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As to psychological well-being, the comfort zone is frequently perceived as a haven, a familiar location where individuals feel calm and peaceful. Pushing beyond this psychological state might have benefits. 

The comfort zone can be understood as a behavioral metaphor. Within a comfort zone, an individual takes on a state of minimal anxiety without a perception of risk, responding predictably to deliver a consistent level of performance. These include behaviors that people do commonly, find relaxing, or that take them away from high-stress situations. Engaging in the same manner over time leads to a predictable and familiar zone of comfort. As creatures of habit, we become dependent on these routines that we know we can complete well to feel secure. However, by stepping outside of our comfort zone, we learn about our ability to handle new situations and control risks, leading to greater self-confidence, and lower levels of anxiety. 

One study found that individuals who are more secure in stepping out of their comfort zone are more likely to be excited by and look forward to new experiences, feeling greater confidence in their ability to take them on. 

One behavior that demonstrates the benefits of stepping out of a comfort zone is learning to play a musical instrument. When we consider actions outside of our comfort zone, we must assess our desire to engage in that activity. By weighing the pros and cons, we evaluate how uncomfortable a situation may seem, and whether the danger of entering such an unknown situation will be worth the risk. 

Music offers a safe way to step out of your initial comfort zone because you can begin by practicing in an isolated setting, which offers a casual, safe way to build a new skill set. By picking up and practicing a new instrument, you have proven to yourself that you are capable of meeting an unfamiliar objective, thus decreasing anxiety.

(1) What does the underlined word "haven" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean? A. Habitat. B. Shelter. C. Community. D. Destination.
(2) Which will not be considered when we step out of our comfort zone? A. We recall the old experience. B. We think whether it is worth the risk. C. We evaluate our thirsty for the activity. D. We weigh the strengths and weaknesses.
(3) What will be probably discussed in the following paragraph? A. The definition of the comfort zone. B. The importance of psychological well-being. C. The process of learning a new musical instrument. D. The benefits of stepping out of one's comfort zone.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. How to Identify Comfort Zone B. Staying Inside Comfort Zone is Important C. Stepping Outside Comfort Zone Promotes Learning D. How to Take Yourself Away from High-stress Situations
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Lufinha has crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a small boat powered only by the sun and wind. He used kites to move the boat and solar power to use lights and equipment on the boat. He expects his trip will earn him a Guinness World Record for Fastest Solo Atlantic Crossing by Kite Boat. He also hopes to help people understand the need to protect the oceans.

The kite-powered boat reached top speeds of over 30 kilometers per hour. Lufinha traveled 6,400 kilometers in 25 days. The 38-year-old set out from Cascais, near Lisbon, Portugal on November 3, 2022, and arrived in Martinique on December 20, Lufinha was not at sea for all that time, however. He made a planned stop at the Canary Islands on November 8. But he had to stay longer than planned because of the powerful storm and he remained there until November 30.

Lufinha made the crossing completely alone in a 7.2-meter-long and 5.6-meter-wide trimaran, a boat which has three long, thin parts, with a small room for sleeping and shelter. Lufinha used a hand pump (抽水机) to produce water for drinking and cooking. He said, "I have two such water makers, which I can pump and every hour I can make around four liters of water." The water pump has a special filter (过滤器) to remove salt from the sea water. Lufinha used the water to add to dried food he carried with him on the boat.

He called his trip "a big learning experience". It was a big test of his adaptability. He learned most of all to look at his problems relatively. He had so many problems all of the time, such as kites getting torn and kites exploding (爆炸). And the only way not to suffer was to think, "It could be worse." He said his way of thinking during the difficult crossing helped him get through it hour by hour, day by day, week by week until he finished this Atlantic crossing.
(1) What's one of the purposes of Lufinha's trip? A. To set a new world record. B. To map out a new sailing route. C. To check his boat's performance. D. To collect money for the local charity.
(2) Why did Lufinha stay longer than expected at the Canary Islands? A. His boat broke down halfway. B. He took the wrong sailing direction. C. His water pumps required replacing. D. He was overtaken by terrible weather.
(3) What was Lufinha's biggest gain from the trip? A. He developed his own independence. B. He discovered how to obtain drinkable water. C. He learned to view problems more positively. D. He mastered more advanced sailing techniques.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Lufinha? A. Strict and honest. B. Calm and curious. C. Determined and brave. D. Outgoing and generous.
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 

 Money Daniels spends several hours every week cleaning up cans and bottles in the rivers near his home with other teen environmentalists in Chattanooga, TN. Together, they have collected more than 1 ton of aluminum cans, nearly 1,000 cans a week for a year. In January, he co-founded a club called the Cleanup Kids with his best friend. The project' s mission: to encourage kids to pick up 1 million pounds of trash across the globe before the end of the year.  

 Daniels says he first developed a passion for wildlife when he was 3. " As far back as I can remember, I' ve always loved animals," Daniels says. Marine life especially interests him. When he began discovering trash on walks along the river with his family, he immediately thought of his favorite sea creatures.  

 His mission now is saving the earth' s rivers, which he points out are even more polluted than the world' s oceans. " Eighty percent of the ocean' s trash comes from rivers," he says. In 2019, he adopted the name Conservation Kid on Instagram, and started posting about things like how something as simple as a deserted face mask can entangle (缠住), choke, and kill turtles, birds, and fish. Mask waste has increased an estimated 9,000% since the pandemic(疫情) began.  

 Although he mostly speaks to other teens, Daniels has found that adults are often persuaded by his argument that cleaning up, recycling, and ridding plastic ought to be a selfish act for humanity: when plastics break down, they can wind up in our drinking water. He has met with the mayor of his city, and his experiences speaking with influential grownups has convinced him that adults can change their habits.  

 But, in truth, the burden to save the planet has landed on children like him. " Kids may be a small percent of the population, but we' re 100% of the future," he says. " And we can save the world. "  

(1) What led to the birth of Daniel' s project?  A. The inspiration from his best friend. B. The goal to make a role model for kids. C. The concern for the ocean life. D. The idea of other teen environmentalists.
(2) Which can be inferred from paragraph 3?  A. The ocean' s trash has grown rapidly. B. The river pollution requires less attention. C. Many animals are infected in the pandemic. D. River waste contributes most to the ocean' s trash.
(3) Which of the following can best describe Money Daniels?  A. Optimistic and creative. B. Caring and responsible. C. Considerate and generous. D. Courageous and devoted.
(4) What is the passage mainly about?  A. Grownups' selfish behaviors for humanity. B. A teenager' s contributions to saving the waters. C. A youngster' s responsibility to protect the world. D. Teen environmentalists' efforts to clean the oceans.
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In recent years, multiple studies have illustrated the ways people's dogs can provide comfort, calm their frazzled nerves, be good listeners, and provide other forms of valuable support, proving that sometimes words are simply not necessary.

When people were asked to perform mental arithmetic (算术) or endure a "cold pressor" test in which their hand is submerged in ice water, those who had their dogs present had smaller increases in their blood pressure and heart rate. More recently, a study in a 2023 issue of the journal Emotion had people engage in a stressful task—involving adding numbers that flashed on a computer screen—then interact with their pet dog, color in a coloring book, or wait quietly for 10 minutes. Those who interacted with their dogs experienced a greater boost in mood and a greater reduction in anxiety than those who waited or tried to destress by coloring. 

Research has also found that talking to your dog about emotionally fraught issues can be particularly beneficial. People are more willing to confide (吐露) in their dogs about difficult emotions, such as depression, jealousy, anxiety, apathy, and fear, than they are with their romantic partners or friends. The precise reasons for this may be that pets are good, nonjudgmental listeners because they don't interrupt or reply. Your relationship with your dog is a safe space because your dog won't judge you or disagree with you.

A study in a 2022 issue of the International Journal of Public Health found that when people interact with their dogs while teleworking, it replenishes the humans' self-regulatory resources—by engaging in micro-breaks to pet their pup, the people are able to relax and refresh themselves—in ways that interacting with unfurry family members doesn't.

"Dogs are fantastic at reading us—they can sense when we're upset—and they are arguably better at reading us than some people are," says Kogan, a professor in the clinical sciences department at Colorado State University, "because we intuit that our dogs read us so well, we regulate ourselves so as not to upset our dogs, which is helpful for us as well. It's a positive feedback loop."

(1) What did the study in paragraph 2 find? A. Interacting with dogs can cause anxiety and stress. B. People with dog companions have lower stress levels. C. Dogs can improve their owners' academic performance. D. Dogs' owners tend to reduce stress by coloring or waiting.
(2) Why are people more willing to talk to their dogs? A. Dogs can help them fix the problems. B. They get a sense of security from dogs. C. Their partners or friends are not reliable. D. They have a closer relationship with dogs.
(3) What does the underlined word replenishes in paragraph 4 mean? A. Replaces. B. Researches. C. Refills. D. Removes.
(4) What is Kogan's attitude towards having dog companions? A. Favorable. B. Unclear. C. Skeptical. D. Intolerant.
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