and her sister in Denver agreed to take it This was a loving home for sure, but 1. 600 miles away. It didn't take long for
Merebeth to decide to drive the dog there herself. It was her first road trip to her new job.

Merebeth's pet delivery service also satisfies her wanderlust. It has taken her to every state in the US except Montana Washington, and Oregon, she says proudly. If she wants to visit a new place, she will simply find a pet with transport needs there. She travels in all weathers. She has driven through 55 mph winds in Wyoming, heavy flooding and storms in Alabama and total whiteout conditions in Kansas.

This wanderlust is inherited from her father, she says. He moved their family from Canada to California when she was one year old, because he wanted them to explore a new place together As soon as she graduated from high school, she left home to live on Catalina Island off the Californian coast, away from her parents, where she enjoyed a life of sailing and off-road biking.

It turns out that pet transporting pays quite well at about $30, 000 per year before tax. She doesn't work in summer; as it would be unpleasantly hot for the animals in the car; even with air conditioning. As autumn comes, she gets restless-the same old wanderlust returning. It's a call she must heed alone, though. Merebeth says, "When I am on the road, I'm just in my own world. I've always been independent-spirited, and I just feel strongly that I mush help animals. "

(1) Why did Merebeth changed her job? A. She wanted to work near her home. B. She was tired of working in the office C. Her sister asked her to move to Denver D. Her former employer was out of business.
(2) The word "wanderlust" in paragraph 2 means a desire to? A. make money. B. try various jobs. C. be close to nature. D. travel to different places.
(3) What can we learn about Merebeth in her new job? A. She has chances to see rare animals. B. She works hard throughout the year C. She relies on herself the whole time D. She earns a basic and tax-free salary
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A recent study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)has discovered that river erosion(侵蚀)can lead to increased biodiversity in areas with minimal tectonic(地壳构造的)activity. The researchers focused their attention on the Tennessee River Basin and examined how the erosion of various rock types by the river had led to the separation and diversification of a type of fish called the greenfin darter. As time passed, these separate fish populations evolved into distinct families with genetic differences.

Scientist Thomas Near observed that the greenfin darter was exclusively found in the southern half of the Tennessee River Basin. The researchers analyzed the genes of each fish in Near's data set and constructed an evolutionary tree. This tree helped them comprehend the evolution and differences of the greenfin darter species. They discovered that the fish within the same branch of the river were more closely related to each other than to the fish in other branches.

This study provides evidence that river erosion significantly impacts biodiversity in regions with low tectonic activity. It illustrates how changes in the landscape caused by river erosion can lead to the division and diversification of species over time, even in peaceful environments. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanisms(机制)that drive biodiversity and evolution, even in areas that are not typically associated with intense tectonic activity.

Subsequently, the team discovered a strong correlation between the habitats of the greenfin darter and the type of rocks present. The southern half of the Tennessee River Basin consists of hard, tightly packed rocks, resulting in turbulent(湍急的)waves in the rivers that flow through it. This characteristic may be favored by the greenfin darter. As a result, the team assumed whether the distribution of greenfin darter habitats had been influenced by the changing rock types, as the rivers eroded the land over time. To test this assumption, the researchers developed a simulation model. Remarkably, the results confirmed their assumption.

(1) What is new about the MIT study? A. It finds river erosion can enhance biodiversity. B. It further proves the mechanisms of river erosion. C. It proves the geographical features of biodiversity. D. It classifies a type of fish called the greenfin darter.
(2) What can we learn about the greenfin darter? A. Their appearances vary between families. B. Their genetic constitutions have diversified. C. They prefer the deep and slow-flowing river. D. They go extinct in the changing landscape of rivers.
(3) How did Near help the researchers reach their conclusion? A. By creating an evolutionary tree of the fish. B. By offering the fish's genetic data. C. By reasoning out the time the fish evolve and separate. D. By analyzing the genetic similarity between different fish.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. River Erosion Can Shape Fish Evolution B. Genetic Change in the Greenfin Darter C. Evolutionary Tree Analysis of the Greenfin Darter D. The Impact of Climate Change on Fish Diversıty
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