1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Amblyopia is the most common cause of vision loss in children. In all cases of amblyopia, there's a stronger eye and a weaker eye, and it's winner-take-all in the cortex (大脑皮层). The cortex learns to ignore the signal from the weaker eye. By ignoring the weaker eye, the brain doesn't fuse (融合) images from both eyes. As a result, people with amblyopia can have trouble seeing in 3D.

In an attempt to solve this problem, doctors start treating patients with amblyopia at a young age, while their brain pathways are still developing. The children, usually under 7 years old, are often told to wear an eye patch over their strong eye to force the brain to rely on the weaker. But whenever the eye pa tch is removed, the competition can start over. For lasting improvement, new treatments need to teach the brain to stop suppressing(抑制) key visual cues coming from the weaker eye, says neuroscientist Dennis Levi of the University of California.

Now, several research teams are taking a new way that aims to get the brain to make better use of the information coming from both eyes. Several companies are working on treatment s based on this new angle. One is called Luminopia.

Luminopia's therapy involves having children watch videos through a virtual reality headset. As the children watch, the headset blocks out certain parts of the display for each eye, so the patients actually have to combine input from the two images to get the full video.

The company conducted a trial showing that children with amblyopia begin to see better on eye chart assessments after three months of one-hour sessions done six days a week. But they have yet to measure improvements in long-term effectiveness. It is believed that if people with amblyopia don't learn to fuse signals from both eyes from a young age, they never will. So some scientists think attempting to treat adults, whose brains have suppressed signals from their weak eye for decades, is a lost cause.

(1) Why does a person with amblyopia have trouble seeing in 3D? A. His brain is unable to receive images. B. His weaker eye fails to receive signals. C. His stronger eye can't send signals to the brain. D. His cortex overlooks signals from the weaker eye.
(2) Which of the following best describes the effect of an eye patch? A. Temporary. B. Ineffective. C. Wonderful. D. Comprehensive.
(3) What is the working principle of Luminopia's therapy? A. Forcing the brain to rely on the weaker eye. B. Activating the weak eye to get the full video. C. Improving the situations with eye chart assessments. D. Blocking out the images received from the stronger eye.
(4) What can we learn about Luminopia's therapy from the last paragraph? A. It has an instant effect. B. Adults are its main targets. C. It has long-term effectiveness. D. More trials need to be conducted.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

When I was a child, the new year's activity for my family is dumpling-making, but it's been years since I've last experienced the uniquely carefree comfort and connection I felt during moments. My family has changed a lot, and gatherings like these simply don't come together with the same ease as they once did.

This year, I came home in the evening to a dark house with pieces missing. I noticed things that I wouldn't have before, like how my family slept earlier and got up later and how my dog had more trouble jumping up on my bed. After all, it's easier to become blind to its subtle changes when you occupy it virtually every day of the year, and much harder when you must be exposed to months of accumulated change all at once.

Personally, the most precious childhood privilege is not the free extra snacks from flight attendants, but the privilege of thinking of the people and relationships around you with a sense of permanence. I mean this in the sense that it escaped my eight-year-old brain to think about how my parents were aging as I did or about the sacrifices they made for me until suddenly, I was an adult as they were.

I turn 20 in a couple months, so I've been seized with a feeling of adulthood, which feels far stronger than the transition into legal adulthood at 18 ever felt. It seems as if the "teen" part of"19"keeps me attached to the same category as the one my newly 13-year-old self occupied, carrying with it a certain comfort in the social allowances made for the immaturity inherent (固有的) to youth. But marching into 20 is different.

I'd so desperately wanted to move away and get a taste of independence upon starting college, but now I know that such freedom comes with loss and responsibility. Now I start to understand the governance of a circularity (循环) inherent to our lives and have a newfound appreciation for the things that remain the same.

(1) What does the underlined word "subtle" in paragraph 2mean? A. Obvious. B. Sudden. C. Unusual. D. Unnoticeable.
(2) Which of the following might the author agree with when he was eight? A. Everything would be the same. B. His parents were becoming old. C. Free extra snacks were common. D. His parents had done a lot to him.
(3) In what way is 20 years old different according to the author? A. Physical maturity. B. The social expectation. C. The loss of freedom. D. The shift into legal adulthood.
(4) What can be the best title of the passage? A. A newfound appreciation for life. B. The difference between teens and adults. C. My passing memories of childhood. D. My reflection on the switch into adulthood.
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Ideally located in the heart of New York Times Square, Yotel New York, a five-star hotel, has comfortable accommodation in a modern design.

The hotel has convenient transportation with an 18-minute walk from Fifth Avenue and Grand Central Station. John F Kennedy Airport can be reached directly from Times Square Underground Station.

All rooms include cozy beds, 54-inch HD TVs with free Sports and Movie channels, and free Wi-Fi. Each room also has luggage storage, and hanging space for clothing. Yotel New York also offers wheelchair accessible rooms and free accommodation for kids under 13.

American breakfast is served in Yotel New York every morning including fresh juice, corn flakes, buttered toast and scrambled eggs. A selection of salads, sandwiches and hot dishes are offered throughout the day.

Yotel New York is our guests' favorite part of New York, according to independent reviews. This area is also great for shopping, with popular brands nearby: Apple, H&M, Zara, Burberry and Channel.

Yotel New York is rated for the best value in America! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other hotels in this city. Come and stay with us!


Room type



Twin Room—non-smoking


Non-refundable Good breakfast $9

Double room—non-smoking


Non-refundable Good breakfast $9

Queen Room—disability access


Pay at the hotel Good breakfast included

(1) What probably makes a tourist choose this hotel? A. Airport pick-up service. B. Chinese-style breakfast. C. Good value for guests' money. D. A shop with popular brands in the hotel.
(2) If a person in a wheelchair wants to stay in this hotel for two nights, how much should he pay? A. $259 B. $339 C. $421 D. $430
(3) In which section of the newspaper will readers see the above information? A. Advertisement. B. Lifestyle. C. Entertainment. D. Business.
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Men's consumption habits are worse for the planet than women's, according to a new study. For the study, consumption-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (排放) were measured For the average individual, the average single male, and the average single woman. These were 6.9, 10, and 8.5 tonnes per capita per year respectively, and more than half of those amounts were due to food, holidays, and furnishings.

What's interesting is that single men and women spend similar amounts of money on consumer goods, but men's choices lead to 16% more GHG emissions than women's. That is because they choose to spend money on things like cars and driving, rather than taking public transportation or trains, as women are more willing to do. More of men's money goes toward alcohol, tobacco, and eating out, while women often spend money on clothes, home furnishings, and health-based purchases.

Curiously, there were no differences in the carbon footprints of men's and women's diets. While men tend to eat more meat, women make up for that in dairy products, which are also carbon-intensive (碳密集) foods.

Lead study author Mannikin Okayama says she wasn't surprised by the findings because previous research had showed similar differences between single men and women regarding energy use. Instead, she expressed surprise at the fact that more studies haven't been done on gender differences in environmental impact. "There are quite clear differences and they are not likely to go away in the near future."

The purpose of the study was to examine where individuals could make changes to their consumption habits in order to shrink their carbon footprints. The researchers looked for ways that would require minimal additional spending, so as to be more accessible to a greater number of people. They found that only switching to plant-based diets and train-based holidays can reduce emissions by 40%.

Policy-makers would do well to pay attention to this if they want to get serious in the fight against global warming.

(1) What do single men and single women have in common? A. They take public transportation. B. They choose carbon-intensive foods. C. They spend money on the same things. D. They are concerned about climate change.
(2) What surprised Okayama? A. Men seldom show interest in dairy products. B. Single men and women are different in energy use. C. The gender differences had existed for such a long time. D. Lack of findings in gender differences in climate change.
(3) What did the study prove? A. Gender differences have long existed B. Global warming is getting much worse. C. Reducing carbon emission is not so difficult. D. Consumption habits vary from person to person.
(4) What is this passage mainly about? A. The measures to reduce carbon emissions. B. The new data about greenhouse gas emissions. C. The consuming differences between single men and women. D. The link between consumption habits and carbon footprints.
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