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I ask every student I interview for admission to my institution,Pitzer College,the same question,"What do you look forward to the most in college?"I was astonished and delighted recently when a student replied,"I look forward to the possibility of failure."Of course,this is not how most students respond to the question when sitting before the person who can make decisions about their academic futures,but this young man took a risk.

"You see,my parents have never let me fail,"he said."When I want to take a chance at something, they remind me it's not a safe route to take.Taking a more demanding course or trying an activity I may not succeed in,they tell me,will ruin my chances at college admission."

I wish I could tell you this is an uncommon story,but kids all over the world admit they are under great pressure to be per feet.When I was traveling in China last fall and asked a Chinese student what she did for fun,she replied:"I thought I wasn't supposed to tell you that? I wouldn't want you to think I am not serious about my work!"

Students are usually in shock when I laugh and tell them I never expect perfection.Of course,this goes against everything they've been told.How could a dean of admission at one of America's most selective institutions not want the best and the brightest?The reality is,perfection doesn't exist,and we don't expect to see it in a college application.In fact, admission officers tend to question students who present themselves as individuals without shortcomings.

We get the most excited when we read an application that seems real.It's so rare to hear stories of defeat.If their perspectives are of lessons learned,these applicants tend to jump to the top at highly selective colleges.We believe an error in high school should not define the rest of your life,but how you respond could shape you forever.

(1) What can we learn about the student in the first two paragraphs? A. He is seldom allowed to take part in activities. B. He tries to avoid any chance of failure C. He cares little about his academic futures. D. He is taught not to take risks.
(2) Why does the author mention the Chinese student in paragraph 3? A. To illustrate the widespread stress on students. B. To compare students from different countries. C. To give an example of the students he favors. D. To emphasize the importance of hard work.
(3) What is probably admission officers' attitude towards a perfect application? A. Favorable. B. Confused. C. Doubtful. D. Casual.
(4) What is the key to success in college according to the author? A. A desire for perfection. B. The ability to learn from defeats. C. The opportunity of making mistakes. D. An experience of defeat in high school.
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No business would welcome being compared to gambling(赌博). Yet that is what is happening to makers of video games. For years parents have complained that their children are "addicted" to their video games and smartphones. Today, however, even more doctors are using the term. On January 1 this year, "gaming disorder"—in which games are played uncontrollably, despite causing harm—gained recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO). 

Are games really addictive? Psychologists have different opinions. Those who don't think so say that this is just another moral panic. Similar warnings have been given about television, rock'n'roll, jazz, comic books, novels and even crossword puzzles, but it turns out that they are not as harmful as expected.

However, supporters argue that games developers have the motivation and the means to design their products to make them extremely attractive. For one thing, the business-model has changed. In the old days games were bought once and for all. But these days, games are free and money is earned from purchases of in-game goods, which ties playtime directly to revenue (收益). For another, games-makers combine psychological theory and data, which helps them maximize the playtime. Smartphones and modern video game machines use their permanent Internet connections to send gameplay data back to developers. In this way products are constantly adjusted to encourage players' spending. The biggest spenders are known as "whales", a term that originated in casinos(赌场).

The gaming industry should realize that, in the real world, it has a problem, and that problem is growing. Now that gaming addiction comes with an official WHO recognition, diagnoses will become more common. Anyway, being put together with gambling in the public mind, whether it is fairly or not, will not do the industry any good. 

(1) What do we know from Paragraph 1? A. It is not suitable to compare video games to gambling. B. Parents complain about their children's addiction to gambling. C. More doctors are against the use of the term "addicted". D. Gaming addiction was officially recognized as a disease.
(2) What does the underlined words "moral panic" in Paragraph 2 mean?  A. Wrong judgment on how harmful something is. B. Trouble caused by someone's immoral behavior. C. Social progress caused by science and technology. D. Panic due to the gap between the rich and the poor.
(3) What do games developers do to make games attractive? A. They don't charge players for in-game goods. B. They adjust products based on received data. C. They keep players' video game machines updated. D. They reward big spenders with a unique title.
(4) In the last paragraph, the author aims to ____. A. offer a suggestion B. make a prediction C. give a warning D. put forward a solution
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2. 阅读理解

A happy beagle(小猎犬) called Bella loves Amazon boxes. It tears into them while ignoring other delivery boxes. Little Bit, a tortoiseshell cat, is similarly consumed—but by socks. It raids(偷袭) the laundry basket in the middle of the night and also paws through the open suitcases of house guests, who almost always find themselves missing a sock in the morning. Pets do some pretty weird things. But these strange behaviors often make perfect sense to the pets, said scientists who study animal behaviors. "These behaviors are not invented on the spot, " said Carlo Siracusa, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. The pets are doing behaviors that their wild ancestors did, but they've changed them a bit to fit their new lives as pets.

Dogs can be trained to roll over and play dead. But their ancient instincts from their wolf ancestors are still there. Instincts, or instinctive behaviors, are behaviors that are done without thinking. They don't have to be learned. For example, some dogs will scratch the ground after pooping(排便). But they're not trying to bury their poop. They want other animals to notice it. "They are depositing smell in those areas, " Siracusa said. "It's almost like drawing a picture with a big red marker around it, " he added.

Cats, on the other hand, almost always bury their waste. "They are covering their tracks, " says Monique Udell, an expert on human-animal interactions who works at Oregon State University. Cats are predators, meaning they hunt other animals for food. But other animals hunt them, too. So they don't want to be seen-or smelled. Mikel Delgado, the founder of a California-based cat behavior consulting service, said that many other cat behaviors, arise from cats' wild origins.

While dogs share many behaviors inherited(继承) from wolves, they've also developed a few of their own. "Puppy dog eyes", the innocent look that many humans are helpless to resist, is one. Over the time period that they've lived with people, dogs have developed certain muscles around their eyes. This helps them make the adorable expressions that win over humans. Like wolves, dogs also like to lick faces. Humans think their pets are kissing them, but they are not. "It's how wolf puppies get food from their parents' mouths, "Siracusa said. "It also can be a sign of submission. When a lower-ranking individual approaches a higher-ranking one, it gets down real low and licks the dominant one to say: 'I'm not a threat to you. '"

(1) What has been done to introduce the topic in Paragraph 1? A. Telling a story. B. Making a comparison. C. Presenting research results. D. Criticizing pets' bad behaviors.
(2) Which can best replace the word "depositing" in Paragraph 3? A. leaving B. hiding C. removing D. detecting
(3) Which statement summarizes the fourth paragraph? A. Pet cats bury their waste because their wild ancestors did so. B. Humans like the fact that their pet cats bury their waste. C. Cats are uninterested in keeping a low tone. D. Cats have changed a lot after becoming pets.
(4) How do wolves show submission to dominant wolves? A. Wolves run energetically around dominant wolves. B. Wolves show dominant wolves "puppy dog eyes". C. Wolves beg food from dominant wolves. D. Wolves lick dominant wolves' faces.
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According to a study done by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress was up to 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were three times less sad compared to those who only browsed for items.

More than half of the 1,000 consumers participating in the survey said they have impulsively(冲动地) shopped to deal with feelings of stress, anxiety or depression. Twenty-three percent of respondents said they've maxed out a credit card in the past year. Millennials, 68 percent, responded by saying they have stress spent in the past, compared with 53 percent of Gen Xers and only 26 percent of Baby Boomers.

By gender, 48 percent of men and 31 percent of women who have stress spent said they had purchased alcohol when stressed. 82 percent of women stress spent on clothing compared to 52 percent of men. Women also lead stress spending for jewelry, 42 percent, compared to 22 percent for men, with men stress spending more for electronics, 44 percent versus 30 percent for women.

In fact, shopping to reduce stress can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. Shopping to relieve stress is also known as retail therapy(疗法) as a form of regulating stress. The survey found that 82 percent had only positive feelings about their purchases and that the positive mood boost that followed those purchases was long-lasting.

However, the side effect of retail therapy, for many, can start out as a relatively harmless mood booster but could possibly grow into an impulse that uses up money and cause conflict, thereby adding a significant amount of stress to a person's life.

(1) What can we know about Millennials according to the survey? A. They tend to max out their credit cards. B. They bear more stress than Baby Boomers. C. They are more likely to purchase to reduce anxiety. D. They have an advantage over Gen Xers in managing stress.
(2) Which of the following has topped the list when people have stress spent? A. Alcohol. B. Clothing. C. Jewelry. D. Electronics.
(3) What can be learned about retail therapy dealing with stress? A. It is harmless. B. It is highly recommended. C. It promotes personal relationship. D. It can serve as a temporary solution.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Can Shopping Relieve Stress? B. Where is Your Money Going? C. Shopping Habits across Generations D. A New Cure for Depression
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