
Welcome to WSU Libraries! In this guide, we'll unlock the mysteries of call numbers and location prefixes. Knowing these helps you quickly locate and access your desired

Call Numbers

Books and material are arranged on our shelves according to the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. These call numbers uniquely identify and organize items near other material on the same or similar subjects. Consider the call number: LB2395 C65 1991.

●LB defines the subject area. The call letters are typically arranged in alphabetical (字母的) order, starting from A and continuing through the alphabet. Knowing the letter(s) for your subject area gives you a place to start browsing the shelves. For example: A—Special request General Works; B—Special request Special request Philosophy, Psychology, Religion; D—Special request World History; G—Geography; H—Special request Social Sciences; J—Special request Political Science; K—Special request Law; L—Special request Education; M—Special request Music; N—Special request Arts; P—Special request Language and Literature; Q—Special request Science...For more, click here.

●2395 is the classification number, which further distinguishes the subject matter. Read as a whole number: 1, 2, 3, 45, 100, 2430...

●C65 is the Cutter number and usually represents the author's last name. Find C, then 

65. Read the number as a decimal (小数).

●1991 is the year of publication.

Location Prefixes

Some call numbers have a location prefix. I ocation prefixes mean that the book or material is shelved in a special place, and may have loan restrictions. WSU uses the following prefixes:



Library Location

Loan Period


Circulating Collection

2nd floor, 3rd floor, and 4th floor

21-day loan


Reference Collection

1st floor, Reference Area

Library-use only


Reserve Collection

1st floor, Circulation Area

Library-use only



2nd floor, Learning Resources Center

Special request

(1) Which book may be identified under the call number "NU238 C719 2013"? A. An Introduction to Modern Art. B. The ABC of Computer Science. C. The Recycling of Waste Oils. D. A Short History of France.
(2) What would be he Cutler number if you are looking for a book by Whitney Sherman? A. C78. B. S53. C. W67. D. L59.
(3) Where can you find the book "Res AG243 G87 1992"? A. On the 2nd or 4th floor of the library. B. In the Reference Area on the 1sl floor. C. In the Circulation Area on the 1st floor. D. At the Learning Resources Center on the 2nd floor.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

The topic of "crossing your legs" has been hotly discussed on the Internet recently. The truth is that crossing one leg over the other, a common sitting posture preferred by many people, may actually do harm to one's health. So while seated, try not to do so any more.

Whether it is at the office, in a waiting room or relaxing at home, many people' s go-to posture is one leg over the other, crossed at the knee. If you're like many of us, you spend too many hours of your day seated and for most of that time, you have crossed your legs for comfort.

One study found that people who sat with their legs crossed for more than three hours a daywere more likely to lean forward and to round their shoulders. But the research relied on people's own estimations of how long they crossed their legs for.

When you cross your legs, you are putting compression and pressure on your leg and knee joints and nerves. The way you sit is a huge determinant of your health and the way your body moves and functions. Sitting with your legs crossed leaves your hips uneven and forces your pelvic bone(盆骨) to rotate. Therefore, the longer you sit in this uneven position, the more pressure is placed on your knee and spine(脊柱), increasing the likelihood that it will develop into a long-term issue.

If seated long, then more importantly for you, cultivate and develop a healthy habit of sitting position. And here are the followings. Switch sitting positions often. Take brief walks around your office or home. Gently stretch your muscles every so often to help relieve muscle tension. Keep your feet on the floor, with your ankles in front of your knees. Relax your shoulders; they should not be rounded. Keep your elbows in close to your body and let them be bent between 90 and 120 degrees. Make sure that your back, thighs and hips are fully supported. Try doing those and maybe some of them fit you.

(1) Why do many people like to be seated "crossing their legs"? A. They do so just for sort of ease. B. They want their legs to take up more space. C. They think it's a power move. D. It is a common sitting posture preferred by the most.
(2)  Which of the following may not be the "harm " that the long "cross-legged" position leads to? A. Your hips are in an unbalanced position. B. Your spine supports more pressure. C. Your pelvic bone is forced to rotate. D. You may lean forward.
(3)  How many proposals does the author speak about to those seated long in the text? A. 9. B. 7. C. 5. D. 3.
(4) What might the author mainly want to tell us? A. What a common sitting posture is. B. The cross-legged position is popular. C. Don't cross your legs any longer. D. Being seated long is unhealthy.
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China's top animator Tian Xiaopeng and his animation studio announced that they will be producing the much-anticipated live action film, The Three-Body Problem, based on the award-winning sci-fi novel by Chinese writer Liu Cixin.

Tian created China's 3-D animation milestone Monkey King: Hero Is Back in 2015. It grossed (获利) 956 million yuan in China, becoming the highest-grossing Chinese animation in the country's film history at that time. It had held the record until 2019 when it got broken by Coloroom Pictures Ne Zha that grossed more than five billion yuan.

Book fans of The Three-Body Problem had mixed reactions after hearing about Tian's involvement. Some expressed doubt about a studio that specializes in animation making a live-action movie. Others also argued that the universe described in the novel is too big and complicated for any filmmakers to portray on big screens. But some seemed optimistic about the new adaption, noting the impressive track record of Tian's previous works.

The book series talks about how human beings respond to alien invasion. It was published in China between 2006 and 2010, and sold more than one million copies. The first book in the series was awarded the Chinese Science Fiction Galaxy Award in 

2006. In 2014, an English translation of the first book by Chinese-American author Ken Liu, titled The Three-Body Problem, was published. A year later, Liu Cixin became the first Asian author to win the Hugo Award, the highest honor in science fiction and fantasy writing. 

The book series has developed various art and entertainment forms including stage dramas and radio shows. During Spring Festival in 2019, Guo Fan's The Wandering Earth, a film also based on a novel by Liu Cixin, had made over 4. 6 billion yuan at the box office domestically. It ignited huge public interest in the film project of The Three-Body Problem.

(1) What do we know about Tian Xiaopeng? A. He owns Coloroom Pictures. B. He is in charge of a popular film project. C. His animation held a domestic record in 2019. D. He is known for a sci-fi novel.
(2) Why do some people doubt about Tian's involvement? A. He is too optimistic. B. The plot of the novel is too long. C. His studio lacks similar experience. D. His previous works are disappointing.
(3) What does the underlined word "ignited" in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Stimulated. B. Affected. C. Disturbed. D. Reduced.
(4) What can we infer about the film project The Three Body Problem? A. It might win the Hugo Award. B. It will be translated by Ken Liu. C. Its production requires digital effects. D. It's the first film adaptation of Liu Cixin's novel.
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To those normal kids, it's not unusual to hear "Goodnight" when you kiss them, saying "Goodnight" to them. For most parents, it's just a storm in a teacup. However, for me it's opposite.

My son James, suffered from the autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas James is an exception.

 Pre-diagnosis, I'd give James a big kiss and whisper goodnight when putting James to bed. Post-diagnosis, the silence that I received in return was deafening. It had never occurred to me before to be concerned that when I said" Goodnight, James. I love you", my toddler said nothing in response.

I needed to hear him say something. My husband and 1 began to promote James to say goodnight back to us. "Say goodnight, Mommy. " For over a year, "Say goodnight, Mommy" was the parting routine of the day. Every night, it made me cry. I never got used to it. But I never gave up hope.

With more efforts one night, I'd hear something more organic come out of James's mouth. He dropped the "say"—and his response became "goodnight, Mommy" when James turned four. It was fantastic—but it was still prompted. At six, I got my first unprompted, "Goodnight, Mommy. I love you "Next to my wedding, and births of my children, this was the most exciting night of my life.

James, now eight, routinely kisses us goodnight and tells us he loves us. The other evening, after giving me a big hug and kiss. James told me, "You're a great mom! You're not a mom with feathers, or a mom with colors and markers. I'm glad you're a…a person!" I don't know if he had the book Are You My Mather? on his mind, or if this was just one of the many random thoughts that crossed my son's brain on a daily basis. 1 do know it was music to my ears.

(1) What do most parents think of a kiss goodnight from their normal children? A. It's an advanced conversation skill. B. It's a precious routine they treasure. C. It's a privilege they take for granted. D. it's a good way to recover from ASD.
(2) What did James behave after suffering from ASD at first? A. He was too talkative. B. He couldn't say anything. C. He daren't sleep alone. D. He was lack of security.
(3) What can we know about James' interaction before he goes to sleep? A. It has evolved over time. B. It always upsets his parents. C. It benefits face-to-face talk. D. It helps exercise James' mind.
(4) What may be the best title for the text? A. The Cycles of Life B. A Mom with Feathers C. The Symptoms of ASD D. Unusual Bedtime-Routines
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