1. 阅读理解

There can be no doubt that Stephen King, New York Time's Best-Selling author, has found success in many aspects, but it wasn't always like this. King witnessed tragedy and horrors from the very beginning. When he was 2 years old, his father told his mom that he was going out to get cigarettes but in fact, he never came back, he had abandoned his family. 

This left his mother Ruth to care for Stephen and his elder brother David on her own. Ruth was forced to move often, desperately looking for work as she was now the only provider of the family, and she had to rely on relatives most of the time. One day Stephen went out to play with friends and when he came back, he wasn't even able to speak a single word, it seemed he was hurt mentally or something, but he still got the courage to continue forward. It turned out that one of his friends was hit by a train and died, which left an emotional scar on him. 

King, later on, dropped out of school due to some serious health concerns and was told that he had to enlist (入伍) again the next fall, which demotivated him too. Although Stephen King didn't see his childhood as something extraordinary or special, he did say that he was always fascinated by scary things. People used to acknowledge the King family by their love of literature, in fact whenever Stephen's mom had to go out, she didn't hire a babysitter, for the kids used to read novels to each other so they would not get bored. Stephen King's love of stories was developed from a very young age and he carried that tradition with his own children along with his wife Tabitha. 

In 1973, Stephen King started his amazing journey of success when he published his first novel Carrie, which is scary. The rest followed from after that as he published many amazing books like The Shining, IT,Firestarter, andCujo.All of these books became instant classics and got their own movie and television shows adaptions. 

(1) What is mainly talked about about Stephen King in the first two paragraphs?  A. His achievements in writing. B. His unfortunate childhood. C. His difficulty in supporting the family. D. His mother's bitter experiences.
(2) What left Stephen King not even speaking a single word?  A. He was knocked down by a passing train. B. He was badly criticized by a close friend. C. He was depressed by the constant moves. D. He was heart-struck by a terrible accident.
(3) What does the underlined word "demotivated" in paragraph 3 mean?  A. Discouraged. B. Relaxed. C. Embarrassed. D. Inspired.
(4) Why didn't Stephen's mom hire a babysitter?  A. The family was too poor to hire a babysitter. B. The family could not find a proper babysitter. C. The children could actually entertain themselves. D. The children didn't like to be cared for by others.
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Every morning at five o'clock, composer (作曲家) Walter Werzowa would sit down at his computer waiting for a particular daily e-mail. It came from a team that had been working all night to draft Beethoven's unfinished 10th Symphony. The e-mail contained hundreds of versions, and Werzowa listened to them all, looking for the perfect tune—a sound that was unmistakably Beethoven. But the phrases he was listening to weren't composed by Beethoven. They were created by artificial intelligence.

When Ludwig van Beethoven died in 1827, he left behind some musical drafts and notes. There was barely enough to make out a phrase, let alone a whole symphony. But that didn't stop people from trying.

Werzowa and a group of music experts and computer scientists teamed up to use machine learning to create the symphony. Ahmed Elgammal led the AI side of the team. The team's first task was to teach the AI to think like Beethoven. To do that, they gave it Beethoven's complete works, his drafts and notes. They taught it Beethoven's process—like how he went from four notes to his entire Fifth Symphony. Then they taught it to compose a bridge between two sections. With all that knowledge, the AI came as close to thinking like Beethoven as possible. But it still wasn't enough. The AI doesn't really produce something that can continue for a long time and be consistent. So the team had to put the selected pieces together to build a symphony.

Matthew Guzdial researches creativity (创造力) and machine learning at the University of Alberta. He didn't work on the Beethoven project, but he says, "Modern AI, modern machine learning, is all about just copying small local patterns. And it's up to a human to then take what the AI outputs and find the genius (天资). The genius wasn't in the AI. The genius was in the human who was doing the selection."

(1) How did Walter Werzowa contribute to the Beethoven project? A. He trained the AI to think like a human. B. He replied to daily e-mails every morning. C. He selected the best tune created by the AI. D. He drafted Beethoven's unfinished symphony.
(2) What was the major challenge the team met? A. The AI was far from thinking like Beethoven. B. It was hard to put pieces together to build a symphony. C. The AI couldn't create a long and consistent piece of music. D. There were not enough complete works for machine learning.
(3) Which of the following would Matthew Guzdial most probably agree with? A. Al is likely to be a barrier to creativity. B. The potential of AI is being brought out. C. The value of AI shouldn't be overlooked. D. AI can't totally replace the role of humans.
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2. 阅读理解

Two powerful NASA telescopes have detected the oldest and most distant black hole ever found. Data collected via energetic X-rays by the Chandra X-ray Observatory and James Webb Space Telescope has helped astronomers spot the signature of a growing black hole within the early universe just 470 million years after the big bang, which occurred 

13. 8 billion years ago. The discovery, described in a study published in Nature Astronomy, may help astronomers figure out how some of the first supermassive black holes formed in the universe. 

"We needed Webb to find this remarkably distant galaxy (星系) and Chandra to find its supermassive black hole, " said lead study author Akos Bogdan, in a statement. "We also took advantage of a cosmic magnifying glass (宇宙放大镜) that boosted the amount of light we detected. " He was referring to an effect called gravitational lensing (引力透镜效应), which occurs when closer objects act like a magnifying glass for distant objects. Gravity essentially twists and strengthens the light of distant galaxies in the background of whatever is doing the magnifying, enabling observations of otherwise invisible features.

Astronomers detected the black hole in a galaxy called UHZ

1. At first glance, the galaxy appeared in the same direction as a cluster of galaxies known as Abell 2744, which is located about 

3. 5 billion light-years from Earth. But data collected by the Webb telescope showed that UHZl is actually much farther away and located beyond the cluster at 

13. 2 billion light-years from Earth. 

The team used the Chandra Observatory to detect superheated gas releasing X-rays within UHZ1, the obvious sign of a supermassive black hole growing in size. The detection was made possible by the Abell cluster of galaxies, which intensified the light of the UHZ1 galaxy and the X-rays released by the black hole by a factor of four. 

Astronomers think the discovery will help them better understand how supermassive black holes appeared and reached their huge masses so soon after the beginning of the universe. 

(1) What's the possible age of the newly-found black hole? A. 470 million years. B. 13. 33 billion years. C. 13. 8 billion years. D. 14. 27 billion years.
(2) What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The process of the research. B. The significance of the discovery. C. The contributors to the discovery. D. The background of the research.
(3) Which best shows the position of Abell 2744, Earth and UHZ1? A. B. C. D.
(4) Which can be a suitable title for the text? A. The Oldest and Most Distant Black Hole Spotted. B. Two Powerful NASA Telescopes Coming into Service. C. New Supporting Evidence of the Big Bang Theory Detected. D. Astronomers Figuring Out How the First Black Holes Formed.
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Children's museums become an essential part of our play menu. Here are 4 famous muse-ums for families.

KidsQuest Children's Museum

It features huge windows, beautifully designed exhibits and an adventurous, two-story rope ladders in the opening gallery. Kids of all ages will love building with real tools in the re-cycled room, running the cash register, doing physics experiments on water in the Water Lab and much more. Reservations are required. You can make them online.

Imagine Children's Museum

Imagine Children's Museum's new 33,000-square-foot expansion doubles the museum's previous play space and its shows. At over 60,000 square feet, its current area is much bigger than other local children's museums (which average around 10,000-20,000 square feet). Visitors can spend hours in the museum.

Children's Museum of Tacoma

At 10,000 square feet in size, the Children's Museum of Tacoma has a huge draw. Since it opened about a decade ago, it has offered pay-as-you-will admission and has no plans to change that anytime soon. This means that you can stop off for an hour, without worrying about whether you've gotten your money's worth.

Seattle Children's Museum

This kid-favorite spot is located on the lower level of the Seattle Center Armory building. Long-time museum lovers will notice a new exhibit, a post office where kids can weigh packages and slide behind the driver's seat to make pretend deliveries.

(1) What should visitors do before going to KidsQuest Children's Museum? A. Bring children's tools. B. Make a reservation. C. Take rope ladders. D. Learn about physics experiments.
(2) What may Children's Museum of Tacoma interest parents most? A. It has a long history. B. It's outdoor like a square. C. It may save parents' money. D. It doubles its previous play space.
(3) Which of the following offers an exhibit about post offices? A. KidsQuest Children's Museum. B. Imagine Children's Museum. C. Children's Museum of Tacoma. D. Seattle Children's Museum.
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