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A happy beagle(小猎犬) called Bella loves Amazon boxes. It tears into them while ignoring other delivery boxes. Little Bit, a tortoiseshell cat, is similarly consumed—but by socks. It raids(偷袭) the laundry basket in the middle of the night and also paws through the open suitcases of house guests, who almost always find themselves missing a sock in the morning. Pets do some pretty weird things. But these strange behaviors often make perfect sense to the pets, said scientists who study animal behaviors. "These behaviors are not invented on the spot, " said Carlo Siracusa, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. The pets are doing behaviors that their wild ancestors did, but they've changed them a bit to fit their new lives as pets.

Dogs can be trained to roll over and play dead. But their ancient instincts from their wolf ancestors are still there. Instincts, or instinctive behaviors, are behaviors that are done without thinking. They don't have to be learned. For example, some dogs will scratch the ground after pooping(排便). But they're not trying to bury their poop. They want other animals to notice it. "They are depositing smell in those areas, " Siracusa said. "It's almost like drawing a picture with a big red marker around it, " he added.

Cats, on the other hand, almost always bury their waste. "They are covering their tracks, " says Monique Udell, an expert on human-animal interactions who works at Oregon State University. Cats are predators, meaning they hunt other animals for food. But other animals hunt them, too. So they don't want to be seen-or smelled. Mikel Delgado, the founder of a California-based cat behavior consulting service, said that many other cat behaviors, arise from cats' wild origins.

While dogs share many behaviors inherited(继承) from wolves, they've also developed a few of their own. "Puppy dog eyes", the innocent look that many humans are helpless to resist, is one. Over the time period that they've lived with people, dogs have developed certain muscles around their eyes. This helps them make the adorable expressions that win over humans. Like wolves, dogs also like to lick faces. Humans think their pets are kissing them, but they are not. "It's how wolf puppies get food from their parents' mouths, "Siracusa said. "It also can be a sign of submission. When a lower-ranking individual approaches a higher-ranking one, it gets down real low and licks the dominant one to say: 'I'm not a threat to you. '"

(1) What has been done to introduce the topic in Paragraph 1? A. Telling a story. B. Making a comparison. C. Presenting research results. D. Criticizing pets' bad behaviors.
(2) Which can best replace the word "depositing" in Paragraph 3? A. leaving B. hiding C. removing D. detecting
(3) Which statement summarizes the fourth paragraph? A. Pet cats bury their waste because their wild ancestors did so. B. Humans like the fact that their pet cats bury their waste. C. Cats are uninterested in keeping a low tone. D. Cats have changed a lot after becoming pets.
(4) How do wolves show submission to dominant wolves? A. Wolves run energetically around dominant wolves. B. Wolves show dominant wolves "puppy dog eyes". C. Wolves beg food from dominant wolves. D. Wolves lick dominant wolves' faces.
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Imagine reading a story titled "Pursuing Success". That would be an inspiring story, wouldn't it? Maybe—but maybe not. It might well be the story of someone whose never ending chase for more and more success leaves them unsatisfied and incapable of happiness. Though it isn't a conventional medical addiction, for many people success has addictive properties.

Obviously, success goes with praise. To a certain extent, praise stimulates the neurotransmitter dopamine (神经递质多巴胺), which contributes to all addictive behaviors.

The desire for success may be born to human nature, but specialness doesn't come cheap. Success is tough work, and it requires bearing the cost of losing. In the 1980s, the physician Robert Goldman famously found that more than half of ambitious athletes would be willing to take a drug that would kill them in five years in exchange for winning every competition they entered.

Unfortunately, success is endless. The goal can't be satisfactory; most people never feel "successful enough". The high only lasts a day or two, and then it's on to the next goal. Psychologists call this the hedonic treadmill (享乐跑步机现象), in which satisfaction wears off almost immediately and we must run on to the next reward to avoid the feeling of falling behind.

People should get off the treadmill. But quitting isn't easy for addicts. For people hooked on substances, withdrawal can be a painful experience, both physically and psychologically. Research finds that depression and anxiety are common among outstanding athletes after their careers end. Olympic athletes, in particular, suffer from the "post-Olympic blues".

Just like wine, success in and of itself is not a bad thing. Both can bring fun and sweetness to life. But both become bossy when they are a substitute for—a instead of a complement (补充物) to—the relationships and love that should be the center of our lives.

(1) What can be inferred from the first paragraph? A. Success doesn't always bring positive results B. A traditional, medical addiction leads to success C. The passion for constant success is rarely praised. D. Success addition has already drawn wide attention.
(2) Why did the author mention the research findings of Robert Goldman? A. To stress the key to success lies in efforts. B. To show success is a tough and cruel job. C. To argue that athletes deserve more rewards. D. To describe the routine training of an ordinary athlete.
(3) Which of the following is not part of the hedonic treadmill theory? A. Enjoying the beauty and love around you. B. Being offered a promotion at work. C. Having the house you want to live in. D. Eating the food you've been longing for.
(4) What can success bring to a success addict according to psychologists? A. Satisfaction and a sense of pride. B. Anxiety and short-lived happiness. C. Relaxation and endless motivation. D. Confidence and permanent happiness.
(5) What does the author suggest people do about pursuing success? A. Stop chasing success. B. Chase success at any cost. C. Reflect on what matters in life. D. Give up love and relationships.
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The Right Electric Bike For You

The bicycle fever is back, but this time it has gone electric. According to NPD Group which tracks the bicycle industry, electric bike sales have more than doubled since 2019. And their popularity is still on the rise. Confirm your need and pick the electric bike that's best for you.




Swagtron EB5

◆Such e-bikes are designed to make short trips, adding to the rider's comfort and ability to see. The electric assistance allows you to travel easily and comfortably.

◆Those looking for alternatives to driving around the town. They're lighter than most motorcycles. making them perfect for carrying groceries and laptops.

Specialized Turbo

◆These e-bikes use the same light structure and narrow wheels as conventional touring bikes. The electric motor makes it possible to cover longer distances.

◆Riders who are eager for more challenging cycling or want to extend the riding distance. The riding position may discourage those with back or neck pain.

RadWagon 4

◆With strong structure and fat wheels, they transport relatively heavy loads, which can be equipped with a seat or rack (支架).

◆Anyone who would prefer to transport large loads of groceries or packages(or even small kids) with something other than a car.

Ancheer EM

◆With stronger structure, bigger wheels, and suspension systems that absorb the impact of rough rides, they can handle rough landscapes.

◆Someone who wants to experience the excitement of riding down dirt tracks but also wants a bit help from an electric motor.

(1) Which magazine is this text probably taken from? A. Techlife News.    B. Muscle & Fitness. C. How It Works.    D. Consumer Reports.
(2) Which is most suitable for someone who wants to challenge long-range tours? A. Swagtron EB5. B. Specialized Turbo. C. RadWagon 4. D. Ancheer EM.
(3) What can we learn about the electric bikes? A. Designs of electric bikes are based on travel purposes. B. Electric bikes are more popular than conventional bikes. C. Riders of these electric bikes put speed in the first place. D. The trend of electric bikes replacing cars can't be prevented.
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Natural. High quality. Unique.

That's Almased.

Selected ingredients (原料), an exceptional mix and production process: that's how we create the unique Almased effect.

➢ Combination of ingredients that's more effective than individual nutrients.

➢ No artificial flavourings, fillers or sweeteners.

➢ Supports fat-burning during digestion.

➢ Supports resistance to common diseases.

Many products promise what only Almased can deliver. In order to achieve the unique Almased effect, it takes more than just mixing soy, yogurt and honey. The recipe for our Almased powder is as simple as it is unique: high-quality and natural soy, honey and yogurt.

SOY|The high-quality non-GMO soy (非转基因大豆) used in Almased is an environmentally friendly, sustainable source of plant protein. A single serving of Almased supplies 27 grams of protein.

HONEY|Unlike most regular honey, which is heat-treated, the raw honey in Almased is bursting with freshness even after it is canned. The honey's natural ingredients are still living and active when you open the can.

YOGURT|Cows that are naturally fed can even in turn encourage grass growth. This is why Almased sources its milk and yogurt from happy cows in Ireland and northern Germany, where they live in green grasslands.

Being a natural product, Almased has a very plain taste and can be prepared in many different ways. Whether you like it sweet or fruity, there are no limits to how you flavour it. This ensures Almased doesn't get boring and suits your personal taste perfectly. So quick and easy to prepare, Almased can be fitted into your daily routine with ease.

(1) If you are on a diet, Almased could be a good choice because                . A. its nutrients are easier to absorb B. it can help burn fat C. secret ingredients are included D. it cures common diseases
(2) Why does Almased stand out among other similar products? A. It manages to mix different ingredients together. B. Selected ingredients can stay fresh as ever. C. Soy, yogurt and honey are specially treated. D. Superior natural materials generate uniqueness.
(3) What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Almased can replace our regular routine diet. B. It's hard to make Almased appeal to everyone. C. There seem various ways of serving Almased. D. Almased has just the same taste as plain yogurt.
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