1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers,small,tightly knit(联系)groups developed their own patterns of  speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12, 000 languages between them. Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialisation, the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English,

Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.

At present, the world has about 6, 800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 languages; the Americas about 1, 000; Africa 2, 400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800.The median number(中位数) of speakers is mere 6,000, which that half the world's languages are spoken by fewer people than that.

Already well over 400 of the total of 6, 800 languages are close to extinction (消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon ( eight remaining speakers), Chiapaneco in Mexico (150), Lipan Apache in the United States (two or three) or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.

(1) What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times? A. They developed very fast B. They were large in number C. They had similar patterns D. They were closely connected
(2) Which of the following best explains "dominant" underlined in paragraph 2? A. Complex B. Advanced C. Powerful. D. Modern
(3) How many languages are spoken by less than 6,000 people at present? A. About 6,800 B. About 3,400 C. About 2,400 D. About 1,200
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. New languages will be created. B. People's lifestyles are reflected in languages. C. Human development results in fewer languages. D. Geography determines language evolution.
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I am thinking today about my new favorite thing. It's an app that my husband told me a few years ago that helps me bypass all the obstacles (障碍)in my way: potholes, heavy traffic, and even speed cameras. 

To be honest, when my husband first told me about it, I didn't pay much attention. I was only going to places I already knew how to get to. Plus, I learned to drive from my father-who never turned to a map. I think I mistakenly absorbed the message that real drivers didn't need a map; you somehow just magically knew where to go. It was only later that I realized that just getting a driver's license didn't mean you knew how to get to places-that was lesson one. Lesson two came when my kids started playing on two different travel teams. The drivers in our household suddenly had the need to head in different directions on the same day.  

Suddenly my app became very meaningful to me. How did I ever manage to get to strange playing fields hidden somewhere without it? But the crazy thing I have also noticed is how often I just don't listen to it. Why might that be? Do I just prefer the old routes, even if they are actually worse? I see an analogy (类比)to the present moment. There is evidence that some old ideas and some long familiar ideas will send us into a boring unchanging lifestyle. But for some reason we like them better than an unfamiliar new route that might take us into areas we've never heard of, let alone visited. 

It can be hard to admit we don't know everything. As a person who still drives an 8-year-old stick shift and who has never stood in line for anything new, 1 certainly understand that. But I also try to remember the times I Jet goof my ego(自负),or my fear and learned that life could be better. Not perfect-but better. I am glad I finally listened to my husband about that app. He was right. 

(1) What did the author think of the app at the very beginning? A. It was magical. B. It was practically valueless. C. It was powerful. D. It was not as good as a map.
(2) What would probably make the author ignore the app's instructions? A. Her desire to explore alone. B. Her doubt about the new device. C. Her preference for the new routes. D. Her refusal to experience changes.
(3) What can be inferred about the author from the last paragraph? A. She is willing to challenge herself. B. She cares little about others' comments. C. She recognizes her problems easily. D. She is too inflexible to make any change.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Real Drivers Know Their Way B. It Pays to Take a New Route C. New Apps Make Life Perfect D. It Matters to Listen to Inner Voice
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Troubleshooting: Unable to install the supplied software on a computer

The software supplied with a camera, camcorder (a portable video camera) or personal audio device may not install for the following reasons:

1 The software may not be compatible(兼容)with the computer operating system.

2 The computer does not meet the minimum system requirements for installing the software.

3 Another application or utility is running in the background of the computer and interfering(妨碍)with the installation.

4 Antivirus or spyware software is preventing installation.

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot this issue.

1 Check the instruction manual to determine the minimum system requirements and operating system supported by the software. Instructions for your product are usually available online.

2 Check the specifications of the computer to ensure it meets the minimum system requirements and operating system supported by the software.

3 Download and install all available updates for the computer and software. Software and driver updates for your product are usually available online.

NOTE: An install utility is an application used to assist with the installation of other software. If an install utility is available, follow the online instructions to properly download and install it.

4 Temporarily disable any antivirus or spyware software.

5 Close any software applications or other unnecessary utilities that may be running on the computer.

6 Attempt to install the software and follow the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: If the software was designed to use an older version of the Windows operating system than what is currently installed on the computer, you can try installing using the compatibility mode.

7 If the software will still not be installed, try installing it using the Safe Mode of the computer as follows:

IMPORTANT: Some bundled(捆绑的) software requires the product to be connected to the computer during the installation process. If your software requires the product to be connected during installation, these steps will not work and should be disregarded.

1 Copy the software to a folder on the computer hard drive.

2 Turn off the computer

3 Start the computer in the Safe Mode.

4 Locate the folder on the computer hard drive where you copied the contents of the installation CD.

5 Click the INSTALL. EXE or SETUP. EXE icon(图标)to begin the software installation.

6 Restart the computer

(1) Which of the following may be a reason for the failure of the installation of the supplied software? A. The software is incompatible with the computer operating system. B. The computer is using the latest Windows operating system. C. The maximum system requirements are not met for the software. D. The antivirus software is not running in the background.
(2) When you are installing software designed for an older version of the Window operating system, what could be done? A. You could temporarily disable any running software applications. B. You could follow the on-screen instructions. C. You could try installing it using the Safe Mode. D. You could switch to the compatibility mode.
(3) As is listed in the passage, ______ seems to be the last step which may help troubleshoot the installation problem. A. using the Safe Mode of the computer B. turning off and restarting the computer C. connecting the product to the computer D. copying the software to a folder on the hard drive
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On a break from his studies in the MIT Media Lab, Anirudh Sharma traveled home to Mumbai, India. While there, he noticed that throughout the day his T-shirts were gradually gathering something that looked like dirt. "I realized this was air pollution, or sooty (像煤一样) particulate matter (PM), made of black particles released from exhaust (尾气) of vehicles," Sharma says. "This is a major health issue." Soot consists of tiny black particles, about 2.5 micrometers or smaller, made of carbon produced by incomplete burning of fossil fuels.

Back at MIT, Sharma set out to help solve this air-pollution issue. After years of research, Sharma's startup Graviky Labs has developed technology that attaches to exhaust systems of diesel generators (柴油发电机) to collect particulate matter. Scientists at Graviky then turn it into ink, called Air-Ink, for artists around the world. So far, the startup has collected I.6 billion micrograms of particulate matter. More than 200 gallons of Air-Ink have been harvested for a growing community of more than 1,000 artists, from Bangalore to Boston, Shanghai, and London.

Posted all over Graviky Lab's Facebook page today are photos of art made from the Air-Ink and paint, including street wall paintings, body art and clothing prints. At first, there was still no specific application for the ink. Then the startup decided to find new ways to further spread its mission. It chose to do so through art. "Art helps us raise awareness about where the ink and paint comes from. Air pollution knows no borders. Our ink sends a message that pollution is one of the resources in our world that's the hardest to collect and use. But it can be done," Sharma says.

(1) What struck Sharma most during his break in India? A. Dirt on his T-shirts. B. Health issue of the locals. C. Coal industry in Mumbai. D. Incomplete burning of fossil fuels.
(2) According to the text, Air-Ink is________. A. a cleaner of outdoor air B. a product made from PM C. a newly-founded company D. a printing technology
(3) What can we infer about Air-Ink from the text? A. It improves artistic effect. B. It makes pollution acceptable. C. It helps Sharma make a profit. D. It raises environmental awareness.
(4) What might be the best title for the text? A. Arts Know No Borders B. Waste Has No Price C. Less Pollution, More Art D. Creative Thinking, Effective Painting
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