
Overspending can be defined as spending beyond one's means, and is not rarely seen nowadays. According to a recent report, more than one-fourth of adults surveyed in 2020 had one or more bills that they were unable to pay in full that month.

While every individual's spending habits are unique to their circumstances, a few common potential issues tend to be responsible for overspending.

Lifestyle creep, a financial trap, where you spend more money as you make more money, for example, often accounts for unrecognized overspending. Individuals that lack a decision-making process for making purchases can also find it difficult to control their spending.

Media and advertisements can also lead to overspending. Marketing strategies aim to create a feeling of scarcity (稀少) for consumers with phrases like "almost sold out" or "two tickets remaining" when they are making online purchases. Emails from favorite sellers can give consumers the impression that they are saving money by taking advantage of a sale, and roadside billboards can lead individuals to make impulsive (冲动的) purchases.

Social pressures to enjoy dinners out and vacations with family and friends may be a push for younger people, who see others enjoying these activities through social media platforms like Instagram. "People think spending makes you happy," Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia and chief science officer at Happy Money, says. "But for many people, it's these values of being true to yourself that make you happy."

Dunn notes that, "Failures in self-control in the finance can cause dire consequences. Financial stress, for example, has been linked to physical health struggles, problems in close relationships, and stress in retirement."

"Dealing with overspending should start in bite - size pieces. Small and manageable changes over time are more likely to stick to in the long run. Instead of relying on willpower, setting specific goals and building a foundation with a budget is an effective way." adds Dunn.

(1) Why is a recent report mentioned in paragraph 1? A. To explain what overspending is. B. To stress the harm of overspending. C. To tell a way to stop overspending. D. To show overspending is common.
(2) What do paragraphs 3~5 mainly talk about? A. Possible causes of overspending. B. Typical unhealthy spending habits. C. Some unavoidable financial traps D. Issues resulting from overspending.
(3) What does the underlined word "dire" in paragraph 6 probably mean? A. Pleasant. B. Controllable. C. Terrible. D. Acceptable.
(4) What is Elizabeth Dunn's advice on overcoming overspending? A. Making a reasonable budget. B. Relying on personal willpower. C. Setting grand and general goals. D. Starting changing on the whole.
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Based on 2023's new book releases, we have a feeling that we'll be reading all year long. Below, we re highlighting just a few of the new books coming out in 2023 that you may want to check out.

The People Who Report More Stress

By Alejandro Valero$24.18

Alejandro's first novel The Town of Babylon came out in 2022, and this forthcoming short story collection, full of memorable personalities, explores similar themes: community, relationships, modern incredible life, racism and parenthood.

When Trying to Return Home

By Jennifer Maritza McCauley$25.11

Spanning (跨越) between Puerto Rico, Pittsburgh, Louisiana and Miami, this short story collection explores the complexities of belonging and the true meaning of home. Each individual story and the themes mentioned are written through the Black American and Afro-Latino experiences.

The Last Tale of the Flower Bride

By Roshani Chokshi$43.70

Roshani Chokshi's first surprising novel for adults is a fairy tale-filled story about marriage and the secrets couples keep from each other. That, and an enchanted (施过魔法的) house off the coast of Washington and hotel fortune.

I Have Some Questions for You

By Rebecca Makkai$27.90

Imagine if your life was the stuff of a true crime documentary. Bodie Kane has tried to move on past the 1995 murder of her boarding school roommate. When she returns to the boarding school as an adult, Bodie realizes there are still mysteries about how the case was wrapped up and justice was served.

(1) What do we know about The People Who Report More Stress? A. It's the second expensive of the four. B. It's Alejandro Valero's first novel. C. It consists of some short stories. D. It deals with several different themes.
(2) What is special about When Trying to Return Home? A. It explores community, relationships and so on. B. It tells the true meaning of home by experiences. C. It tells an enchanted house off the coast of Washington. D. It describes how a Black American returns to his home.
(3) Which of the following books best suits a detective story lover? A. The People Who Report More Stress B. When Trying to Return Home C. The Last Tale of the Flower Bride D. I Have Some Questions for You
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New research has found that young adults who smoke both tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes appear to have a higher risk of stroke than those who only smoke tobacco.

Carried out by researchers at George Mason University, the new study looked at 161 ,529 participants aged 18 to 44 years of age, who were surveyed about their cigarette and e-cigarette use.

The researchers also calculated the participants' risk of experiencing a stroke, taking into account factors such as how much participants smoked, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol levels, body mass index and physical activity levels.

The findings, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, showed that the participants who smoked cigarettes and used e-cigarettes were nearly two times more likely to have a stroke compared to current cigarette-only smokers, and nearly three times more likely than non- smokers.

The team also found that participants who used only e-cigarettes had a lower risk of stroke than those who smoked only tobacco cigarettes. In fact, those who used e cigarettes on their own did not have a significantly greater risk of stroke than nonsmokers.

However, the researchers failed to find any clear benefit from switching from cigarette smoking to using e- cigarettes,even though many people believe that e- cigarettes are a "healthy" alternative to cigarettes, and a way to help smokers kick the habit. They also noted that the nicotine dependence and toxicity associated with e-cigarettes is worrying, particularly among young adults who smoke them for fun and the range of flavors.

"It's long been known that smoking cigarettes is among the most significant risk factors for stroke. Our study shows that young smokers who also use e-cigarettes put themselves at an even greater risk," explained lead investigator Tarang Parekh, MBBS, MSc."This is an important message for young smokers who perceive e- cigarettes as less harmful ones and consider them a safer alternative. We have begun understanding the health impact of e-cigarettes and concomitant cigarette smoking,and it' s not good."

"Our findings demonstrate an additive harmful effect of e-cigarettes on smokers' blood vessels, hearts and brains,"explained Parekh.

"Consider this study as a wake-up call for young vapers, clinicians, and healthcare policymakers. There is an urgency to regulate such products to avoid economic and population health consequences and a critical need to conduct further research on the benefits and risks of smoking cessation alternatives," warned Parekh.

(1) What does the text belong to? A. A science fiction. B. A news report. C. A short story. D. A public announcement.
(2) What can we know about the participants? A. A few elderly people were surveyed. B. Some of them are non smokers. C. All of them use cigarettes and e-cigarettes. D. They have a lower risk of stroke than others.
(3) What does the underlined word "perceive" in Paragraph 7 mean? A. think B. practise C. predict D. receive
(4) What did the the new research find? A. Smoking cigarettes is among the most significant risk factors for stroke. B. E-cigarettes are a "healthy" alternative to cigarettes. C. Smoking both tobacco and e-cigarettes can make young adults at an greater risk of stroke. D. It is beneficial to switch from cigarette smoking to using e-cigarettes.
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The Best Smart Water Bottles of 2023 for Better Hydration (补水)

You can expect to pay between $20 and $120 for a smart water bottle. Less-expensive options may include some smart features, like Bluetooth connectivity, hydration reminders, or a power bank that can charge your smartphone. If you're looking for more advanced smart features, like self-cleaning modes, hydration tracking through an app, or location-tracking, then you may want to consider a more expensive smart water bottle.

Best Overall: Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Frequent hydration reminders Wide range of sizes and colors | Location-tracking feature

Cons: No self-cleaning feature

Best Budget: ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Can be locked when not in use | Plays music | Easy to use with one hand

Cons: Can't track your water intake | Only comes in one size

Best Self-Cleaning: Larq Bottle PureVis

Pros: Long battery life | Modern design | Durable

Cons: Can't track your water intake

Best Durable: CrazyCap UV Water Purifier & Bottle

Pros: Two self-cleaning modes | Comes with a lifetime warranty (保修期) | Wide range of colors

Cons: Can't track your water intake | Only comes in one size

Best for Tracking Hydration: Gatorade Smart Gx Bottle

Pros: Large capacity Can be personalized | Set goals in the app

Cons: Not insulated (绝缘) | Might not be as durable

Best Lightweight: Monos Kiyo UVC Bottle

Pros: Durable | Long battery life | Modern design

Cons: Expensive

Best Rechargeable: Philips Water GoZero Self-Cleaning Smart Water Bottle

Pros: Self-cleaning | Dishwasher safe | Two-year warranty

Cons: Can't track your water intake

(1)  What do Larg Bottle PureVis and CrazyCap UV Water Purifier & Bottle have in common? A. They can track the amount of water you've drunk. B. They have the same self-cleaning modes. C. They cost much more comparatively. D. They are easy to take with.
(2)  Which of the following is probably the cheapest to get? A. Monos Kiyo UVC Bottle. B. ICEWATER 3-in-1 Smart Water Bottle. C. Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle. D. Philips Water GoZero Self-Cleaning Smart Water Bottle.
(3)  What is special about Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle? A. It can remind you of bottle cleaning. B. It's suitable for forgetful people. C. Its colors may match its designs. D. It comes only in one size.
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