
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

For this program, you'll need to apply to theFaculty of Education of McGill University.


This enriching program (Bachelor of Education, or B. Ed.) will prepare you to become a specialist educator of English as a Second Language (ESL) at both the elementary and secondary school levels. You will graduate with the theoretical and practical experience necessary in your future career.

Program Requirements

This program requires 120 credits and leads to teacher certification.

Students normally complete 30 credits in their Freshman (U0) year.

In consultation with the Program Adviser, students may select courses from the recommended course list or other courses.


As a TESL student, you can take courses like: 

EDEM 220 - Contemporary Issues in Education (3 credits)

EDFE 209 - First Field Experience (TESL) (2 credits)

EDFE 359 - Third Field Experience (TESL) (8 credits)

EDFE 459 - Fourth Field Experience (TESL) (7 credits)

To learn more about the courses, click here.


Once you complete this undergraduate degree, you will be qualified to teach in ESL in elementary and secondary schools or work in occupations that focus on education, community programming, educational technology, curriculum (课程) development, and administration.

You could become a professional:

ESL Teacher, Elementary or Secondary School

Adult Literacy Instructor

Educational Technology Developer

Curriculum Specialist

Annual fees for (CAN$) 30 credits for 2023-2024

Tuition Fee (学费)


Copyright Fee


Society & Other Fees


Information Technology Charge


Student Services/Athletics & Recreation


SSMU Dental Insurance*


Registration / Transcripts & Diploma/ General Administrative Charges


International Health Insurance*


Total Fees: 


* SSMU Dental Insurance and International Health Insurance charged once a year.

(1)  Which course provides the highest credit score? A. EDEM 220. B. EDFE 209. C. EDFE 359. D. EDFE 459.
(2)  How much should a freshman pay for the tuition? A. CAN$849.49. B. CAN$3114.68. C. CAN$25484.70. D. CAN$28599.38.
(3) Who can be the most potential applicant of this program? A. A student seeking for a degree in Kindergarten Education. B. A student expecting to teach English in primary school. C. A student hoping for a career as a health instructor. D. A student planning to specialise in science exploration.
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1. 阅读理解

My plan to learn to play the cello (大提琴) was a health y choice. So I took the next innocent step of going to a shop that sells and rents string instruments, especially violins, violas, and cellos. The place was a hole-in-the-wall, up a steep flight of stairs. Instruments left a narrow path to the counter where a woman with grey hair and warm eyes greeted me. Since I couldn't form a question about what I wanted, I just stood there exploring the scene, which felt immensely pleasurable.

I rented a cello, a bow, and a case to hold them. What attracted me to the cello was its enormous size and its soft, smooth, and memorable sounds. It's an instrument made of beautifully polished wood that I could wrap my arms around and feel its powerful vibrations when the strings were played. That was a good starting point for me. The only problem was that I didn't know how to play it.

There's a popular belief that the cello is a particularly difficult instrument to learn. Another is theadmonition, "Don't bother if you are a beginner over age 10!" Well, I was 70, and what others thought no longer influenced me. And besides, I thought of the words of Dr. Cohen, who suggested that learning causes physical changes in the brain.

So I found a teacher who had respect for older adult beginners and I practiced diligently, daily for years, and sometimes disheartened, but I kept up. I'm happy to report that now, more than a decade later, I can hold my own in a string trio and two quartets (two violins, a viola, and me, the female cello)and even a senior community band. Of course, I'll never sound like Yo-Yo Ma but you could recognize a Mozart piece if you heard me play it. And, more importantly, I don't need to please anyone but myself.

Whether it's a pleasurable pastime or a new career, the starting point is the same: wonder, curiosity, determination, and the desire to keep your brain sharp.

(1) How did the writer feel in the shop? A. Amused by the shop assistant. B. Anxious for a live performance. C. Pleased at the nice music atmosphere. D. Curious about where to find a teacher.
(2) What does the underlined word "admonition" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Approval. B. Criticism. C. Puzzlement. D. Warning.
(3) Why does the writer mention Dr. Cohen in paragraph 3? A. To recommend a reliable doctor. B. To provide proof for common belief. C. To add another reason for her decision. D. To stress the crucial function of the brain.
(4) Which of the following can best convey the writer's idea? A. Art is man's second nature. B. One is never too old to learn. C. Education is the key to success. D. Happiness is the best form of health.
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Online Bachelor's Degrees and Programs

The overview

Colleges offer online degrees in a range of fields. Click on a degree program to explore what courses you take, how long the program takes to complete, career options and average salaries. For example, to earn an online health science bachelor's degree, you would take courses in public health, health communication and epidemiology (流行 病学).

The benefits

Pursuing an accredited (官方认可的) online bachelor's degree can help you take the next step in your career. Through your program, you'll attend online lectures, study from home, manage a busy schedule and interact virtually with professors and classmates.

The applicants

An online college degree may appeal to those who want more flexibility in completing their education, or who want to take classes while working full time or parenting. Choosing where to register online will likely be challenging, but below you'll find tools, advice and other resources to make your search easier.

Best online bachelor's programs

U. S. News evaluated several factors to rank the best online bachelor's degree programs, including graduation rates and support services available remotely.

School name

Tuition per credit

Application deadline

Financial aid available

University of Georgia

$ 326

May 1, 2022


Georgia Washington University

$ 615

June 10, 2022


University of Arizona

$ 525

July 12, 2022


North Carolina University

$ 900

February 15, 2022


To see the full ranking list, please click here.

(1) What will you do after attending online degree programs? A. Get a degree for free. B. Attend lectures in a hall. C. Take some related courses. D. Talk with teachers face to face.
(2) Which university is the last one to end the application? A. Georgia Washington University. B. University of Georgia. C. North Carolina University. D. University of Arizona.
(3) Where are you likely to read the text? A. On the Internet. B. In a magazine. C. In a textbook. D. In a newspaper.
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3. 阅读理解

Though known for being violent, six-foot-long Humboldt squid (鱿鱼) in the Pacific Ocean, are good communicators,

It is not news that the squid can rapidly change the color of their skin-making different patterns for communication something other squid species are also known to do.

Bot it is totally dark where the Humboldt squid live, more than one thousand feet below the ocean surface. So their pattern is invisible. Instead, a new study suggests that they create backlighting for the patterns by making their bodies glow, like the screen of an ereader.

"Right now, what blows my mind in there's probably squid talking to each other in the deep ocean and they're probably sharing all sorts of cool information." said Ben Burford, a graduate student at Stanford University.

Burford and his fallow researchers studied deep-water recordings made by remotely operated vehicles off the California coast. They found the squid make around 30 different patterns, some of which are only used around other squid, suggesting they're used for communication, The squid also appear to reorder the patterns, almost like words in a sentence.

"That's really exciting because then you can say a whole lot more based on their arrangement," Burford said. "So, they could for instance say, hey, that fish over there is mine, and I'm the ruling squid."

The findings could change the way scientists think about bioluminescence (生物荧光), which is used by many deep-sea animals to attract prey or a mate.

"We generally think of deep: sea stuff as having very simple displays because it's a low-light environment," said Mike Vecchione, a zoologist from the National Museum of Natural Museum of Natural History. "This turns some of our ideas about bioluminescence almost around upside down."

The deep ocean is a challenging place to study, so Vecchione said there may be much more complexity to discover.

(1) Which of the following is right about the Humboldt squid? A. They are quite friendly to deep-sea animals. B. They are much bigger than any other squid. C. They can communicate in a low-light environment. D. They have better ability to survive the violent ocean.
(2) How did Burford and his team study the Humboldt squid living deep in the ocean? A. By studying former recordings. B. By discussing with other scientists. C. By comparing different types of squid. D. By using machines of high rechnology.
(3)  What do scientists commonly think of the use of bioluminescence by deep-sea animals? A. It is used by deep-sea animals in a simple way. B. It makes deep-sea animals more mysterious. C. It makes the Humboldt squid easy to be found. D. It makes it easy for the Humboldt sqord to communicate.
(4) What is these scientists' biggest discovery of the Humboldt squid? A. Their ability to ling deep in the water. B. Their unique use of bioluminescence. C. Their hard living conditions in the sea. D. Their ways to attract preys or mates.
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