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Foods high in sugar are unhealthy, but these additives are too delicious for many of us to give up or reduce in a way. What if we could somehow enjoy their taste without actually eating them? A student team has now designed a spoon with a structure that stimulates taste buds(味蕾)to produce a sense of sweetness without adding calories or chemicals. The project follows previous work involving flavor-enhancing cutlery like chopsticks that increase sweetness with a mild electric current. 

The five undergraduate and graduate research students wanted to create a new spoon called Sugarware for people with such disorders as diabetes, with which sugar is largely off their menu. 

The new spoon would have several bumps(凸起) on its underside to press against the tongue. The bumps can be covered with a permanent layer of molecules(分子)called ligands. These ligands bond with taste-cell receptor proteins that typically react to sugar molecules or artificial sweeteners. The bond can activate nerve signals, causing the brain to register a sense of sweetness. A diner could thus stimulate sweetness receptors without actual intake of sugar or artificial sweeteners. 

This idea is similar to the previous work in that they all use cutlery to enhance taste without a user having to actually consume any sugar. "But the mechanism for stimulating the taste buds is completely different, " Shiyu Xu, one of the student researchers, says, " It uses bumps and taste-bud-stimulating molecules rather than electricity. "

The idea is "very creative, " says Paola Almeida, who is the global director of corporate innovation at candy maker Mars. But the product's commercial success would require a significant behavioral shift among consumers: instead of adding the usual sugar or artificial sweeteners, " now we're saying. 'Use this cutlery. '" Almeida says, "It remains to be seen whether flavor-enhancing cutlery will catch on. "

(1) What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. How the new invention works. B. How a diner feel sweetness. C. How ligands and proteins link. D. How sugar molecules function.
(2) In what way is the previous flavor-enhancing cutlery different from Sugarware? A. It makes food more delicious. B. It sends out signals to the brain. C. It uses electricity to enhance taste. D. It reduces users' food consumption.
(3) What is Paola Almeida's attitude to the future of Sugarware? A. Positive. B. Uncertain. C. Critical. D. Worried.
(4) What's the best title of the text? A. Struggling for Low Sugar?-Try This Spoon B. Looking for Delicious Food?-This is How C. Working for Commercial Success?-Be Creative D. Dieting for Better Health?-Mind Sweeteners
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Buying clothes for a special event, hiding the price tickets and returning them to the store the next day has for years been the method of economical shoppers. Today people are doing it just for social media.

A survey conducted by the credit card company Barclaycard revealed that nearly one in ten UK shoppers admits to buying clothing only to post photos on social media for likes. After the "outfit (装束) of the day" makes it online, they return it to the store. According to Barclaycard, the "try before you buy" policy of online retailers (零售商) where people pay for clothing they order online after they try it on at home could be contributing to this rising trend.

But the rise of social media has meant that everyone, not just superstars, expects to build and maintain a personal brand. Since we're documenting our lives and posting them online for public judgment, getting caught in the same outfits more than once should be avoided. And the cost of all those outfits of the day adds up, which makes returning a popular way.

There are brands that tailor clothes specifically for social media shoppers, like Fashion Nova. "These are clothes made for social media: meant to be worn once, photographed and abandoned," Allison P. Davis wrote in her report about the brand. Another favorite of the social media age is Rent the Runway, which lets customers rent designer clothing for a fee.

Some, however, are moving in the opposite direction. Groups promoting "work uniforms" have increased greatly in recent years, aiming to free women from "the annoyance of clothing decisions". The concept of the "capsule wardrobe" (胶囊衣柜), which calls for purchasing a small number of high-quality pieces instead of lots of trendy throwaway clothes, is also making a comeback.

(1) What does the survey by Barclaycard indicate? A. Some Britons send outfits back after shoots. B. Britons try on clothes before online purchases.

C  Britons follow the fashion stars closely.

D. Some Britons over-order and return clothes.

(2) What's Fashion Nova's special service? A. Renting chargeable designer clothes. B. Offering customers single-use clothes. C. Creating unique shopping experiences. D. Helping shoppers improve their clothing style.
(3) What's the idea behind the "capsule wardrobe"? A. Better fewer, but better. B. Less addition, but more enjoyment. C. Less uniform and more freedom. D. More choices and less annoyance.
(4) What's the purpose of the author to write the text? A. To compare different wearing trends. B. To criticize the "try before you buy" policy. C. To advocate buying high-quality clothes. D. To introduce Britain's new wearing trend.
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2. 阅读理解

As a worrying number of youngsters take up vaping(电子烟), the Government has announced a crackdown on laws to stop kids from becoming addicted to the dangerous habit.

Disposable(一次性的) vapes are now set to be banned in the UK as part of the Prime Minister's new legislation(立法) to"stop youth vaping in its tracks". Recent research shows that one in five teens has now tried vaping, despite it being illegal for under-18s, and half of those who vape between 18 and 24 do so despite having no history of smoking.

Last year, figures showed the number of adults using e-cigarettes in the UK had risen to the highest rate on record at roughly 4.3 million Brits. According to the charity Action on Smoking and Health, almost 1,000 serious adverse reactions to vapes were logged, including five deaths linked to e-cigarettes in the last decade.

And it's not just over-the-counter vapes at the center of the country's vaping crisis —— fake e-cigarettes with deadly chemicals have sparked concerns. An investigation by the Mirror in 2023revealed one man's fears for his life after he suffered a collapsed lung as a result of a fake,unlicensed pack of vapes purchased from a corner shop in County Durham.

Alex Gittins, 31, thought he bagged himself a bargain but ended up in hospital just hours later. He said: "I noticed an awful chemical taste in the back of my throat, then five to 10minutes later I felt what was like a stitch. I'm lying in A&E thinking I was going to die."

A regular vaper was told he had just a one percent chance of survival after being left in need of a double lung transplant. Jackson Allard, 22, underwent the life-saving operation on January 1, putting an end to a series of serious health issues.

Medical expert Stephanie Hansen has voiced concerns about the unknown long-term effects of e-cigarettes. She said: "Vaping or e-cigarette use is relatively new, so we don't necessarily know a lot of the long-term effects of vaping and that's honestly one of the scariest things about it."

(1) What has the recent research found? A. 20 percent of UK teenagers have once vaped. B. It's against the law for teens to buy vapes. C. Vaping is commoner than smoking in the UK. D. 5 people died because of vaping last year.
(2) Why are two examples given in Paragraphs 5 and 6? A. To suggest it's easy to be addicted to vaping. B. To state vaping ruins people's health seriously. C. To indicate it's illegal to buy fake e-cigarettes. D. To show the number of people vaping is on the rise.
(3) Which of the following might Stephanie Hansen agree with? A. It remains to be seen in what way vaping affects people. B. It will be long before people know the bad effects of vaping. C. It matters to inform people of the potential danger of vaping. D. It is difficult to prohibit adults from buying e-cigarettes.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. Research into the habits of smokers in Britain. B. Causes of teens' addiction to vaping in Britain. C. British health issues drawing public attention. D. British government prohibiting disposable vapes.
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Eat right, exercise, avoid stress... These instructions are often considered to be the necessary ingredients (要素) for a long and healthy life. While these day-to-day habits and behaviors matter, a person's attitude to life—including, and maybe especially, the way he or she reacts to hardship—is arguably the more important side of the longevity (长寿) coin.

Faced with difficult times, a lot of people start drinking, smoking, abandoning exercise, cutting ties with friends, or making other unhealthy choices. These new habits can be hard to kick once the difficult Period has passed: However, certain qualities seem to safeguard some people from such risks. Experts say one quality consistently tops the list, that is, the being high on conscientiousness. Conscientiousness refers to someone who is organized, careful, and persistent (坚持的) in their goals. Conscientious people are planful and responsible. When they take on a task, they don't give up easily.

This may come as a surprise to those who assume carefree, take-it-easy types are most likely to avoid life's many injuries and injustices. "We actually found the most cheerful and optimistic people lived shorter lives," Martin, an expert, says. "Being worried or anxious all the time is a problem, but a little worrying—when you're thinking ahead~can help you to be better prepared. " Conscientious worriers tend to put their anxiety to good use: They make choices or changes in response to their concerns. Their worrying is productive, not pointless.

While conscientious people are not totally free of risks, they're clear about the risks they're going to take. These are folks who tend to wear their seat belts, stay away from heavy drinking or drugs, and avoid other sources of unreasonable risk. Conscientious people also tend to adopt and stick with healthy habits, and their awareness and diligence tend to lead them into healthy relationships and jobs. All of these tendencies promote a long and healthy life.

(1) Which of the following can be an example of "being high on conscientiousness"? A. Tom has set a lot of goals and is afraid of failure. B. Jenny is always anxious and sleepless when in trouble. C. Jane always adopts a take-it-easy attitude to difficulties. D. John often plans well to avoid possible trouble before a trip.
(2) A small amount of worrying may ________. A. help avoid injustices B. lead to a big problem in life C. contribute to better preparations D. develop into a feeling of anxiety
(3) What is the text mainly about? A. Hardship is helpful in shaping peopled qualities. B. Conscientiousness has a great impact on longevity. C. Habits and behaviors are more important than attitudes. D. Staying away from risks can promote a long and healthy life.
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