1. 阅读理解

The British Council builds connections. understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language

We work directly with individuals to help them gain the skills, confidence and connections to transform their lives and shape a better world in partnership with the UK. We support them to learn English, get a high-quality education, gain internationally recognized qualifications and eventually build networks and explore creative ideas.

We are looking for people who believe in the integrity and value of what we do. In return, you will get the chance to try new ideas, develop your skills, and think independently. You will be part of a rapidly changing organization with global influence and impact.

Location:London, UK

Role Purpose

·To maintain and improve professional development and academic quality in the teaching center

·To promote and ensure quality teaching and effective learning of English

·To provide learners with a rewarding and interesting English language learning experience. To support the wider aims of the British Council and its cultural relations mission



·A minimum of 3 years' full-time(or equivalent part-time) teaching experience to children.

· High proficiency in English (IELTS 8.5, TOEFL 120 or equivalent

· Effective communication with young learners and their families


· 2 + years' experience as an IELTS examiner

· Experience in an operational or educational management position

Enquire about the post can be sent to BC Teacher Recruitment@ British council. org. cn.

(1) Which of the following best summarizes the main mission of the British Council? A. Helping individuals to realize their academic potential B. Bettering people's lives through language, arts and culture C. Promoting English as the official language in the world D. Reducing cultural misunderstanding across the countries
(2) What is a must to be admitted into the council? A. The independence in critical thinking B. The experience as an IELTS examiner C. The capability of educational management D. The ability to communicate with young people.
(3) Where is the text most probably taken from? A. A travel blog. B. A news report C. A job advertisement. D. A tourist guidebook.
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Welcome to WSU Libraries! In this guide, we'll unlock the mysteries of call numbers and location prefixes. Knowing these helps you quickly locate and access your desired

Call Numbers

Books and material are arranged on our shelves according to the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. These call numbers uniquely identify and organize items near other material on the same or similar subjects. Consider the call number: LB2395 C65 1991.

●LB defines the subject area. The call letters are typically arranged in alphabetical (字母的) order, starting from A and continuing through the alphabet. Knowing the letter(s) for your subject area gives you a place to start browsing the shelves. For example: A—Special request General Works; B—Special request Special request Philosophy, Psychology, Religion; D—Special request World History; G—Geography; H—Special request Social Sciences; J—Special request Political Science; K—Special request Law; L—Special request Education; M—Special request Music; N—Special request Arts; P—Special request Language and Literature; Q—Special request Science...For more, click here.

●2395 is the classification number, which further distinguishes the subject matter. Read as a whole number: 1, 2, 3, 45, 100, 2430...

●C65 is the Cutter number and usually represents the author's last name. Find C, then 

65. Read the number as a decimal (小数).

●1991 is the year of publication.

Location Prefixes

Some call numbers have a location prefix. I ocation prefixes mean that the book or material is shelved in a special place, and may have loan restrictions. WSU uses the following prefixes:



Library Location

Loan Period


Circulating Collection

2nd floor, 3rd floor, and 4th floor

21-day loan


Reference Collection

1st floor, Reference Area

Library-use only


Reserve Collection

1st floor, Circulation Area

Library-use only



2nd floor, Learning Resources Center

Special request

(1) Which book may be identified under the call number "NU238 C719 2013"? A. An Introduction to Modern Art. B. The ABC of Computer Science. C. The Recycling of Waste Oils. D. A Short History of France.
(2) What would be he Cutler number if you are looking for a book by Whitney Sherman? A. C78. B. S53. C. W67. D. L59.
(3) Where can you find the book "Res AG243 G87 1992"? A. On the 2nd or 4th floor of the library. B. In the Reference Area on the 1sl floor. C. In the Circulation Area on the 1st floor. D. At the Learning Resources Center on the 2nd floor.
阅读理解 未知 普通

The sounds of the Northern Lights have been a mystery to scientists for over a century. But now it seems that a researcher has figured out how auroras (极光) really make sounds. "It has pretty much been confirmed all over the world," "historian Fiona Amery said. "In Canada, Norway and Russia, they are all hearing very much the same sounds." "The auroras can occur hundreds of kilometers above the ground, which strengthens opinions that their sounds are just a false impression," said Fiona. Many scientists argued that auroras were too far away to hear and that any sound would take several minutes to reach the ground, so it was impossible for them to change in time with the auroras.

However, other scientists were convinced that the Northern Lights really made noises. In the 1920s, Canadian astronomer Clarence Chant first suggested a mechanism by which they could occur: The motion of the aurora caused changes in the electrification of the atmosphere that created crackling sounds close to the ground. Almost 100 years later, Clarence's suggestion seems close to what could be the true reason for the sounds.

In 2012,an expert named Unto Laine showed a recording of auroral sounds after years of monitoring auroras. In 2016, he announced the mechanism that makes the sounds: an inversion layer(逆温层) of cold air in the atmosphere that can form below an aurora and a short distance above the ground in calm weather.

Unto argues that visible changes in the aurora cause changes in the inversion layer, causing accumulated electricity to discharge as sparks (火花) that create sounds that can be heard. That explains how the sounds correspond with the aurora 's visible movements 一they begin to happen in the inversion layer only about 75 meters above the observer.

(1) What are the words Fiona said in Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. The existence of the sounds of the Northern Lights. B. The need to make full use of the Northern Lights. C. The problems caused by the Northern Lights. D. The cause of the Northern Lights.
(2) What can we learn about Clarence's suggestion in the 1920s? A. It matched a lot of old ideas. B. It was well recognized then. C. It might be of great value. D. It was a total failure.
(3) How does the author convey his idea in the text? A. By listing research numbers. B. By making comparisons. C. By providing explanations. D. By giving examples.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. Can We Enjoy the Northern Lights? B. Do the Northern Lights Make Sounds? C. Why Should We Study the Northern Lights? D. How Do the Northern Lights Come into Being?
阅读理解 常考题 普通
3. 阅读理解

Across the world, young people are shaping the future in many fields. Their ideas are transforming communities and society. Here's a look at the achievements of four inspirational young leaders.

Kwiri Yang

Kwiri is the founder and CEO of LifeGyde, an online platform for young people to seek advice, guidance and support. She has an impressive track record of supporting individuals and small businesses.

She first helped immigrant owners of small businesses in California. When she developed anxiety and depression, Kwiri realized how many people, like her, were struggling with their mental health — and LifeGyde was born.

Abi Ramanan

Abi is the co-founder and CEO of ImpactVision, a software platform that uses machine learning to reduce food waste.

ImpactVision's technology uses digital imaging to take a picture of food and analyze its nutritional value and freshness. The system aims to reduce waste while also improving food safety. As technology advances, the sensors it uses are reducing in size and price, and could soon be integrated into everyday devices.

Oana Toiu

Oana is the founder and general manager of Social Innovation Solutions, which offers training and consultancy in social innovation.

She's also on the Board of Directors of The Entrepreneurship Academy, where students work in teams, learning about business by running real businesses under the guidance of a team coach.

Doreen Kessy

Doreen is CEO of Ubongo, a multi-media educational platform in Africa. Using the power of entertainment and mass media, the company provides educational material at low cost and high volume.

Some 6.4 million households in 31 countries currently watch, listen and learn from Ubongo's cartoons each week, with improved outcomes in maths and school readiness.

(1) What is Kwiri Yang's achievement? A. She found a cure for mental diseases. B. She established a company on immigration. C. She supported the young in their mental health. D. She set up an online learning platform for kids.
(2) Which field does Abi Ramanan's platform mainly focus on? A. Health care. B. Education. C. Technology. D. Food safety.
(3) What do these four people share in common? A. They are young, energetic and wealthy. B. They create jobs for many young people. C. They made contributions to communities. D. They encouraged the young to do business.
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