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Based on 2023's new book releases, we have a feeling that we'll be reading all year long. Below, we re highlighting just a few of the new books coming out in 2023 that you may want to check out.

The People Who Report More Stress

By Alejandro Valero$24.18

Alejandro's first novel The Town of Babylon came out in 2022, and this forthcoming short story collection, full of memorable personalities, explores similar themes: community, relationships, modern incredible life, racism and parenthood.

When Trying to Return Home

By Jennifer Maritza McCauley$25.11

Spanning (跨越) between Puerto Rico, Pittsburgh, Louisiana and Miami, this short story collection explores the complexities of belonging and the true meaning of home. Each individual story and the themes mentioned are written through the Black American and Afro-Latino experiences.

The Last Tale of the Flower Bride

By Roshani Chokshi$43.70

Roshani Chokshi's first surprising novel for adults is a fairy tale-filled story about marriage and the secrets couples keep from each other. That, and an enchanted (施过魔法的) house off the coast of Washington and hotel fortune.

I Have Some Questions for You

By Rebecca Makkai$27.90

Imagine if your life was the stuff of a true crime documentary. Bodie Kane has tried to move on past the 1995 murder of her boarding school roommate. When she returns to the boarding school as an adult, Bodie realizes there are still mysteries about how the case was wrapped up and justice was served.

(1) What do we know about The People Who Report More Stress? A. It's the second expensive of the four. B. It's Alejandro Valero's first novel. C. It consists of some short stories. D. It deals with several different themes.
(2) What is special about When Trying to Return Home? A. It explores community, relationships and so on. B. It tells the true meaning of home by experiences. C. It tells an enchanted house off the coast of Washington. D. It describes how a Black American returns to his home.
(3) Which of the following books best suits a detective story lover? A. The People Who Report More Stress B. When Trying to Return Home C. The Last Tale of the Flower Bride D. I Have Some Questions for You
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Whenever you read text, you don't pay much attention to the way the information is presented — particularly the font (字体) choice. That's because your main objective is reading comprehension.

Although printing design is overlooked by most of us, it's crucial in making texts clear, readable and appealing for audiences. Beyond the visual aspect, research shows that fonts play a significant role in the cognitive (认知的) processes while we read. A font's impact on the way you learn and keep information might be hard to notice consciously, but your brain is certainly tuned in. Perhaps surprisingly, hard-to-read fonts such as Bodoni or Comic Sansor are better for preserving information than fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. Participants recalled more information from the material they read when it was presented in a font that was difficult to read, according to a 2010 study.

"Difficulty can function as an alarm signal, giving the reader a sense that the task is challenging and will require mental effort," says Daniel Oppenheimer, a professor of Social and Decision Science. "Additionally, slowing down the reading speed to deal with the dis-fluency may help readers spot errors in a text. Hard-to-read fonts, which make it harder to engage with a material but don't actually draw away the reader, therefore generate "desirable difficulty"— and the resulting cognitive trouble may improve performance because they require more mental effort."

Font characteristics such as style, size and color play a role in information retention or recall, as well, because font design is vital to our familiarity — or unfamiliarity — with a given word, says Stephen Banham, a typography lecturer. Experiments have demonstrated a relationship between font size and memory: large font items may predict higher recall regardless of style, but very small font sizes can also introduce a desirable difficulty.

A document's specific method of formatting information also makes an impact. Using font styles like bold or italics to indicate significance can also improve information possession. That's because people are better able to remember information they consider important. Researchers found that bolded text has a higher recall than text in italic or regular styles, regardless of the font size. However, if an entire document is bolded, the emphasis is lost, and readers can no longer spot vital passages.

(1) What do fonts mainly affect according to paragraph 2? A. Text difficulty. B. Printing design. C. Readers' interests. D. Information recall.
(2) Which one shows the relationship between font size and memory? A. B. C. D.
(3) Which method should be avoided for emphasis when formatting information? A. Bolding the whole text. B. Repeating key words. C. Using an italic font. D. Applying big font.
(4) What's the purpose of this text? A. To compare different fonts. B. To identify font characteristics. C. To show font's influence on reading. D. To explore font and reading difficulty.
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The British Council builds connections. understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language

We work directly with individuals to help them gain the skills, confidence and connections to transform their lives and shape a better world in partnership with the UK. We support them to learn English, get a high-quality education, gain internationally recognized qualifications and eventually build networks and explore creative ideas.

We are looking for people who believe in the integrity and value of what we do. In return, you will get the chance to try new ideas, develop your skills, and think independently. You will be part of a rapidly changing organization with global influence and impact.

Location:London, UK

Role Purpose

·To maintain and improve professional development and academic quality in the teaching center

·To promote and ensure quality teaching and effective learning of English

·To provide learners with a rewarding and interesting English language learning experience. To support the wider aims of the British Council and its cultural relations mission



·A minimum of 3 years' full-time(or equivalent part-time) teaching experience to children.

· High proficiency in English (IELTS 8.5, TOEFL 120 or equivalent

· Effective communication with young learners and their families


· 2 + years' experience as an IELTS examiner

· Experience in an operational or educational management position

Enquire about the post can be sent to BC Teacher Recruitment@ British council. org. cn.

(1) Which of the following best summarizes the main mission of the British Council? A. Helping individuals to realize their academic potential B. Bettering people's lives through language, arts and culture C. Promoting English as the official language in the world D. Reducing cultural misunderstanding across the countries
(2) What is a must to be admitted into the council? A. The independence in critical thinking B. The experience as an IELTS examiner C. The capability of educational management D. The ability to communicate with young people.
(3) Where is the text most probably taken from? A. A travel blog. B. A news report C. A job advertisement. D. A tourist guidebook.
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"Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World" by Cal Newport is an exploration of the challenges posed by our modern, digitally-driven environment and the strategies one can employ to achieve focused success. Newport researches the concept of deep work, emphasizing its critical role in an era marked by constant distractions.

The book addresses the common issue of information overload and the impact of shallow tasks on productivity. Newport argues that the ability to engage in deep, concentrated work is essential for success. The author supports his claims with research, including experiments comparing brain connectivity patterns during deep work and shallow tasks. 

Newport's work agrees with earlier studies, confirming that handwritten notes outperform (胜过) typed ones in academic performance. Beyond academia, Newport presents evidence of the cognitive (认知的) benefits of deep work.

The book provides practical strategies for integrating deep work into one's professional life, advocating for routines and intentional changing of the brain to resist distractions. Newport introduces concepts like productive meditation (冥想) and the craftsman approach to tool selection, offering readers actionable advice to enhance their focus and productivity.

"Deep Work" has won widespread praise for its insights into productivity in a distracted world. Many praise Newport's thorough research, combining neuroscience with practical advice. Readers appreciate the real-world examples, from Carl Jung's focused mindset to a social media pioneer's distraction-free writing journey.

In conclusion, "Deep Work" stands as a valuable guide for navigating the challenges of the digital age. Newport's exploration of deep work as a catalyst (催化剂) for success, supported by research and concrete strategies, has left a lasting impact on how individuals approach their professional and personal lives. It serves as a timely reminder to prioritize focus and concentration in an era defined by constant connectivity and distractions.

(1) What kind of writing is this passage? A. A book review. B. An advertisement. C. A science report. D. A psychological research.
(2) How does Cal Newport support his claims about the benefits of deep work in the book? A. By sharing personal experiences. B. By providing practical strategies. C. By doing experiments on brain connectivity. D. By integrating deep work into one's professional life
(3) What does Newport advocate as a strategy in "Deep Work"? A. Selective tools. B. Inflexible mind. C. Changeable routines. D. Productive meditation.
(4) What does the author want to tell us in the book? A. Achieving success through focus. B. The necessity of handwritten notes. C. The drawbacks of constant connectivity. D. An analysis of modern workforce challenges.
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