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Animal volunteering abroad is the perfect opportunity for animal lovers who want to do something good while traveling. Here are several programs.

LeatherbackTurtle Ambassador

Our main mission is to protect endangered sea turtles such as the leatherback sea turtle and the green sea turtle. By working with locals and environmental education programs, we will be able to educate people on the importance of protecting the valuable sea ecosystem.

Location: Limon, Costa Rica

Requirements: Age: 18-50; Language skill: basic English

Fee: 266€ per week

Wildlife Shelter Carer

Every year, hundreds of thousands of native animals are injured or become sick, often because of interaction with people or pets. Our wildlife shelters have rescued sick, injured native wildlife and loved them back to health to be returned to the natural environment. Since we receive no funding from governments, the shelters rely on the donations of volunteers and the public.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Requirements: Age: 18-50; Language skill: fluent English

Fee: 706€ per week

Thai Elephant Sanctuary

Our program helps domesticated elephants rescued from a life of working on the streets or logging and provides care to rescued elephant population. The program has won numerous awards for its ethical contribution to the assistance of Thai Elephants. The team have rescued dozens of elephants and given them shelters in beautiful, open spaces.

Location: Phetchaburi province, Thailand

Requirements: Age: 18-50; Language skill: fluent English

Fee: 647€ per week

Force-free Horse Sanctuary Assistant

Are you passionate about horses and eager to make a positive impact on horse welfare? Join our incredible Force-Free Horse Sanctuary Program, where you'll become part of a devoted team caring for our beautiful horses. Through positive reinforcement and force-free horsemanship skills, you'll help improve the lives of these magnificent animals.

Location: Atajate, Spain

Requirements: Age: 14-50; Language skill: basic English or basic Spanish

Fee: 392€ per week

(1) Which program costs least per week? A. Leatherback Turtle Ambassador. B. Wildlife Shelter Carer. C. Thai Elephant Sanctuary. D. Force-free Horse Sanctuary Assistant.
(2) What can you do in the program of Wildlife Shelter Carer? A. Advocate protecting sea animals. B. Attend to animals in poor condition. C. Adopt endangered animals as your pets. D. Acquire complicated horsemanship skills.
(3) Where can you volunteer if you are a 15-year-old English speaker? A. Limon, Costa Rica. B. New South Wales, Australia. C. Phetchaburi province, Thailand. D. Atajate, Spain.
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Human beings are the greatest threat to the survival of endangered species through hunting, habitat destruction and the effects of climate change.

Read on to learn which beautiful creatures are most in need of our help, protection and conservation.

Amur Leopard

Since 1996, the amur leopard has been classified by the IUCN as Critically Endangered with less than 70 individuals thought to exist today. It is hunted and killed for its beautiful fur. Its habitat is being destroyed for human settlement and agricultural practices.


Cross River Gorillas and Mountain Gorillas are both classified as Critically Endangered and Endangered by the TUCN since 1996—that is two out of five gorilla subspecies. There are currently only 200—300 Cross River Gorillas left in the wild, and 900 Mountain Gorillas.

Sea turtles

Two types of sea turtles are amongst the most endangered species in the world: the Hawksbill Turtle and the Leatherback Turtle. In the past 100 years, the Hawksbill Turtle has lost 90 percent of its population, 80 percent of which has been lost in the past 10 years. As of 1996, the IUCN classified it as a Critically Endangered species. The Leatherback turtle is listed by the IUCN as Vulnerable, yet many subpopulations are facing extinction.


Since the millennium, the Sumatran Orangutan has been classified by the IUCN as Critically Endangered with approximately 80% of the population lost in the past 75 years mainly as a result of mass deforestation. This awful trend continues to put pressure on the remaining population of 6,600 Sumatran Orangutans that are estimated to remain on this Earth.

(1) Why do human beings hunt and kill the amur leopard? A. For its meat. B. For its fur. C. For its bones. D. For its teeth.
(2) What can we learn about sea turtles from the passage? A. They lose their lives due to lack of food. B. There are only 300 sea turtles left in the wild. C. They are the most endangered wildlife in the world. D. The number of sea turtles has dropped sharply recently.
(3) What's the main purpose of this text? A. To call on us to help and protect endangered animals. B. To encourage us to give much food to endangered animals. C. To advise us to stop eating endangered animals' meat. D. To show us the current life of endangered animals.
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

With a mountain of recipe books to be opened, it can be challenging to learn to cook. The following podcasts (播客) provide fantastic ways for you to navigate this seemingly daunting world.

Recipe Club

Hosted by chef David Chang, Recipe Club focuses on the heart of cooking — the recipe. Each episode presents new themes, recipes and members of the club, to debate and analyse these critical cooking instructions. Listeners will hear how the presenters have cooked the meal themselves and can learn alongside Chang how a good recipe can be made even better.

Food With Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman, author of the beloved How To Cook Everything, has continued to share his knowledge with this outstanding podcast, Food With Mark Bittman. It covers topics such as family life, cooking easy meals in a busy schedule and cooking on a budget. Bittman also delves into issues like climate change and the economic impact of the food industry.

The Kitchen Counter

Food fanatic Roger Anderson hosts The Kitchen Counter podcast, a show designed to help new cooks on their path to greatness. It covers topics like healthy eating, the cost of good food, and cooking meals suitable for the whole family. Anderson talks listeners through various global dishes, from their origins to their variations and most importantly, how to make them.

The Splendid Table

The Splendid Table, currently hosted by food critic Francis Lam, explores the question of why we cook and eat what we eat. While discussing great recipes and cooking tips, Lam also focuses on the impact food has on our lives and the personal connections it allows us to build. This podcast offers insight and motivation to new cooks.

(1) Which podcast is hosted by a writer? A. Recipe Club. B. Food With Mark Bittman. C. The Kitchen Counter. D. The Splendid Table.
(2) What do The Kitchen Counter and The Splendid Table have in common? A. They focus on ways to cook global meals. B. They touch upon the influence of food. C. They offer cooking tips to new cooks. D. They explore the origins of various dishes.
(3) Where is the text most probably taken from? A. A popular magazine. B. A food brochure. C. A restaurant guide. D. A cuisine book.
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Plastic recycling is a hot topic, But what's the real face behind if? You diligently sort your rubbish; you dutifully wash your plastic container; then everything gets thrown in a landfill or in the ocean anyway, According to one aalyx1s, only 9% of all plastic ever made has likely been recycled. Here' the kicker: the companies making all that plastic have spent millions on advertising campaigns lecturing us about recycling while knowing full well that most plastic will never be recycled.

A new investigation by National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)reports that the large oil and gas companies that manufacture plastics have known for decades that recycling plastic was unlikely to ever happen on a broad scale because of the-high costs involved. "They were not interested in putting any real money or effort into recycling because they wanted to sell raw material, "Larry Thomas, former president of one of the plastic industry's most powerful trade groups, told NPR. There is a lot more money to be made in selling new plastic than reusing the old stuff. But, in order to keep selling new plastic, the industry had to clean up its wasteful image. "If the public thinks that recycling is working, then they are not going to be so concerned about the environment, "Thomas noted.

We have been successfully convinced that people start pollution and people can stop It and that if we just recycle more, the planet will be OK. To some degree, that s right there must be a level of personal responsibility when It comes to the climate emergency. We all have to do our part. But individual action is a tiny drop in a heavily polluted ocean. We need systematic change to make a real difference. And, more than anything, we need to change what we value.

(1) According to the text, what does the underlined word "kicker" probably mean? A. A player who kicks the football.        B. An event that is controversial. C. An action that is taken to start a plan quickly. D. A discovery that is unpleasant and unexpected.
(2) Which best describes Larry Thomas' opinion on plastic recycling? A. Plastic recycling is necessary and effective. B. Large amounts of money are spent on recycling. C. The companies try to promote the sales of new material. D. The companies prefer to sell recycled material rather than new materials.
(3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Most people have a sense of responsibility. B. Plenty of rubbish is dropped into the ocean. C. Fighting against pollution calls for joint efforts. D. Systematic change was made to reduce pollution.
(4) Which is probably the best title for the text? A. Plastic recycling: a trick in industries. B. Plastic recycling: a benefit to the public. C. Plastic recycling: a way to reduce pollution. D. Plastic recycling: a popularity among people.
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