
Keeping plants at home is a healthy and comfortable way of life. The following houseplants can create a most beautiful piece of green for your home.

Bird's Nest Fern (蕨)

The bird's nest fern is a good choice for anyone with a house that wouldn't support sun-loving species. It's a hardy fern variety adapting to living on forest floors, where the air tends to be cool and damp. It likes to be misted as well, but this doesn't always mean you need a misting bottle—spraying (喷洒) it in the sink or hanging it near a shower often works as well.

Chinese Money Plant

This is a flowering species that might be most appropriate for experienced plant gardeners looking for a new challenge. It prefers a moderate amount of indirect light, and tends to dry out slightly between watering sessions. It produces new plants easily without any input, directly from its root system. These can coexist in the same pot for a time.

Resurrection Plant

This native of the Mexican desert has adapted to surviving in extreme drought by curling (蜷缩) into a ball and remaining in seemingly lifeless state for years, if necessary. In this form, it can be transported by the wind across the dry landscape to areas with water. It will revive within hours in a shallow bowl of water, unfolding and transforming into a fresh and green moss (苔藓).

Snake Plant

This is a striking houseplant that can be an especially good option for new plant owners who you might not trust to keep a plant alive. It grows happily in almost any condition. While it prefers bright light, it doesn't mind shade or even artificial light. Plus, thanks to its thick, fleshy leaves, it stores water with remarkable efficiency, which makes it survive without water in the earth.

(1) What is special about the bird's nest fern? A. It prefers shade. B. It is sun-loving. C. It tends to grow in the sink. D. It can return to life after death.
(2) Which plant will test its owner's gardening skill most? A. Bird's nest fern. B. Chinese money plant. C. Resurrection plant. D. Snake plant.
(3)  What do resurrection plant and snake plant have in common? A. They demand attentive owners. B. They are very drought-tolerant. C. They will curl for self-protection. D. They can store water for drought.
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Photography (and Art) Contest:Pets are Family, Too!

Are you a teen photographer, artist, or just a teen with a pet you love? Well, we have a contest for you! Now is the time to show off your favorite family members — your pets! Teen Ink is spending this month recognizing that pets are family, too. This contest is primarily photography-focused, but any artwork of your pets is allowed. Any and all teens wishing to share their pets are welcome to submit!

Photographs and artwork submitted may even be published in the July 2022 issue of our magazine!Five honorable mentions and one winner will be featured in our digital magazine. The winner will also receive a $25 Amazon gift card!

Even if you do not win or place as an honorable mention, your post may be featured on our social media — so, keep an eye out!

Deadline:May 31st, 2022


Submissions should relate to the topic (Pets are Family, Too!).

The contest will only consider entries by teens.

No inappropriate content.

There is no limit to the number of pieces you can submit!

Be creative;test your limits;use your fantastic skills!

Image quality requirements:at least 1600×1600 pixels (像素).


·Submit entries through our website. All entries submitted to Teen Ink are automatically considered for the photography / artwork contest.

·To make sure your submissions are included in the contest, include "2022 Pet Contest" in the first part of your submission's title (e.g., 2022 Pet Contest:Fluffy).

·You will be published online and potentially in our magazine!


·You will be published and your photograph / artwork will be featured in our magazine!

·Winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card!

(1) Who are the target readers? A. Photographers. B. Artists. C. Parents. D. Teenagers.
(2) What is the requirement for the entry? A. It must be a photo. B. It must be submitted online. C. It must be within word limit. D. Its theme must be about family.
(3) What information can we know about the contest? A. Its sponsors. B. Its judges. C. Its prize. D. Its entry fee.
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Many summer camps have had to cancel their programming due to COVID-19. So we have found a great selection of virtual summer camps for your children.

Happy Camper Live

Ages: 5 ~18

Cost: $499 a month

What is special about Happy Camper Live is that there are hundreds of camp adventures and experiences to choose from to offer your children unique camp experience. Children can make fun with a world-class athlete, play volleyball with a national high school champion and learn a new art,craft or musical instrument.

Smart Robots Virtual Camp

Ages: 7 ~ 11

Cost :$179 for two weeks

Campers will receive a smart coding robot of choice and learning materials and apps to get them started in this camp. This camp is made as much of a social experience as possible. At the end of camp,each child will be certificated as a"junior coder",have made penfriends for life and have new skills and knowledge to bring into their classrooms in the fall.

Written Out Loud

Ages: 8 ~ 17

Cost: $250 per week

The storytelling school Written Out Loud has transformed its program to a virtual storytelling workshop. Founded in 2018 by a Hollywood film-maker, Written Out Loud offers cl asses for children aged 8 to 17 that combine a range of disciplines such as creative writing, film-making and even improving comedy.

Got Game Summer Academy

Ages: 4~12

Cost: $195 for two weeks

With a focus on reading,writing and math, Got Game will help your children stay academically on track while still having fun in an energized virtual learning environment. Children will receive personalized attention from teachers while also participating in games that center around communication on group projects and building individual skills.

(1) What's special about Happy Camper Live? A. It offers a large number of different activities. B. It's the most expensive of the four camps. C. It focuses on improving musical skills. D. It was founded by a world-class athlete.
(2) Where can campers make penfriends with others? A. In Written Out Loud. B. In Happy Camper Live. C. In Smart Robots Virtual Camp. D. In Got Game Summer Academy.
(3) What do Written Out Loud and Got Game Summer Academy have in common? A. They enable children to learn while playing games. B. They improve children's writing skills. C. They teach children how to make films. D. They are suitable for children above 12.
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Margie wrote about it that night in her diary, "Today Tommy found a real book!"

It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages,which were yellow and crinkly (皱巴巴的), and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to-on a screen.

"What's it about?"


Margie was scornful. "School? What's there to write about school?" Margie was always fed up with school. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography. So she said to Tommy, "Why would anyone write about school?"

Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes, "Because it's not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had centuries ago."

She read the book over his shoulder for a while, then said, " Anyway, they had a teacher."

"Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was a man."

"A man isn't smart enough." She added, "I wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me."

Tommy screamed with laughter. "You don't know much, Margie. They had a special building and all the kids of the same age went there, learning the same thing from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Weekdays.

They weren't even half-finished when Margie's mother called, "Margie! School!" Margie looked up. "Not yet, Mamma." "Now!" said Mrs. Jones.

Actually the mechanical teacher was on and waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday, because her mother said little girls learned better if they learned at regular time.

The large screen was lit up."Today's math lesson is on the addition of proper fractions (分数). Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot (插槽), " Margie did so with a sigh. She was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. All the kids from the whole neighborhood came, siting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day. And the teachers were people. She was thinking about the fun they had.

(1) What does the underlined word "scornful" in Para.5 mean? A. Interested. B. Amazed. C. Doubtful. D. Disrespectful.
(2) Where is Margie's schoolroom? A. Inside her house. B. In a special building. C. On a large screen. D. Around her neighborhood.
(3) What is the similarity between the school in the book and the one Margie attended? A. Teachers of great wisdom. B. Classmates of the same age. C. Regular schooling hours. D. Advanced learning equipment.
(4) Which of the following may Margie agree with? A. Doing math homework is more than funny. B. The school life in the old days is much more appealing. C. Mechanical teachers are more suitable in teaching for her. D. Reading on a screen is more convenient than reading a real book.
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