1. 阅读理解

Whenever you read text, you don't pay much attention to the way the information is presented — particularly the font (字体) choice. That's because your main objective is reading comprehension.

Although printing design is overlooked by most of us, it's crucial in making texts clear, readable and appealing for audiences. Beyond the visual aspect, research shows that fonts play a significant role in the cognitive (认知的) processes while we read. A font's impact on the way you learn and keep information might be hard to notice consciously, but your brain is certainly tuned in. Perhaps surprisingly, hard-to-read fonts such as Bodoni or Comic Sansor are better for preserving information than fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. Participants recalled more information from the material they read when it was presented in a font that was difficult to read, according to a 2010 study.

"Difficulty can function as an alarm signal, giving the reader a sense that the task is challenging and will require mental effort," says Daniel Oppenheimer, a professor of Social and Decision Science. "Additionally, slowing down the reading speed to deal with the dis-fluency may help readers spot errors in a text. Hard-to-read fonts, which make it harder to engage with a material but don't actually draw away the reader, therefore generate "desirable difficulty"— and the resulting cognitive trouble may improve performance because they require more mental effort."

Font characteristics such as style, size and color play a role in information retention or recall, as well, because font design is vital to our familiarity — or unfamiliarity — with a given word, says Stephen Banham, a typography lecturer. Experiments have demonstrated a relationship between font size and memory: large font items may predict higher recall regardless of style, but very small font sizes can also introduce a desirable difficulty.

A document's specific method of formatting information also makes an impact. Using font styles like bold or italics to indicate significance can also improve information possession. That's because people are better able to remember information they consider important. Researchers found that bolded text has a higher recall than text in italic or regular styles, regardless of the font size. However, if an entire document is bolded, the emphasis is lost, and readers can no longer spot vital passages.

(1) What do fonts mainly affect according to paragraph 2? A. Text difficulty. B. Printing design. C. Readers' interests. D. Information recall.
(2) Which one shows the relationship between font size and memory? A. B. C. D.
(3) Which method should be avoided for emphasis when formatting information? A. Bolding the whole text. B. Repeating key words. C. Using an italic font. D. Applying big font.
(4) What's the purpose of this text? A. To compare different fonts. B. To identify font characteristics. C. To show font's influence on reading. D. To explore font and reading difficulty.
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Here are four famous museums for family visits in Washington DC.

Dinosaur Museum

The museum features evidence, facts and tons of amazing sculptures of some of the most powerful and sometimes scary animals that ever controlled the Earth. The artists used real dinosaur bones to form the reproductions so they are extremely life-like.

Witte Museum

Originally established in 1926, this museum offers guests a comprehensive look at a more than 3-century span (跨度) of history. Called the center where nature, science and culture meet, the museum prides itself on providing guests with immersive (沉浸的) experiences, such as being taken back to cowboy days in the Heritage Center or digging through sand to find dinosaur bones.

The best part? The museum is constantly switching out some exhibits to better suit the season and provide guests with a different experience each time they visit.

Museum of Illusions

Step inside a completely new world at Orlando's newest exhibit the Museum of Illusions! This unique educational attraction is the perfect combination of fun and art, allowing visitors of all ages to test the limits of their mind. Focused on planting the seeds of curiosity, the astonishing images at the exhibitions remind guests that everything is not always as it seems.

World's Largest Toy Museum

Release your inner kid and visit the World's Largest l oy Museum, which will take you back in time with one million toys from the 1800's to today. You'll surely be excited to check out your "hero" toys from your childhood. The tours are self-guided and guests are allowed to leave and return during the same day.

(1) Which of the museums is best at stimulating children's imagination? A. Dinosaur Museum. B. Witte Museum. C. Museum of Illusions. D. World's Largest Toy Museum.
(2) What can a tourist do in the Witte Museum? A. Visit some seasonal exhibits. B. Watch the dinosaur reproductions. C. Enjoy interacting with true cowboys. D. Learn about the museum's 300-year history.
(3) What can we learn about World's Largest Toy Museum? A. It displays the oldest toys in the world. B. It provides visitors with immersive experiences. C. It is meant for children with the theme of heroes. D. It allows tourists to come unlimited times in a day.
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National Public Radio (NPR) Music's Tiny Desk Contest is back. Artists can submit an entry from this morning. This isn't just another regular year of the Contest — it's the 10th anniversary.

The panel (小组) of judges has doubled in size compared to previous years. The panel has a group of industry experts who are eager to see what this year's participants can share. And there's a great team of NPR's Music station hosts on the panel: Amelia Mason, Novena Carmel and Stas THEE Boss.

Also new this year: Not only will the 2024 winner play a Tiny Desk concert, be interviewed on All Things Considered and go on tour with NPR Music — they'll also be paired with a tutor in the industry who will help them navigate their music journey. Our judges are determined to give this year's winner the support they'll need to take their music to the next level. The winner will also be featured at two festivals this summer: Celebrate Brooklyn and the Millennium Park Summer Music series in Chicago.

And for the first time this year, the Contest is introducing a fan favorite vote. Later this spring, Contest judges will share their favorite entries as part of the annual Tiny Desk-Contest Top Shelf series on YouTube — and then artists and fans will be able to vote for their favorite among those selections. 

Here's how to enter: Record a video of you playing one original song — behind a desk, upload your video to YouTube, and submit the video on our Tiny Desk Contest website by Feb. 21 at 11: 59 p. m.

A final reminder: Entry videos don't need to be fancy. The Tiny Desk is where artists go to simplify their big productions. Contest judges are looking for artists to submit something that's true to them and brand new to the Tiny Desk.

(1) Who are most likely among the judges? A. News station hosts. B. Expert musicians. C. Contest participants. D. Famous industrialists.
(2) What will the winner get as an award? A. Sightseeing tours. B. Festival souvenirs. C. Unlimited support. D. Professional guidance.
(3) What is required of the contest entry? A. It has to be a masterpiece. B. It must convey positive feelings. C. It must be recorded behind a desk. D. It has to be submitted before Feb. 21.
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3. 阅读理解

Angus Neish dared to hope that his fine-looking cattle, bred at Rodmead Farm in Wilt-shire, would nab a prize at the Royal Bath and West Show last month. The annual fair, held near Shepton Mallet, in Somerset, is England's oldest and grandest. As well as a fiercely competitive livestock parade, it features Morris dancing, sheep-shearing and a vintage fairground. Its pony-chariot races are second to none. Many contestants performed vigorously before a large crowd. 100, 000 turned out for some of the three-day show. 

Britons love a fair. No one is sure exactly how many shows there are across the country, but at least 400 days of such rural events happen annually across the country. Roughly one in ten Britons attend them each year. It appears their popularity is rising. 

In late June, it was the turn of the Royal Highland Show, near Edinburgh, where 217, 000 people—breaking a record set in 2019-rolled up. It is estimated that the event last year boosted nearby businesses by almost &40m($51m). 

Why do people go?Nostalgia(怀旧)is evidently a draw. At Bath and West, as colored flags flapped, visitors formed queues, bought cream teas and listened as a military band played wartime hits. Rural shows also have a purpose. Many fairs were founded to spread the knowledge of new farming technology among rural populations. Some of that mission lives on. 

A secondary goal is to better educate those who flood in from towns and cities—urban folk make up a decent share of those who pack the grounds. Some consumers also come armed with powerful knowledge of food supply chains—as well as sometimes picky personal preferences for organic, local, animal-friendly and environmentally sound products. Laura Williams, of the Royal Welsh Show, notes that visitors are"much more invested in farming and interested in where their food comes from"than in years past.

A last purpose, naturally, is for farmers to excel against their rivals in friendly competition. In this respect, Mr. Neish enjoyed an utterly successful day. In a first for Bath and West, his cattle scooped all four of the top prizes on offer in their categories. Such victories do not bring immediate, large financial rewards, but should boost the reputation of his breeding program. 

(1) What do we know about the fair last month? A. It saw high attendances. B. It was a monthly show. C. It was a fierce art competition. D. It conveyed British moral values.
(2) What's the purpose of the shows? A. To narrow the urban-rural gap. B. To promote wartime hit records. C. To offer an insight into farming. D. To erase competition among farmers.
(3) What will Mr Neish gain from Bath and West? A. An instant profit. B. Marketing strategies. C. A chance to advertise. D. An academic reputation.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Rural shows:Victors' stage B. Masses of farmers:True winners C. Farm products:Sweeping British D. Fun of the fair:Gaining popularity
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