
Imagine the busy streets of New York City, an enormous place with millions of people. Every day, the streets are crowded with people going about their daily lives. Now imagine a small robot in the middle of all of those people. Most people would not even notice the ten-inch smiling robot, called a Tweenbot, rolling along the busy sidewalk. This strange machine may interest some people, while others would ignore it completely. A researcher interested in studying how helpful people really are uses such robots in her experiments.

The Tweenbots experiment is the idea and creation of Kacie Kinzer, which was to make a robot that could navigate the city and reach its destination only if it was aided by pedestrians. Tweenbots rely on the kindness of warm-hearted strangers. Made simply of cardboard, wheels, and a device to turn the wheels, the Tweenbots face many dangers on the city streets. They could be run over by cars or smashed by careless kids. Each of Kinzer's robots is fitted with a flag that displays instructions for the robot's destination. The only way these robots will reach their final point is if someone lends them a hand. Tweenbots are essentially a social experiment aimed at providing people a chance to show how caring they are.

On a daily basis, people in New York City are often in a hurry to get around. However, the Tweenbots, through their inability to look after themselves, took people out of their normal routines. The people who noticed the helpless little robots were actually interested in helping the Tweenbots find their way home. Tweenbots move at a constant speed and can only go in a straight line. If one was to get stuck, or was going in the wrong direction, it would be up to strangers to free it or turn it in the right direction. Surprisingly, no Tweenbot was lost or damaged, and each one arrived at its target in good condition. In fact, most people treated the robot in a gentle manner, and some even treated it as though it were a small living being.

(1) What's the purpose of Kinzer's experiment? A. To promote Tweenbots' flexibility. B. To test people's kindness. C. To improve Tweenbot's sense of direction. D. To highlight people's sense of responsibility.
(2) What does the writer want to show by listing many dangers in paragraph 2? A. How careless the kids are. B. How dependent Tweenbots are. C. How crowded New York is. D. How dangerous the car drivers are.
(3) What can a Tweenbot do? A. Free itself when stuck. B. Turn at the crossroads. C. Instruct the strangers its destination. D. Move at an unchanging speed.
(4) What does the last paragraph mainly talk about? A. Tweenbots' popularity. B. Tweenbots' inability. C. The result of the experiment. D. New Yorkers' normal routines.
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Whether you fancy six months away in Southeast Asia, or a few smaller trips around Europe, a gap year is a perfect opportunity to see more of the world. Travelling looks good on your CV, too! Here are some cheap gap year destinations

Italy -Flights to Italy can be quite cheap. On top of that, making your way across the country can be done on a budget by bus or ride-sharing. Keep an eye on tourist tax for your accommodation, as it's charged on top of the usual tariff(关税). To avoid this, you could give couch-surfing a go

Slovenia -Perfect for enthusiasts of the great outdoors, Slovenia is famous for its rolling hills and beautiful lakes. You can see most of these for free. Think Switzerland but affordable. It makes for an ideal stop if you're travelling Europe by train during your gap year

Argentina - Argentina has it all: mountains, beaches, desert, busy cities and more. Public transport is very affordable and domestic flights aren't too extremely priced either. While the north is a lot cheaper than the south, it's worth visiting the Patagonian mountain range during the high season(December to February)

Morocco-From beautiful cities like Marrakesh to the Sahara Desert, Morocco has so much to offer. It doesn't have to cost a fortune either as the food is very cheap. And you can avoid any over-priced Sahara tours offered on the street by asking your hostel for recommendations

(1) What should you pay special attention to when travelling Italy? A. Flights. B. Accommodations. C. Tourist tax. D. Shared rides.
(2) Which place is most suitable for outdoor lovers? A. Italy. B. Slovenia. C. Argentina. D. Morocco
(3) What do Argentina and Morocco have in common' A. Cheap food. B. Economical hostels. C. Adventure activities. D. Diverse landscapes.
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A self-described "girly girl", nine-year-old Zandra Cunningham was constantly begging her parents for the latest beauty products. One day her dad simply told her "no", which inspired her to make her own.

Zandra has been recognized by Entrepreneur magazine as one of the youngest millionaires in America. When asked about her experience as a child entrepreneur(企业家), Zandra says, "It wasn't frightening. When you're young, you don't have that fear mentality. ‘Maybe it's not going to work' never really crossed my mind." For Zandra, it became a challenge to separate her personal interest from what her customers actually wanted. "There were a lot of things that I felt were good ideas, but they wouldn't fit into the market," she says. Being part of the market herself, Zandra felt she had a unique perspective that allowed her to truly listen and respond to her customers.

It started as a hobby for Zandra and her mom. They'd play around with different ingredients until they found formulas they liked "through trial and error". Slowly, they started transforming the pastime into a brand. Zandra began selling her products at local markets, and a few years later—when Zandra was 12 years old—the family started a shop for Zandra Beauty. At the time, Zandra Beauty was one of the first brands to offer plant-based and organic beauty products at an affordable price. The 21-year-old has essentially grown up alongside her brand—but her goals have remained the same: "Our main focus is to push out amazing products that are safe for everyone and the earth."

"There're so many brands doing similar things, but there's still so much room to grow," says Zandra. "Your customers are out there, and you just have to find something that's going to set you apart."

(1) What can be inferred from Zandra's words in paragraph 2? A. Her young mind made her fearless. B. Her parents supported her greatly. C. She had much precious experience. D. She was always very caring.
(2) Which of the following is the most important in Zandra's opinion? A. Sharing her personal interests. B. The diversity of hobbies. C. Changing the global market. D. The need of customers.
(3) What kind of product does Zandra mainly pursue? A. The one that is cheap and useful. B. The one that is enjoyed by her mom. C. The one that is created by trial and error. D. The one that is reliable and eco-friendly.
(4) What is Zandra's attitude towards the future of her brand? A. Hopeful. B. Concerned. C. Doubtful. D. Relieved.
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On a Sunday morning in 2008. Vic Gundotra received a call during a religious(宗教的)service. It was from Steve Jobs, Apple's former CEO. He didn't answer, but Jobs left a message saying he had something important to discuss. Gundotra returned his call almost immediately.

"Hey Steve, this is Vic, " he said. "I'm sorry I didn't answer your call earlier I was in religious services, and the caller ID said 'unknown', so I didn't pick up. "

Steve laughed, saying, "Vic, unless the caller ID said 'God', you should never pick up during services. " Vic Gundotra laughed nervously. Although Steve used to call him during the week when he was upset about something, it was unusual for him to call on Sunday and ask him to call his home. He was worried what had happened.

"Vic, we have an urgent(急迫的)problem. I've already asked someone from my team to help you and I hope you can fix this tomorrow, "said Steve. " I've been looking at the Google logo on the iPhone and I'm not happy with the icon(图标). The second O in Google doesn't have the proper yellow color. It's just wrong and I'm going to have Greg fix it tomorrow. Is that OK with you?"

The CEO of Apple, who revolutionized(革新)personal computers, the way we listen to music and the way we think of mobile devices, was worried about the yellow in the second "O" in Google!

Needless to say the problem was fixed, and Vic Gundotra says it taught him a lesson on leadership and attention to detail. "It was a lesson I'll never forget, " said Gundotra. "CEOs should care about details. Even shades of yellow. On a Sunday. "

(1) Where was Vic Gundotra when Steve Jobs called him? A. At home. B. In his office. C. In a church. D. In a gym.
(2) According to the passage, what's the Vic's job? A. A secretary of Steve Jobs. B. A manager responsible for mobile applications at google. C. A mechanic who fixes mobile phones. D. Steve Jobs' driver.
(3) What was Steve Jobs' problem? A. He found the second letter missing in an icon. B. He was not happy with the design of Apple's icons. C. A letter in an icon didn't appear in the right color. D. He was worried about Google's unfavorable reaction
(4) What did Vic learn from Steve Jobs? A. One should not miss the phone call in any case. B. One should put his heart into work. C. One should be responsible for the mistake he made. D. One should care about details.
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