
Every morning at five o'clock, composer (作曲家) Walter Werzowa would sit down at his computer waiting for a particular daily e-mail. It came from a team that had been working all night to draft Beethoven's unfinished 10th Symphony. The e-mail contained hundreds of versions, and Werzowa listened to them all, looking for the perfect tune—a sound that was unmistakably Beethoven. But the phrases he was listening to weren't composed by Beethoven. They were created by artificial intelligence.

When Ludwig van Beethoven died in 1827, he left behind some musical drafts and notes. There was barely enough to make out a phrase, let alone a whole symphony. But that didn't stop people from trying.

Werzowa and a group of music experts and computer scientists teamed up to use machine learning to create the symphony. Ahmed Elgammal led the AI side of the team. The team's first task was to teach the AI to think like Beethoven. To do that, they gave it Beethoven's complete works, his drafts and notes. They taught it Beethoven's process—like how he went from four notes to his entire Fifth Symphony. Then they taught it to compose a bridge between two sections. With all that knowledge, the AI came as close to thinking like Beethoven as possible. But it still wasn't enough. The AI doesn't really produce something that can continue for a long time and be consistent. So the team had to put the selected pieces together to build a symphony.

Matthew Guzdial researches creativity (创造力) and machine learning at the University of Alberta. He didn't work on the Beethoven project, but he says, "Modern AI, modern machine learning, is all about just copying small local patterns. And it's up to a human to then take what the AI outputs and find the genius (天资). The genius wasn't in the AI. The genius was in the human who was doing the selection."

(1) How did Walter Werzowa contribute to the Beethoven project? A. He trained the AI to think like a human. B. He replied to daily e-mails every morning. C. He selected the best tune created by the AI. D. He drafted Beethoven's unfinished symphony.
(2) What was the major challenge the team met? A. The AI was far from thinking like Beethoven. B. It was hard to put pieces together to build a symphony. C. The AI couldn't create a long and consistent piece of music. D. There were not enough complete works for machine learning.
(3) Which of the following would Matthew Guzdial most probably agree with? A. Al is likely to be a barrier to creativity. B. The potential of AI is being brought out. C. The value of AI shouldn't be overlooked. D. AI can't totally replace the role of humans.
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It is likely that most people have the shared feeling: how come Christmas appears to come around quicker and quicker each year? Questionnaires by psychologists have shown almost everyone feels time is passing faster now compared to when they were half or a quarter as old. Most strikingly, lots of experiments have shown that, when older people are asked to guess how long the time is, or to "reproduce" the length of periods of time, they guess a shorter amount than younger people.

In 1877, Paul Janet suggested the proportional theory, where a child of 10 feels a year as 1/10 of his whole life while a man of 50 as 1/50, so the subjective sense of the 50-year-old man is that these are insignificant periods of time.

There are also biological theories. The speeding up of time is linked to how our metabolism(新陈代谢) gradually slows down as we grow older. Children's hearts beat faster than adults'. They breathe more quickly. With their blood flowing more quickly, their body clocks "cover" more time within the space of 24 hours than ours do as adults. On the other hand, older people are like clocks that run slower than normal, so that they lag behind, and cover less than 24 hours.

In the 1930s, the psychologist Hudson Hoagland found body temperature causes different perceptions of time. Once, when he looked after his ill wife, he noticed she complained he'd been away for a long time even if only away for a few moments. Therefore, Hoagland tested her perception of time at different temperatures, finding the higher her temperature, the more time seemed to slow down for her, and that raising a person's body temperature can slow down his sense of time passing by up to 20%.

Time doesn't necessarily have to speed up as we get older though. It depends on how we live our lives, and how we relate to our experiences.

(1) What does the author want to tell by the questionnaires and experiments in paragraph 1? A. The old feel time flies faster than the young. B. Time now is shorter than before. C. Aging makes people think slowly. D. The old value time more than before.
(2) Which is NOT the factor for children's slow perception of time according to biological theories? A. Children's hearts beat faster than adults'. B. Children breathe more quickly. C. Children run more quickly. D. Children's body clocks "cover" more time within the space of 24 hours.
(3) Who may feel time go more slowly by the theory of Hudson Hoagland? A. A child with slower metabolism. B. A kid feeling ill. C. A grown-up feeling freezing. D. An adult with a high fever.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. How Time Flies! B. What causes different perceptions of time. C. Live a Fun Life! D. Time is speeding up.
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Jeremiad Oleita thinks she may have a partial solution for two of our country's persistent problems: garbage and poverty. It's called the Chip Bag Project. The 26-year-old student and environmentalist from Detroit is asking a favor of local snack lovers: Rather than throw your empty chip bags into the rubbish, donate them so she can turn them into sleeping bags for the homeless.

Chip eaters drop off their empty bags at two locations in Detroit: a print shop and a clothing store, where Oleita and her volunteer helpers collect them. After they clean the chip bags in soapy hot water, they slice them open, ay them flat, and iron them together. They use liners from old coats to line the insides.

It takes about four hours to sew a sleeping bag,and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags, depending on whether they're single—serve or family size. The result is a sleeping bag that is "waterproof, lightweight, and easy to carry around, " Oleita told the Detroit News.

Since its start in 2020, the Chip Bag Project has collected more than 800, 000 chip bags and, as of last December, created 110 sleeping bags.

Sure, it would be simpler to raise money to buy new sleeping bags. But that's only half the goal for Oleita—whose family moved to the United States from Nigeria a decade ago with the hope of attaining a better life—and her fellow volunteers. "We are dedicated to making an impact not only socially, but environmentally, " she says.

As Oleita said, "There's the symbolism of using bags that would otherwise land in the rubbish and using them to help the homeless. It's a powerful reminder that environmental injustice and poverty often go hand in hand. "

(1) Why did Oleita start the Chip Bag Project? A. To sell sleeping bags for the poor. B. To raise money for the homeless. C. To return a favor to chip eaters. D. To solve garbage and poverty problems.
(2) How are the collected empty bags handled first? A. They are washed. B. They are sliced. C. They are ironed. D. They are sewed.
(3) Which of the following is true of Oleita? A. She is seriously attractive. B. She is heavily independent. C. She is socially responsible. D. She is financially successful.
(4) What can be inferred about garbage and poverty according to Oleita? A. They are easy to solve. B. They remind us of injustice. C. They are closely connected. D. They are the symbols of society.
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While travel is restricted during this time, here are some amazing places around the world to daydream about and look forward to visiting one day in the future.

Lord Howe Island, Australia

The island in the Tasman Sea lies between Australia and New Zealand and is just 10km long. Despite its complete isolation, the island is populated, by around 380 people and the number of tourists is limited to under 400. The island is known for its geology, birds, plants and marine life, while cycling is the main mode of transport on the island, thanks to its virtually untouched forest and the fact that many of its plants and animals are found nowhere else in the world.

Thor's Well, Oregon

Also called "the drainpipe of the Pacific" or even sometimes, "the gate to hell", the hole appears to swallow the Pacific Ocean. Geyser-like ocean sprays erupt in winter time, thanks to ocean pressure and the gusting wind. It looks more dangerous than it is though; it is in reality just around 20 feet deep. The natural bowl is spectacular to watch, particularly during low tide when the sea rises towards the surface before draining back down into the depths of the rocky hole again.

Keahiakawelo (Garden of the Gods), Hawaii

Hawaiians call Keahiakawelo "wahi pana", which means celebrated, noted or legendary places which have cultural significance. As legend goes, the priest of neighboring Molokai island, a man named Lanikaula, was angry at the people of Lanai, so he lit a fire wishing ill will to the island's people.

Balamku (Cave of the Jaguar God), Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

The cave was rediscovered accidentally in 2018 by archaeologists who were searching for a sacred well. The seven-chambered cave was initially discovered in 1966 but was sealed up and forgotten about. Caves were considered openings to the underworld, and this one is no different. The name means jaguar god, which they believed had the ability to enter and leave the underworld at will. The cave is so unexplored that archaeologists are still mapping it out.

(1) How do people often travel on Lord Howe Island? A. By boat. B. By bike. C. On foot. D. By car.
(2) What is the best time to watch Thor's Well? A. During low tide. B. In winter time. C. When the sea rises. D. After the sea dries.
(3) Which of the following is thought to be the opening to the underworld? A. Lord Howe Island. B. Thor's Well. C. Keahiakawelo. D. Balamku.
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