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2024 Arts Illustration Competition

Enter the competition most respected and admired in the industry for creativity in illustration, the Communication Arts Illustration Competition. Selected by distinguished professionals, the winning entries will be distributed worldwide in the Communication Arts Illustration Annual and on commarts.com, ensuring important exposure of the creations. Each winner will receive a professionalized Award of Excellence and an award certificate. Communication Art's Award of Excellence is one of the most desired awards. If chosen, winning places you in the highest ranks of your profession.

What To Enter With

Any illustration first published or produced from Jan. 2023 to Jan. 2024 is qualified. Entries may originate from any country. Descriptions in English are necessary for the judges to read.

Entries Can Be SubmittedIn The Following Formats

Digital Images: RGB images in JPG format with a maximum file size of 2 MB. GIF images may be livelier, but would be turned down, and so would the PNG ones.

Motion Entries: In MOV, MP4 or MPG format, with a maximum file size of 500 MB. 

Illustration Competition Categories & Entry Fees


Single illustration

Series of illustrations

Books (covers, jackets, etc. )


$80 (limit of 5)

Motion (media for films, videos, etc. )


$180 (limit of 2)

Student Work

$20 (Image)

$45 (Video)

$40 (Images, limit of 5)

$90 (Video, limit of 2)

For more categories, please download the category PDF.

Late Fees

Entries must be registered no later than Apr. 13, 2024. Entries registered after that date will be charged a fee of $10 each. No entries can be registered after Apr. 27, 2024.

(1) What will the winner gain? A. Wide recognition in the industry. B. Exposure to world-famous works. C. A personalized award certificate. D. A reward from Communication Arts.
(2) Which of the following is unfit for the competition? A. A student work from Argentina. B. LA newly produced motion entry. C. A PNG image with a file size of 1 MB. D. A series for covers of three illustrations.
(3) How much should be paid for three cover illustrations submitted on Apr. 20, 2024? A. $80. B. $90. C. $110. D. $120.
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"Individuals of all ages who have empathy (共情) understand that sometimes telling little white lies can protect other people from getting hurt," says Barbara Greenberg, a clinical psychologist in Connecticut. "Most people that I have come across tell these little white lies because they understand that 100 percent honesty all the time is not beneficial." A white lie, she explains, spares people from unnecessary hurt.

At the same time Dr. Julia Breur, a marriage and family therapist in Florida, emphasizes the importance of paying attention to the way we respond to someone. The fact is that not telling the truth can result in something unpleasant on you; it's not just about the person the white lie is being told to. For example, she says someone who always tells others that "all is good" when it comes to a sick parent in an effort to avoid discussions about how serious their health issue really is, can eventually face stressful experiences. When that parent eventually passes away, the person who always gave an "all is good" response ends up emotionally broken.

Sometimes, telling white lies often depends on the situation, Dr. Breur says. For example, consider a woman who has not seen her mother for several months. The daughter has gained noticeable weight, yet the mother responds by excitedly declaring that she looks great. "I emphasize during psychotherapy sessions with my patients that context helps define meaning," Dr. Breur says. "So when we look at the context of a mother saying you look great when she clearly sees that her daughter has gained weight, it can be acceptable. It reflects the intention of the white lie which is kindness, protection and unconditional love. Otherwise, white lies — especially when told to avoid personal accountability — can start a cycle of mistrust between people, ultimately compromising integrity," she adds.

Therefore, it's important to ask ourselves when it is and isn't appropriate to deliver the honest truth, and when it's best to step back and offer a more delicate response. More often than not, it's about finding a balance between the two.

(1)  What can be learned about white lies according to Barbara Greenberg? A. They are short-lived. B. They are unidentifiable. C. They are trouble-making. D. They are common.
(2)  What message does Dr. Breur deliver in paragraph 2? A. White lies can harm both the liars and the listeners. B. We must respond to our family members truthfully. C. It's wrong to tell white lies to a seriously ill parent. D. The "all is good" response is effective in dealing with patients.
(3) What is Dr. Breur's attitude towards the mother's practice in paragraph 3? A. Uncaring. B. Critical. C. Supportive. D. Doubtful.
(4)  Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. East or West, White Lies Are the Best B. Think Twice Before You Tell White Lies C. White Lies Signify Unconditional Love D. White Lies Are Empathetic People's Favorable Choice
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"Where should I eat?" We hope to answer that age-old question. This simple list provides a view into Montreal's good restaurants.


Chef Simon Mathys is celebrated as one of the best in the business. He owns and runs Mastard with his wife, Viki Brisson-Sylvestre. At Mastard, officially opened in January 2021, Mathys prepares five-course menus that are local-product driven, seasonal, inventive and delicious. Vin Mon Lapin

When this restaurant said, mid-COVID, that it would be doubling its space, it may have sounded like a risky move — but it paid off. Mon Lapin has been one of the hottest tables around since it opened in March 2018. Its menu changes with the seasons, featuring fresh veggies and seafood. Chez Ma Tante

Started in 1929, this Quebec-style restaurant first served steamed (蒸的) hot dogs out of a horse-drawn carriage (四轮马车). Later, it moved into a building on Fleury Street. Old-school in the best way, Chez Ma Tante remains one of the top hot dog suppliers (供应商) in the city. Open until 4 a.m. daily.Dobe & Andy

Open since 1982, Dobe & Andy is Chinatown's leading Hong Kong-style barbecue restaurant. It is now run by second-generation owners, the Ku brothers. Since taking over from their father, they have made some tasty additions, but the time-honoured char siu pork, crispy roast pork and roast duck remain headliners.

(1) What do Mastard and Vin Mon Lapin have in common? A. They both offer seasonal menus. B. They both have five-course menus. C. They both have world-famous chefs. D. They both enlarged their restaurants in 2021.
(2) What is special about Dobe & Andy? A. It is run by a married couple. B. It provides various Chinese dishes. C. It remains one of the top hot dog makers in the city. D. It is one of the most popular Quebec-style restaurants in the city.
(3) Of the following restaurants, which is the oldest? A. Mastard. B. Vin Mon Lapin. C. Chez Ma Tante. D. Dobe & Andy.
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My earliest reading memory takes me back to being five years old, sitting in my grandfather's cozy study. He would read to me from his French-translated copy of Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. I was so familiar with the stories that I could correct him word-for-word if he tried to change something.

Growing up, my favorite book was Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. It was a treasure for an imaginative and lonely child like me. The book was filled with magical elements: a magical carousel, monsters, and the charming scent of autumn leaves lying in the sun. The language was as crisp and sweet as an October apple, awakening in me a deep passion for words and the magic they could bring out. I've reread it regularly and it never fails to satisfy me.

In my adult years, I revisited Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. When I first read it at 16, I perceived it as a love story. However, rereading it as an adult, I was struck by how different it seemed to me, and how much of the humour I'd missed. Now I love its poetry. And the love story not only exists between the characters but between Brontë and the North York Moors.

James Joyce's Ulysses was a book I came back to after 40 years. Initially, at 15, I found it ugly, depressing, and dull, and I hated it. It took me four decades to return to it, and this time, I found myself understanding and beginning to appreciate it. I could see the details, the mythic parallels, the references to different writing styles, and the groundbreaking technique.

Though some exceptional books can develop and grow alongside us, others fall by the wayside. I've revisited so many childhood favourites only to find the magic gone, but I'm usually happy to leave the book behind. I've taken from it what I need.

(1) What was the author's earliest reading memory? A. Copying the stories of Rudyard Kipling. B. Reading Something Wicked This Way Comes. C. Studying Ulysses for writing styles. D. Listening to The Jungle Book in French.
(2) Which part of Wuthering Heights gave the author a different feeling as an adult? A. The complex plot. B. The characters. C. The humour and poetry. D. The love story.
(3) What do the underlined words "fall by the wayside" in the last paragraph mean? A. Remain unchanged over years. B. Lose their original attraction. C. Gain widespread popularity. D. Are left by the side of the road.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. The Changing Power of Reading B. The Development of Reading Taste C. The Lifelong Journey of Rereading Classics D. The Childhood Memories in Reading Habits
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