
Men's consumption habits are worse for the planet than women's, according to a new study. For the study, consumption-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (排放) were measured For the average individual, the average single male, and the average single woman. These were 6.9, 10, and 8.5 tonnes per capita per year respectively, and more than half of those amounts were due to food, holidays, and furnishings.

What's interesting is that single men and women spend similar amounts of money on consumer goods, but men's choices lead to 16% more GHG emissions than women's. That is because they choose to spend money on things like cars and driving, rather than taking public transportation or trains, as women are more willing to do. More of men's money goes toward alcohol, tobacco, and eating out, while women often spend money on clothes, home furnishings, and health-based purchases.

Curiously, there were no differences in the carbon footprints of men's and women's diets. While men tend to eat more meat, women make up for that in dairy products, which are also carbon-intensive (碳密集) foods.

Lead study author Mannikin Okayama says she wasn't surprised by the findings because previous research had showed similar differences between single men and women regarding energy use. Instead, she expressed surprise at the fact that more studies haven't been done on gender differences in environmental impact. "There are quite clear differences and they are not likely to go away in the near future."

The purpose of the study was to examine where individuals could make changes to their consumption habits in order to shrink their carbon footprints. The researchers looked for ways that would require minimal additional spending, so as to be more accessible to a greater number of people. They found that only switching to plant-based diets and train-based holidays can reduce emissions by 40%.

Policy-makers would do well to pay attention to this if they want to get serious in the fight against global warming.

(1) What do single men and single women have in common? A. They take public transportation. B. They choose carbon-intensive foods. C. They spend money on the same things. D. They are concerned about climate change.
(2) What surprised Okayama? A. Men seldom show interest in dairy products. B. Single men and women are different in energy use. C. The gender differences had existed for such a long time. D. Lack of findings in gender differences in climate change.
(3) What did the study prove? A. Gender differences have long existed B. Global warming is getting much worse. C. Reducing carbon emission is not so difficult. D. Consumption habits vary from person to person.
(4) What is this passage mainly about? A. The measures to reduce carbon emissions. B. The new data about greenhouse gas emissions. C. The consuming differences between single men and women. D. The link between consumption habits and carbon footprints.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

A shadowy figure sits alone in a room, his face dimly lit by a computer screen. With a grin, he types in a series of computer commands, and in the blink of an eye, someone's bank account is drained to zero.

In today's digital age, cyberattacks like this happen thousands of times per day. Hackers can steal money, information, or completely take control of a machine from anywhere in the world. However, not all hackers are villains.

Some hackers, called white hat or ethical hackers, are individuals who make the most of their hacking skills to identify security vulnerabilities(漏洞) in hardware, software and networks. Their job is crucial in preventing cyberattacks and safeguarding sensitive information. The term "white hat" originated from old cowboy movies, where heroes wore white hats and villains wore black ones. Like the heroes in cowboy movies, white hats seek to stop the bad guys and save the day.

White hat hackers only seek vulnerabilities legally, often working on open-source software or with authorized access to systems. Once these weak spots are identified, companies or individuals can take steps to prevent serious breaches and losses. White hat hackers use a variety of different techniques to keep the internet safe. Penetration testing, for example, allows them to mimic cyberattacks and uncover system weaknesses. Security scanning tools allow white hats to identify holes in a network's security systems. Simulating denial-of-service attacks (DoS attacks)helps companies prepare for attacks against their websites.

Many of the world's top white hat hackers began their journeys on the wrong side of the law. A prime example is Kevin Mitnick. This notorious hacker once held the title of "most wanted hacker" in the U. S. due to his cybercriminal activities in 1995. However, after being arrested and spending five years in jail, his life took a remarkable turn. Mitnick decided to use his hacking skills for ethical purposes, eventually establishing his own cybersecurity consulting company.

If you aspire to be a white hat hacker, start by building a strong foundation in computer and network fundamentals. Good luck, computer cowboy!

(1) What does the underlined word "villains" in Paragraph 2 mean? A. evil-doers. B. heroes. C. attackers. D. victims.
(2) What can we learn about white hat hackers? A. They wear white hats in cowboy movies. B. They do everything to safeguard people's information. C. They legally use their professional skills to help people. D. They find vulnerabilities for personal gain without doing harm.
(3) People skilled in computer and network can't be top white hat hackers unless ____. A. they obey the law B. they identify security weak points C. they take measures to stop serious losses D. they build their own cybersecurity consulting companies
(4) What is the purpose of the text? A. To teach us how to stay secure online. B. To tell us how to be top white hackers. C. To warn us of the dangers of cyberattacks. D. To introduce defenders of the digital world.
阅读理解 未知 困难

Researchers from Switzerland are tapping into an unexpected energy source right under our feet: wooden floorings. When walked on, these wooden floors harvest enough energy to power LED lightbulbs and small electronics.

The team began by transforming wood into a nanogenerator (纳米发电机) by sandwiching two pieces of functionalized wood between electrodes (电极). 'The wood pieces become electrically charged through periodic contacts and separations when stepped on,a phenomenon called the turboelectric effect. The electrons can transfer from one object to another, producing electricity. To make wood that is able to attract and lose electrons, the scientists coated one piece of the wood with polydimethylsiloxane (PIMS), a matter that gains electrons upon contact, while functionalizing the other piece of wood with ZIF - 8 which has a higher tendency to lose electrons. The device's electricity output was also stable under steady forces for up to 1, 500 cycles.

The researchers found that a wood floor with a surface area slightly smaller than a piece of paper can produce enough energy to drive household IED lamps and small electronic devices such as calculators. They successfully lit up a lightbulb with the device when a human adult walked upon it.

The next step for Panzarasa and his team, whose work has been published in Matter journal, is to further improve the man generator with chemical coatings that are more eco-friendly and easier to operate." Even though we initially focused on basic research, eventually, the research that we do should lead to applications in the real world," says Panzarasa.

(1) What does the new study focus on? A. Powering a lightbulb. B. Turning footsteps into electricity. C. Exploring underground energy source. D. Designing eco-friendly wooden floors. .
(2) Which picture can show the working principles of a nanogenerator?

: clcctrode : wooden floor : chemical coatings

A. B. C. D.
(3) What does the author think of the device? A. Workable. B. Energy-consuming. C. Unstable. D. Costly.
(4) What will the research team do next? A. Test the generator in real life. B. Find out the limits of the device. C. Release the generator to the public. D. Better the device for application.
阅读理解 模拟题 普通
3.阅读下列短,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

The governing body of emojis(表情符号)released a new group of the graphic images that convey human expressions and add other visual context to text communications.

Among them are a face holding back tears and hands making a heart shape. But big tech companies including Alphabet Inc. 's Google, Microsoft Corp. and Facebook Inc. have also been updating their existing emojis, adding new visual polish, animation(动画制作), flexibility and sounds.

"We spent a lot of time thinking about how we can make what somebody is saying resonate(共鸣)more, and be emotionally more clear and more present for people, " said Loredana Crisan, vice president of messaging experiences at Facebook's Messenger, which introduced 31 emojis with sounds in July.

Technology companies' efforts to improve emojis come while opportunities for in-person communication remain limited as many people continue to work from home. That has increased the role of not only videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom but of emojis as well, according to observers.

"There's always been a visual component to our communication, "said Paul Hunt, typeface designer and font developer at Adobe Inc. , which is a member of the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit corporation that serves as gatekeeper for the creation of emojis and other characters. "And when we're using only text, then things like tone of voice and gesture and facial expressions get lost. So using emojis as a communication tool can help to reintroduce some of that visual emotional content. "

Emojis still have many potential evolutions to experience, designers who work on them say. "That includes the ways that people find and use them", said Jennifer Daniel, creative director of emoji at Google and chair of the Unicode emoji-development subcommittee. "It is not just about adding new emojis or changing new emojis, "Ms. Daniel said. "It is about the whole experience. "

(1) How many ways of refreshing emojis are mentioned in Paragraph 2? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
(2) What aspect is mentioned in Loredana Crisan's words? A. Challenges for using emojis. B. Purposes of updating emojis. C. The tendency for using emojis. D. The characters of new emojis.
(3) What is the advantage of using emojis over using only text? A. Adding visual components. B. Improving the relationship. C. Hiding true inner thoughts. D. Avoiding misunderstanding.
(4) What do Ms. Daniel's words indicate about emojis? A. Emojis should be used more widely. B. New emojis are lacking in creativity. C. There's no need to add new emojis. D. The whole experience counts most.
阅读理解 常考题 普通