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A recent study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)has discovered that river erosion(侵蚀)can lead to increased biodiversity in areas with minimal tectonic(地壳构造的)activity. The researchers focused their attention on the Tennessee River Basin and examined how the erosion of various rock types by the river had led to the separation and diversification of a type of fish called the greenfin darter. As time passed, these separate fish populations evolved into distinct families with genetic differences.

Scientist Thomas Near observed that the greenfin darter was exclusively found in the southern half of the Tennessee River Basin. The researchers analyzed the genes of each fish in Near's data set and constructed an evolutionary tree. This tree helped them comprehend the evolution and differences of the greenfin darter species. They discovered that the fish within the same branch of the river were more closely related to each other than to the fish in other branches.

This study provides evidence that river erosion significantly impacts biodiversity in regions with low tectonic activity. It illustrates how changes in the landscape caused by river erosion can lead to the division and diversification of species over time, even in peaceful environments. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanisms(机制)that drive biodiversity and evolution, even in areas that are not typically associated with intense tectonic activity.

Subsequently, the team discovered a strong correlation between the habitats of the greenfin darter and the type of rocks present. The southern half of the Tennessee River Basin consists of hard, tightly packed rocks, resulting in turbulent(湍急的)waves in the rivers that flow through it. This characteristic may be favored by the greenfin darter. As a result, the team assumed whether the distribution of greenfin darter habitats had been influenced by the changing rock types, as the rivers eroded the land over time. To test this assumption, the researchers developed a simulation model. Remarkably, the results confirmed their assumption.

(1) What is new about the MIT study? A. It finds river erosion can enhance biodiversity. B. It further proves the mechanisms of river erosion. C. It proves the geographical features of biodiversity. D. It classifies a type of fish called the greenfin darter.
(2) What can we learn about the greenfin darter? A. Their appearances vary between families. B. Their genetic constitutions have diversified. C. They prefer the deep and slow-flowing river. D. They go extinct in the changing landscape of rivers.
(3) How did Near help the researchers reach their conclusion? A. By creating an evolutionary tree of the fish. B. By offering the fish's genetic data. C. By reasoning out the time the fish evolve and separate. D. By analyzing the genetic similarity between different fish.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. River Erosion Can Shape Fish Evolution B. Genetic Change in the Greenfin Darter C. Evolutionary Tree Analysis of the Greenfin Darter D. The Impact of Climate Change on Fish Diversıty
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Peanuts are among the most popular snack foods in the United States. Millions of American children are raised on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. PB&Js, as we like to call them, are found in children's lunchboxes around the country. Or at least they used to be.

Now, many school officials ban peanuts or any products containing peanuts from school property. About 2 percent of US. School children will have an allergic reaction to peanuts. And that number is growing.

People allergic to peanuts can develop skin condition's or watery eyes. Children with a peanut allergy can develop a skin condition called eczema.

Some reactions are so severe they can result in death. So far, doctors have advised parents against serving peanut-containing foods to children under the age of 3. But a 2015 British study found that waiting too long most likely is partly to blame for the peanut allergy problem.

Anthony Fauci is head of America's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr.

Fauci spoke to VOA on skype. He notes that in Israel, people have a tradition of feeding peanuts to babies.

He says a team of experts have agreed on new guidance for U. S. pediatricians who specialize in children's allergies.

Fauci calls giving children peanuts a way of “challenging" their bodies. He thinks it could be done safely with some boys and girls, but not with others.

(1) Which statement is true according to the passage? A. American doctors see peanuts as a common food. B. Peanuts have an important position in American life. C. A number of children refuse the peanut foods. D. Leaders and children have been allergic to peanuts.
(2) People allergic to peanuts will avoid suffering from_____. A. Skin conditions. B. Water eyes. C. Fever. D. Eczema,
(3) What does Fauci agree with? A. The peanut allergy problem is complicated. B. Scientists discover the truth behind the problem. C. Children's physical adaptation to peanuts is different. D. Schoolchildren should be persuaded to like peanuts.
(4) What is the purpose of the passage? A. To put a humorous food advertisement. B. To search the special value of plants. C. To review a new scientific article. D. To guide people to care for their health.
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When Zhu Caiping, 73, was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment three years ago, she found that anxiety, depression and even looking down on herself became normal in her life. It was not until last year, after she participated in a reality show and became a restaurant server, that her situation began to improve dramatically.

The restaurant in Shanghai where she works is the Forget Me Not Café. It shares the goal of providing job opportunities for elderly people who have Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive impairments.

"I provide basic services for guests, such as pouring water, serving and taking orders. I can now remember all the dishes on the menu, "said Zhu, who has come to the restaurant three times a week since February and works three hours a day. "The colleagues take good care of us. They never allow us to deliver hot dishes such as soups. The guests are also very tolerant of us, because sometimes we make mistakes."

Because of memory loss, Zhu writes down all the information she wants to remember on sticky notes, such as the names of the volunteers and teacher as well as English words.

"People with cognitive impairment actually refuse and fear to communicate with society, but this will worsen their condition."She added,"With the deterioration (退化) of brain function, they may gradually lose memory and the ability to take care of themselves and might even see the loss of emotions. "In addition to the job opportunities for the elderly, information about cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease is posted on a board outside the restaurant to help people recognize symptoms and seek treatment as soon as possible.

As China faces an aging population, the increasing number of seniors with cognitive impairment has become a significant social issue. "We should feel lucky that the whole of society is concerned about the seniors, especially for people like us. The neighborhood committee always checks on our situation and watches for other elderly people with symptoms." Zhu said.

(1) What can we know about Zhu Caiping? A. She always made mistakes at work. B. She made efforts to be equal to the job. C. She was a full-time restaurant server in a Shanghai café. D. She was one of those suffering from severe cognitive impairment.
(2) How might people with cognitive impairment feel? A. Forgetful and upset. B. Anxious but lucky. C. Tolerant and careful. D. Indifferent but energetic.
(3) Why is information about cognitive impairment posted outside the restaurant? A. To provide treatment for the sick. B. To seek approval from the citizens. C. To offer the elderly job opportunities. D. To equip people with relevant knowledge.
(4) In which section of a newspaper the passage most likely be found? A. Health. B. Society. C. Culture. D. Business.
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Niu Yu, 24, became a shining star at Shanghai Fashion Week for her confident and leisurely attitude while striding down the runway sporting a prosthetic leg. Niu's minute in the spotlight has acquired many

compliments (费扬) on social media-a punch in the nose for prejudice against disabled people.

When the other models appeared, the audience cheered and applauded; but when it was Niu's tum, the venue suddenly fell silent. Niu recalled that after four or five seconds, she clearly heard a female audience member next to the stage sigh in admiration, "So cool!"

Niu attended Shanghai Fashion Week at the imitation of a sports brand Pony. "I was touched by something they said and agreed. They said that traditional views have always connected sports with healthy legs, but sports should be a kind of spirit. Even if I do not have a leg, I still deeply love sports and will do so forever," Niu said.

Niu lost her right leg after she was trapped under debris for three days during the 2008 Wenchuan

Earthquake, when Niu was only 11 years old. This is not the first time that Niu has been in the public spotlight. She first grabbed the public's attention when she completed a marathon in 2018. The marathon was held in Wenchuan, Southwest China's Sichuan province, on May 12, 2018, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the devastating earthquake. The day was also Niu's 21th birthday.

Niu works as a photographer and often uploads video clips from her life on short video platforms such as Douyin, where she has more than 850,000 flowers." China had 85 million disabled people with licenses in 2020, and we have no idea about the number of those who do not have licenses. However, it is rare for disabled people to be seen on the streets. I always thought about the reasons for this and then I realized it's because they hide themselves."

(1) What does the underlined word "prosthetic" in the first paragraph refer to? A. Genuine. B. Typical. C. Plastic. D. Fake.
(2) Why didn't the audience cheer for Niu at the beginning of her performance? A. Because Niu walked awkwardly on the stage. B. Because the audience was astonished by Niu's unique performance. C. Because the other models blocked out the spotlight of Niu. D. Because Niu took part in Shanghai Fashion Week at the invitation of a sports brand Pony.""
(3) What does Niu mean in the last paragraph? A. The government should give more licenses to disabled people. B. Disabled people should go to the streets more often. C. People with disabilities should be encouraged to present more of themselves to the public. D. The modeling company should hire more disabled models.
(4) What would be the best title of this news? A. A historical moment for the disabled. B. Life of a survivor after a ruinous earthquake. C. A strong-willed girl. D. A shock to the fashion stage with one leg.
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