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As a worrying number of youngsters take up vaping(电子烟), the Government has announced a crackdown on laws to stop kids from becoming addicted to the dangerous habit.

Disposable(一次性的) vapes are now set to be banned in the UK as part of the Prime Minister's new legislation(立法) to"stop youth vaping in its tracks". Recent research shows that one in five teens has now tried vaping, despite it being illegal for under-18s, and half of those who vape between 18 and 24 do so despite having no history of smoking.

Last year, figures showed the number of adults using e-cigarettes in the UK had risen to the highest rate on record at roughly 4.3 million Brits. According to the charity Action on Smoking and Health, almost 1,000 serious adverse reactions to vapes were logged, including five deaths linked to e-cigarettes in the last decade.

And it's not just over-the-counter vapes at the center of the country's vaping crisis —— fake e-cigarettes with deadly chemicals have sparked concerns. An investigation by the Mirror in 2023revealed one man's fears for his life after he suffered a collapsed lung as a result of a fake,unlicensed pack of vapes purchased from a corner shop in County Durham.

Alex Gittins, 31, thought he bagged himself a bargain but ended up in hospital just hours later. He said: "I noticed an awful chemical taste in the back of my throat, then five to 10minutes later I felt what was like a stitch. I'm lying in A&E thinking I was going to die."

A regular vaper was told he had just a one percent chance of survival after being left in need of a double lung transplant. Jackson Allard, 22, underwent the life-saving operation on January 1, putting an end to a series of serious health issues.

Medical expert Stephanie Hansen has voiced concerns about the unknown long-term effects of e-cigarettes. She said: "Vaping or e-cigarette use is relatively new, so we don't necessarily know a lot of the long-term effects of vaping and that's honestly one of the scariest things about it."

(1) What has the recent research found? A. 20 percent of UK teenagers have once vaped. B. It's against the law for teens to buy vapes. C. Vaping is commoner than smoking in the UK. D. 5 people died because of vaping last year.
(2) Why are two examples given in Paragraphs 5 and 6? A. To suggest it's easy to be addicted to vaping. B. To state vaping ruins people's health seriously. C. To indicate it's illegal to buy fake e-cigarettes. D. To show the number of people vaping is on the rise.
(3) Which of the following might Stephanie Hansen agree with? A. It remains to be seen in what way vaping affects people. B. It will be long before people know the bad effects of vaping. C. It matters to inform people of the potential danger of vaping. D. It is difficult to prohibit adults from buying e-cigarettes.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. Research into the habits of smokers in Britain. B. Causes of teens' addiction to vaping in Britain. C. British health issues drawing public attention. D. British government prohibiting disposable vapes.
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When someone mentions the Philippines, one can't help but think of beautiful beaches, but the Philippines is not just about beaches. With over 7, 000 islands, there's a perfect tourist spot in the Philippines that will satisfy every traveler's wanderlust.


One of the most famous Philippine attractions is Ifugao Province, where you'll find the UNESCO World Heritage Site Banaue Rice Terraces. There are many places in Ifugao that will teach you the unique way of life and culture.

How to get there: From Manila, ride a bus bound for Banaue, a tough and exhausting trip of around 9 hours.


What makes Siargao an ideal travel destination is that it has remained remote, and still relatively under the radar, making it even more appealing to travelers who are longing for natural beauty and a slower pace. This tourist spot in Mindanao will surely captivate(迷住) your heart.

How to get there: From Manila, you can book a flight or board a ferry bound for Siargao easily.


Topping our list of the most beautiful tourist spots in the Philippines is none other than Palawan. With its undeniable beauty, Palawan has already become a regular on the list of the world's best islands of international travel magazines. Of course, this doesn't come as a surprise. Besides the clear blue-green waters of lakes, colorful reefs and pure white beaches, what more can you ask for?

How to get there: From Manila, there are flights that travel directly to all parts of Palawan.

(1) If you are tired of the fast pace of urban life,       cart be a good choice. A. Palawan B. Siargao C. Manila D. Ifugao
(2) Among the attractions mentioned, Ifugao may have a disadvantage of          . A. Service B. scenery C. transportation D. food
(3) Where can the text probably be found? A. In a scientific research. B. In a book review. C. In a biography. D. In a travel magazine.
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Omar Vazquez grew up in poverty on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. He watched his single mother struggle to put food on the table, and today the memory inspires him to help those in need. When an invasive (入侵的) seaweed called sargassum showed up on Mexico's Caribbean beaches, Omar looked past the matter of it all and saw an opportunity to help others.

Sargassum is not dangerous, but it has an unpleasant smell and can become so thick that it keeps people from entering the water. Mexico has experienced record-setting amounts of the seaweed in recent years, and it has made its way to Florida's beaches as well. Experts say there could be as much as 100 tons of sargassum blocking Mexican shorelines in 2023.

With tourism dollars at risk, officials and locals alike were eager to remove the seaweed, but only Omar saw its true potential. The professional gardener organized a beach cleanup that provided jobs for about 300 local families, but he knew there was more to do. Since people's attitude towards the seaweed reminded him of his own life experiences, he decided to become an agent (推动者) for change.

When sargassum started arriving, everyone was complaining. "I wanted to make something good out of something everyone saw as bad," Omar explained.

In 2018, Omar found a way to turn sargassum into building blocks that he calls Sargablock. He creates these blocks by mixing 40% sargassum with other materials like clay, then putting them in a block-forming machine and baking them in the sun for days. The end result is an organic, sustainable, and ecologically friendly building material that experts say could last for 120 years.

To date, Omar's company, Bluegreen Mexico, has used 700 tons of sargassum to build low-income housing for those in need. Omar said he would take on more projects, and donate more houses to single mothers like his own mom.

(1) What can be learned from paragraph 1? A. Omar's family often assisted people in need. B. Sargassum originated on the Caribbean beaches. C. Omar's experience in childhood has influenced him much. D. Omar has met a lot of generous people since he was young.
(2) How did most people react to the increasing sargassum? A. They didn't take it seriously. B. They were anxious to clear it up. C. They viewed it as new materials. D. They were excited to see a grand scene.
(3) Which words can best describe Omar? A. Honest and ambitious. B. Strong-willed and confident. C. Quick-thinking and humorous. D. Sympathetic and innovative.
(4) What does the author mainly want to tell us through Omar's success? A. It's never too old to learn. B. Love shines every dark corner. C. Solutions can be obtained from problems. D. Heroes arise from humble beginnings.
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Kala has deep ties to her Hawaiian roots. Her ancestors navigated (航行) the oceans for centuries using their knowledge of the stars, the sun, the currents and the wind. It's not that she does it in a canoe without technology, but rather uses the natural technology around her. It's called Way finding, and was taught to her by her father.

"My father was my foundation, my rock. "she says of her first voyage with him from Oahu to Lahaina in a traditional canoe. He taught her how to read the stars, the ocean swells and how to use them to hold the course. "Over 200 stars have specific names and purposes when you are Way finding. You have to look at each and determine if they are rising or setting. You know this star and the direction it represents. If you can do that, you can use it as a tool to orient (确定方向). "Kala added.

Kala Tanaka sailed the canoe in the ocean for up to three weeks. During the day, Kala used the sun until it hit a certain height. When she got closer to land, she looked for certain species of land birds and clouds that indicated there was land below. When Kala sailed she felt" I feel very connected to the crew and the canoe. We're a family. "The longer voyage required Kala to spend hours studying the day and the night skies. It was demanding physical work. But it also had its moments of awe. For Kala, the beauty was in tying together the past and the present to enjoy the moment. So when she was not sailing, she was teaching Way finding skills to school-aged children in hopes of preserving the skills her ancestors relied on.

It's easy to be lost in the immediacy of the technology of our day, to be consumed by screens and miss the nature that unfolds around us. But if we will take the time to look up, to see the stars and the sun, the way the clouds move, the miracle of life beneath and above us, we will discover something deep inside us, something that will always lead to happiness.

(1) How does Kala navigate the ocean in a canoe? A. By observing the natural elements around. B. By following the course of ocean currents. C. By using hi-technology navigation devices. D. By recalling the first voyage with her father.
(2) What did Kala think of the three-week canoe voyage? A. It was a heroic adventure. B. It brought great joy to her life. C. It was school children's favorite. D. It represented a kind of innovation.
(3) What does the author suggest we do? A. Enjoy the screens. B. Explore the universe. C. Get close to nature. D. Keep the earth clean.
(4) What is the best title of the text? A. Finding Our Way B. Navigating the Ocean C. The Wisdom from Ancestors D. An Unforgettable Journey
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